Pilotos da ADESCA disputam Nacional e Mundial de KartUm fim de semana importante para os pilotos da Associação Desportiva Caxiense (ADESCA): os pilotos Luiz Sena Jr, Fernando Vargas e Adriano Carboni estarão no Kartódromo Granja Viana (em Cotia/SP) disputando etapa do Nacional de Kart (NKR), promovido pela AMIKA, e também o Campeonato Mun ...
Invicto na Super F4, Murilo Fiore conquista o bicampeonato na Copa Brasil de Kart Dominante em toda competição, Fiore foi o único campeão a garantir o título com a pole position, e vitória nas três provas Somando mais uma importante conquista em seu histórico, Murilo Fiore (Mega Kart / Eiko / Café Cajubá / Garagem do Kart ...
Próximo do pódio, Gabriel Gomez completa ciclo da OK no Champions of the Future 2024 com a quarta posição na SuéciaA 0.095s da pole position entre os 100 pilotos, Gomez venceu Heats, completando a etapa em Kristianstad com bons pontos Vindo de grandes atuações na Fórmula 4 Espanha, Gabriel Gomez (CRG / BM Engines / DTR Mtorsport / MG T ...
KWC: Sena Jr. traz poles e vitórias na bagagemUma competição com alto nível de disputas:foi o que encontrou o piloto caxiense Luiz Sena Jr. (ADESCA) Campeonato Mundial de Kart (KWC) e Nations Cup, disputados no Kartódromo Granja Viana em Cotia (SP) na última semana.Apesar de toda a competitividade do evento, com 300 pilotos de 30 nacionalidad ...
Entre estreia e pódios, a GG Motorsport completou a 8ª Etapa do Light em InterlagosPenúltima etapa realizada em Interlagos trouxe a estreia de Pietro Tornieri na equipe, e novos pódios de Sanzovo e Hahn na SprinterDepois de diversos pódios no ano durante a Copa São Paulo Light de Kart, a GG Motorsport viveu uma etapa de novas conquistas, entr ...
GG Motorsport encerra temporada de 2024 com pódios em Interlagos, na dupla etapa final do LightSete pódios em três categorias, marcam o encerramento de mais um ano de trabalhos no kartismo brasileiroCom uma semana de trabalhos intensos no Kartódromo de Interlagos, a GG Motorsport completou mais uma temporada de competições, com as atividades ...
Murilo Fiore é Campeão da Copa São Paulo Light 2024, garantindo o quarto título na temporadaFechando o ano com chave de ouro, o atual campeão Brasileiro e da Copa Brasil de Kart, conquistou seu primeiro título no Light pela F4 GraduadosLiderando o campeonato desde o início das etapas em Fevereiro, Murilo Fiore (Mega Kart / Eiko / Pizza Crek ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina conquista o vice-campeonato Brasileiro de Shifter GraduadoE nesta semana o jovem piloto enfrenta a final da Copa São Paulo Light e da Stock Series numa maratona de corridas de kart e carro de turismo Um final de ano mais movimentado para o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina. Na última semana ele integrou o Grupo 3 da 59ª ediçã ...
Murilo Fiore encara os desafios da Cascavel de Prata neste final de semanaEm casal, o piloto paranaense dividirá o comando do Celta 255 com sua noiva Bia Martins, em mais um desafio no circuito de CascavelA temporada de 2024 vai se aproximando do fim, e ainda sim trazendo novas experiências no automobilismo brasileiro para Murilo Fiore. Atual cam ...
GG Motorsport é campeã da Graduados no Paranaense de Kart com Gabriel SanoSano, Croce e Chimelo conquistaram pódios em Londrina, na véspera do Brasileiro de KartEm uma semana marcada pelo intenso calor entre os dias de treinos e das classificatórias, a instabilidade da chuva no sábado deu um tom a mais de disputa nas provas finais da 60ª Edi ...
Show de ultrapassagens, e incrível recuperação marca o primeiro Mundial de Kart KZ2 de Gabriel Gomez, em PortugalProblemas com os pneus na Tomada de Tempos, fez o piloto brasileiro sair de nonagésimo segundo, para a décima quarta posição na prova FinalVivendo uma semana de altos e baixos no Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve, Gabriel Gomez ...
A pilota Anna Luiza Pimpão representou muito bem as mulheres no Brasileiro de kart e foi finalista da competição, com 58 competidores.Anna Luiza Pimpão faz boa escalada no Brasileiro de KartDos 58 participantes a pilota encerrou a 59ª edição do campeonato nacional na 14ª posiçãoAnna Luiza Pimpão foi uma das quatro representantes feminina ...
Murilo Fiore é Tricampeão Brasileiro de Kart em BiriguiCom a vitória na Super F4, o piloto paranaense comemorou o terceiro título brasileiro, e a conquista nos dois nacionais do anoBirigui, Beto Carrero, e novamente em Birigui, Murilo Fiore (Mega Kart / Eiko / Café Cajubá / Garagem do Kart / Fiore Motorsport) conquistou pela terceira ve ...
André Serafim no top-10 da Supertaça Internacional FIA KZ2 Masters em PortimãoCom um total de 189 pilotos oriundos de 31 países, o Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve, em Portimão, recebeu o Campeonato do Mundo FIA da categoria KZ, a Taça do Mundo FIA da categoria KZ2 e a Supertaça Internacional FIA da categoria KZ2 Masters. Nas duas últim ...
A partir de hoje até domingo no Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve Dez portugueses na Taça do Mundo FIA KZ2 e na Supertaça Internacional FIA KZ2 Masters em PortimãoCom cerca de 200 pilotos oriundos de 31 países, a partir de amanhã até domingo, o Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve, em Portimão, vai receber o Campeonato do Mundo FIA da ...
Mundial Karting KZ200 pilotos discutem títulos mundiais em PortimãoSem parar…é assim que se vive o mês de Outubro no Autódromo Internacional do Algarve e desta feita a competição ‘atravessa a rua’ e está novamente no Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve entre os próximos dias 10 e 13 de Outubro.Duas ...
GG Motorsport encerra Paranaense Light com vitória, pódios e título na preparação para o Brasileiro Excelentes desempenhos animaram os pilotos da equipe para as próximas competições em LondrinaSeguindo na preparação de seus pilotos para o Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart que acontece em Novembro no Kartódromo Luigi Borghesi, a GG Motor ...
Vice-campeão do Paranaense Light de Kart, João Paulo Sanzovo segue confiante para o Paranaense, e o Brasileiro de Kart em LondrinaCom novo pódio, piloto jauense garantiu o vice campeonato, e segue com foco total na busca dos títulos do Paranaense e Brasileiro Mantendo a sequência de pódios no ano, João Paulo Sanzovo (Jaú Serve Supermer ...
Champions of the futureAlgarve recebe elite do karting em Portimão O Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve recebe no decorrer da semana agora iniciada - entre os dias 25 e 28 de Setembro - uma ronda inédita do Champions of the Future, competição onde alinham nomes que no futuro estarão nas grelhas de partida d ...
Com vitórias e pódios, João Paulo Sanzovo se destaca entre as provas da Copa São Paulo e Paranaense LightNo “Top 5” da Copa SP Light, o piloto jauense soma quatro pódios no campeonato, e agora segue com o foco no Paranaense Light em Londrina Trazendo um segundo semestre de resultado positivos nas etapas da Copa São Paulo Light de Kar ...
Entre os nacionais e as competições paulistas, Fiore Motorsport se consolida no kartismo brasileiro com vitórias e títulos Sob o comando de Murilo Fiore, equipe vem se destacando com grandes resultados nos últimos meses, já com o foco no Brasileiro de Kart em BiriguiCampeã na Copa Brasil de Kart, vencedora nas últimas etapas do Circuit ...
GG Motorsport completa primeira participação no Paranaense Light com vitórias e pódiosInício da preparação para o Brasileiro de Kart em Londrina, teve vitórias de Croce, Sanzovo, Pontalti e ChimelloCom o foco na preparação de seus pilotos para a principal competição do ano no kartismo brasileiro, a GG Motorsport marcou presença na 3ª ...
No “Top 5” do Sul-Americano de Kart, GG Motorsport conquistou bons resultados com Croce e SamaniegoRafael Croce foi o detentor do maior número de ultrapassagens na prova finalEncarando os dias frios marcados pelas chuvas nos treinos livres, e o sol presente nos dias das provas, Rafael Croce e Alejandro Samaniego representaram a GG Motorsport e ...
Noah Monteiro, filho do conhecido piloto português Tiago Monteiro participou recentemente no Campeonato da Europa de karting, que teve lugar na Suécia, onde terminou na 8ª posição, sendo um dos melhores no top ten.Resultado final da 4ª Etapa do Campeonato Europeu de Kart - Kristianstad/Suécia (Top 10):01) 105 - Joe Turney (GBR) - 25 voltas02 ...
Quarta vitória, show de ultrapassagens, e a liderança isolada na F4 Graduados do Light para Murilo Fiore em InterlagosMantendo a invencibilidade no segundo turno do Light, piloto paranaense mantém sequência de vitórias consecutivas após o título na Copa Brasil de KartDando sequência no principal campeonato estadual do kartismo brasileiro, M ...
GG Motorsport conquistou seis pódios, com sucesso absoluto entre a Copa São Paulo KGV e o LightCom vitória na Granja Viana, e grandes desempenhos em Interlagos, a equipe colocou seus sete pilotos no “Top 10” de cinco categorias nas primeiras competições deste mêsTrazendo uma agenda intensa de competições no mês de Agosto, passando por ...
Gabriel Gomez é vice campeão Europeu de Kart, encerrando o campeonato com pódio na SuéciaCom as disputas das finais na chuva, piloto brasileiro garantiu novo pódio no ano, conquistando o vice campeonato pelo segundo ano consecutivo no kartismo europeuCompletando o ciclo de mais uma temporada o Campeonato Europeu de Kart como um dos principais ...
Pontalti Jr. mantém sequência de pódios da GG Motorsport, com quinto lugar na Copa BrasilPrimeiro nacional do ano realizado na Paraíba, teve Pontalti e Rafa Croce representando a equipe no Grupo 2 da competiçãoComeçando o segundo semestre da temporada de 2024 com um novo pódio, Pontalti levou a GG Motosport ao pódio da 25ª Edição da Cop ...
INTERNATIONAL KARTING STILL GOING STRONG International karting has been doing well for several years now. The trend was confirmed in the summer of 2024 with good participation figures at the Champions of the Future Euro Series in Sweden, a solid entry list for the next FIA Karting event at Kristianstad and record ...
DECISIVE FIA KARTING WEEKEND IN SWEDEN Three FIA Karting titles will be awarded at the event in Kristianstad, Sweden, from 1st to 4th August 2024 as part of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior and the FIA Karting Academy Trophy.The much-loved 1221m Åsum Ring circuit, will host this major eve ...
DRIVERS SET COURSE FOR MID-SEASON... The first two rounds of the 2024 Champions of the Future Academy Program, held in Cremona (Italy) at the end of March and Valencia (Spain) in May, have validated the new concept, recently launched by promoter RGMMC, which enables young talent to take part in a top-level international competition and t ...
COSTOYA AND PAROLIN IN GOOD FORM AT KRISTIANSTAD Parolin Motorsport showed its competitiveness in Sweden at the fourth round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series at Kristianstad. Christian Costoya finished 2nd in the OK-Junior Final, setting the fastest lap after a fine progression from the heats. William Ca ...
THIRD CONSECUTIVE CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE EURO SERIES HAT-TRICK The KR chassis' stranglehold on the OK category continues in the highly competitive Champions of the Future Euro Series. After the season-opening one-two in Valencia, the Italian brand has now taken three consecutive one-twos i ...
A DIFFICULT FIRST WEEKEND IN SWEDEN On the Kristianstad track, the fourth round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series was not accompanied by positive results for the OK drivers using Birel ART / TM Kart packages. Pedro Hiltbrand and Matheus Morgatto would have had an influence in the Final, but their performa ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina faz corrida de recuperação na final da 25ª Copa Brasil de KartA primeira fase da competição encerrou no domingo, no kartódromo Internacional Paladino, em Conde-PB Integrante da categoria KZ Shifter Graduados, o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) fez uma boa escalada na corrida final da Copa Brasil de Kart, depois de ...
RMCIT: AN UNMISSABLE SPORTING EVENT In very favourable weather conditions, the excellent organisation by 3MK Events in collaboration with BRP-Rotax enabled the 318 drivers from 44 nations on five continents taking part in the 2024 Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy to compete in an intense and spectacular event on the L ...
Suspense maintained before the final round in England Very exciting to follow, the Swedish event at Kristianstad allowed several drivers to reposition themselves, guaranteeing total uncertainty as to the future winners who will be celebrated in the United Kingdom. In the end, it was Ireland’s Fionn McLaughlin in the OK class and Belgiu ...
HOT ON THE TRACK AND UNDER THE HELMETS DURING THE RMCIT QUALIFYING HEATS In superb weather that got hotter and hotter, the 318 drivers racing in the 2024 Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy contested 33 Qualifying Heats before tackling the Super Heats on Saturday morning and selecting the finalists in the six categories ...
Lorenzo Kuhn homenageia Senna no Open da Copa BrasilCom o objetivo de conhecer a pista onde será disputada a Copa Brasil de Kart Lorenzo Kuhn participou do Open realizado em paralelo com o Campeonato Nordeste, no Circuito Internacional Paladino, de 11 a 13 de julho. Fã de Ayrton Senna, o piloto curitibano aproveitou a oportunidade para homenagear ...
GREAT SUCCESS FOR THE SWS INTERNATIONAL FINALS 2024 IN GENK The long-awaited meeting between the legendary Belgian circuit of Genk and the SWS International Finals exceeded the expectations of both organisers and competitors at the 13th edition of the world's biggest leisure karting event.The fruit of an incredibly successful ...
Junior Karting : le verdict tombe à AnnevilleEn Normandie, sur le circuit Lucien Lebret d’Anneville, la 5e épreuve du Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy a conclu une saison particulièrement positive en couronnant Maël Le Marchand Champion 2024.Tout le monde avait de quoi se réjouir de ce dernier rendez-vous au v ...
THREE CATEGORIES WITH THREE PODIUMS IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP AT MOTORLAND Parolin Motorsport, competing in the European KZ Championship, returned from the first round with a very encouraging top three thanks to Lorenzo Travisanutto's superb Final run. Other Parolin / TM Kart teams enjoyed similar success in Sp ...
ALBANESE AND KR ON THE EUROPEAN KZ CHAMPIONSHIP PODIUM Danilo Albanese, the 2023 FIA Karting European KZ Champion, has every intention of retaining his title in 2024. His top-class performance at MotorLand Aragón in Alcañiz showed that he has the potential to do so. The Italian finished 2 ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina alcança objetivo na estreia do FIA Karting European ChampionshipO primeiro, de três ROUNDS, foi concluído no Circuito Motorland Aragón, na Espanha Com foco no Mundial KZ, que será disputado no mês de outubro, em Portimão-Portugal, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) teve a primeira experiência no campeonato Europeu, no fin ...
VICTORY AND PODIUM IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP AT MOTORLAND ARAGÓN The European KZ, KZ2 & KZ2 Masters Championship got off to a late start at the beginning of July in Spain at the MotorLand Aragón circuit. The 1,671m track was a major first for the gearbox categories at this level, as were the relatively hard Dunlop Op ...
SODI TRIUMPHSIN KZ IN SPAIN The first FIA Karting meeting in the KZ categories began with a true verdict on the Sodi chassis, which took the lead in the three European KZ, KZ2 and KZ2-Masters Championships. On the MotorLand Aragón circuit in Alcañiz, Senna Van Walstijn dominated the KZ Final with the official team. Mattéo ...
INTENSE PACE IN SPAIN FOR THE KZ CATEGORIES Races in the gearbox categories are always unique in their intensity. In the rewarding setting of MotorLand Aragón, the first round of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - KZ, KZ2 & KZ2 Masters confirmed this impression throughout the breathless meeting. On Sun ...
INTENSE RACING IN THE HEATS AT MOTORLAND ARAGÓN The Qualifying Heats of the first round of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - KZ, KZ2 & KZ2 Masters began in fine, warm weather on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, but ended in the rain late on Saturday afternoon at the Spanish circuit of MotorLand ...
GUSTAFSSON, NOSOV AND ABBASSE ON POLE POSITION AT MOTORLAND ARAGÓN The first round of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - KZ, KZ2 & KZ2 Masters got underway at the MotorLand Aragón circuit in Spain with an intense Qualifying Practice in the early afternoon of Friday 5th July.The weather was fine and wa ...
Com a segunda pole position no ano, João Paulo Sanzovo conquista “Top 3” da Sprinter, na 6ª Etapa do LightResultados positivos em Interlagos, animam o piloto jauense para as disputas da segunda metade do campeonatoEm um ano de ascensão nas disputas da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart, João Paulo Sanzovo (Jaú Serve Supermercados / Ferrucci Eng ...
DRUMMOND 3RD IN THE OK CHAMPIONSHIP ON THE OPENING ROUND OF THE WSK EURO SERIES Between two European Championship events, the WSK Euro Series made its debut on the Franciacorta circuit last weekend. Parolin Motorsport did not miss this opportunity to train its young drivers and to continue its development work. Wh ...
Na liderança da F4 Graduados, Murilo Fiore vence mais uma do Light em Interlagos Campeão do primeiro turno, piloto paranaense abre a segunda metade da temporada de 2024, com a terceira vitória no campeonatoApós ser o maior pontuador entre as cinco etapas da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart realizadas até Junho, entre o primeiro turno, ...
Sul-americano de Kart: Campeões da OK FIA e OK Júnior terão premiação para disputa do Mundial de Kart na InglaterraIniciativa inédita foi anunciada por Fabiana Ecclestone, vice-presidente da FIA para o Esporte na América do Sul, durante a celebração dos 120 anos da entidade no Uzbequistão, no último mês. Regulamento já está disponíve ...
VICTORY ON ALL FRONTSFOR THE KR CHASSIS June was a particularly busy month for KR Motorsport and its partner teams, with three major international competitions in less than 30 days. Whether in the Champions of the Future Euro Series, the FIA Karting European Championship or WSK Promotion, v ...
ABBASSE RACING ON A SODI IN KZ2 MASTERS At 34, former official Sodi Racing Team driver Anthony Abbasse is now old enough to race in KZ2 Masters against some of the best drivers of his generation. He will be making his debut in this new category, reserved for drivers aged 35 and over during the year, at the FIA Karting Europea ...
GG Motorsport finaliza primeiro semestre do ano com pódios no Light, e na Granja VianaEquipe garantiu a quarta pole position na Copa São Paulo Light, somando aos pódios de João Paulo Sanzovo, Rafael Croce e Alejandro Samaniego nas duas últimas semanasO ano de 2024 completou sua primeira metade neste último final de semana, trazendo novos pód ...
DRIVERS AND TEAMS HAPPY TO BE BACK ON LECONT TYRES IN OK The WSK Euro Series kicked off in Franciacorta from 27th to 30th June. As a partner of the famous Italian promoter, the manufacturer LeCont supplied the OK category drivers with tyres, as it had done at the start of the season in the WSK Champion ...
GENK, THE "HOME OF CHAMPIONS" HOSTS THE SWS INTERNATIONAL FINALS 2024 The world's biggest leisure karting event is getting ready to take over one of the world's most famous racing venues. From 3rd to 6th July 2024, the legendary Genk circuit in Belgium will host the 13th edition of the SWS International Finals. The major annu ...
EYCKMANS AND BUSSO SET THE PACE IN THE HEAT OF FRANCIACORTA The 2024 WSK Euro Series got underway on the Franciacorta track with the hottest weekend of the season so far, with temperatures regularly in excess of 30°. The Birel ART Racing Team drivers achieved very positive results in OK. Ean Eyckmans returned to ...
ANDY CONSANI SHINES IN FRANCIACORTA 24 hours only after returning from the 3rd round of the European Championship in Slovakia, young Frenchman Andy Consani was back on the road for Round 1 of the WSK Euro Series in Franciacorta, Italy.A track Andy knows well, where he finished 9th in 2023 for the OKJ World Championship.After ...
ANOTHER SOLID PERFORMANCE IN SLOVAKIA FOR PAROLIN MOTORSPORT Weekends come and go and they don't always resemble each other in terms of results, but performance remains a constant for the Parolin Motorsport team. Miguel Costa's 9th place in the OK class, William Calleja's excellent 6th place and Christian Costoya' ...
IS KARTING A STORY OF NATIONS? Last weekend's Belgian hat-trick of FIA Karting victories at the Slovak Ring provides an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between nationality and karting, one of the most individualistic sports there is.Let's start by looking at the figures to see which countries have the b ...
SODIKART STRENGTHENS ITS INVOLVEMENT IN COMPETITION As part of its long-term presence in international competition, the Sodikart group is giving its Racing Team a new impetus through a refreshed structure, new investments and expanded technical and human resources. For the French company, the aim is to open up new prospects i ...
KZ CATEGORIES TO DISCOVER THE SPANISH TRACK OF MOTORLAND ARAGÓN The first of the two rounds of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - KZ, KZ2 and KZ2 Masters will head to Spain from 4th to 7th July 2024.MotorLand Aragón, a beautiful 1671m-long circuit, was used by the CIK-FIA between 2008 and 2013 for the dir ...
A 100% KR TOP EIGHT IN SLOVAKIA, WITH TURNEY LEADING THE WAY The KR chassis and IAME engines dominated the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship in OK in the sunny conditions of the Slovak Karting Center. Thibaut Ramaekers triumphed in the colours of the VDK Racing team ahead ...
MORGATTO VERY FASTIN SLOVAKIA Matheus Morgatto once again put in an excellent performance in OK last weekend on the Slovak Karting Center circuit, where the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship took place. Delayed by contact at the start of the Final, he nevertheless managed to finish in the top th ...
THREE BELGIAN WINNERS IN SLOVAKIA! The final day of the FIA Karting meeting at the Slovak Karting Center was bathed in sunshine without excessive heat and the races were even more intense in these excellent conditions. In a rare circumstance there were three winners from one country - Thibaut Ramaekers in OK, Dries Van Langen ...
VARIED WEATHER AND LIVELY RACING AT THE SLOVAK KARTING CENTER The weather has changed considerably since Friday at Orechová Potôň where the heat has given way to changeable conditions that have evolved during the day from rain to sunshine in temperatures of between 20 and 26° at the Slovakia Karting Center. Matheus Morgat ...
FIRST HEAT OF THE YEAR DURING QUALIFYING IN SLOVAKIA As the first day of summer, the Slovakian weather was in line with what is usually expected this time of year. On the Slovak Karting Center circuit, Qualifying for the third round of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior and the second round ...
ORGANISING A KARTING COMPETITION: PASSION VS REALISM Karting, an accessible and instructive mechanical sport, has evolved into a highly demanding discipline. Drivers are now trained athletes, and the teams are highly professional. However, the question remains: is it really worthwhile for a circuit to organise an ...
A MAJOR DEBUT FOR FIA KARTING IN SLOVAKIA The third competition of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior and the second competition of the FIA Karting Academy Trophy will take place from 20th to 23rd June 2024 in Slovakia at the Slovakia Karting Center.The Slovakian competition will see another ...
Murilo Fiore conquistou dois vice campeonatos no Troféu Ayrton Senna, com a pole position na OK FIARepresentando a MEGA Karts, Fiore colocou chassis nacional em destaque diante aos equipamentos importados da categoria OK FIAEnfrentando um duplo desafio em um final de semana quente na cidade de Birigui, interior de São Paulo, Murilo Fiore (Mega Ka ...
Junior Karting : expérimentation du mode essorage à VarennesSur le circuit international Jean Brun de Varennes-sur-Allier, la 4e épreuve du Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy a constitué le rendez-vous le plus intense de la saison. À ce jour...Les éléments ont conspiré pendant presque tout le week-end pour offr ...
Lorenzo Tanner Kuhn: Raça e superação na final da Copa Beto CarreroPiloto conquista o vice-campeonato pela categoria ROK e mira a vaga para o Mundial na ItáliaNão foi um final de semana fácil para o piloto Lorenzo Tanner Kuhn, na etapa decisiva da Copa Beto Carrero de Kart, em Penha-SC. Mas, o curitibano, de apenas 8 anos de idade, mostrou ra ...
Siccob Norte MT se junta à Rogério Grotta nas disputas da F4 Brasil 2024Empresa reforça apoio ao piloto que representa o estado do Mato Grosso no automobilismo brasileiroVivendo um ano de intenso aprendizado, evolução, e resultados expressivos na sua primeira temporada competindo na principal categoria de fórmulas do país, Rogério Grot ...
Anna Luiza Pimpão é piloto Grupo JáO contrato assinado com a empresa distribuidora de materiais de construção permitirá o melhor desenvolvimento da atleta no esporteEmbora ainda pequena a participação das mulheres no automobilismo brasileiro aumentou nos últimos anos. Além de ações promovidas pela FIA (Federação Internacional de Autom ...
SLOVAKIA RING / STEEL RING, SAME BATTLE! The discovery of the Slovakia Ring in the Champions of the Future Euro Series is reminiscent of that of the Steel Ring in Trinec last year. These two Eastern European circuits, which appeared on the FIA Karting calendar for the first time a year apart, share many similariti ...
SENSATIONAL PODIUM FOR DAVID COSMA CRISTOFORIN SLOVAKIA After progressing steadily and effectively in Mini and then Junior over the last few years, David Cosma Cristofor set out in OK-Senior in 2024 with determination. In the most difficult category of international karting, the one in which many great drivers have made their ...
LES RUDES BATAILLES DU VAL D’ARGENTON FONT MONTER LA PRESSION EN NSK Le Val d’Argenton n’a pas failli à sa réputation de sélectivité lors de la 2e épreuve National Series Karting 2024 du 30 mai au 2 juin. L’intensité de la compétition s’est maintenue jusqu’au terme des finales et la physionomie ...
Erick Lutum vence, e assume a vice-liderança da Sênior no LightFaturando a pontuação máxima na etapa, Lutum somou os pontos da pole, vitória, e as duas melhores voltas do final de semanaTricampeão da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart, Erick Lutum (CRG / DTR Motorsport / MG Tires) viveu um novo final de semana vitorioso no Kartódromo de Interlag ...
Murilo Fiore tem rodada tripla do Light marcada por pole, vitórias e pódio na F4 GraduadosAcidente na última volta da corrida 2, prejudicou a busca pela vitória de mais uma etapa em InterlagosLiderando o campeonato desde a primeira etapa, Murilo Fiore (Mega Kart / RBC / Eiko / Café Cajubá / Garagem do Kart / Fiore Motorsport) completou ...
SLOVAKIAN VICTORY FOR COSTOYA IN CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE On a track that is virtually unknown to everyone and that challenges current standards, under changing weather conditions, adaptation was an essential quality for obtaining good results. That was the beauty of Christian Costoya's victory in the OK-Junior cla ...
GG Motorsport mantém sequência de pódios, com Rafael Croce e Fernando Khoury em InterlagosRodada tripla trouxe novos pódios, e bons desempenhos entre as cinco categorias que a equipe foi representada em mais uma etapa do LightFrio intenso mesmo com a presença do Sol, muitas provas, disputas, grandes desempenhos e novos pódios para Fernando Kh ...
NEW CIRCUIT, NEW SUCCESS FOR KART REPUBLIC The KR-IAME teams continue their winning run in the Champions of the Future Euro Series with a third victory in three races in OK and a return to the lead in OK-Junior. By finishing 3rd behind Noah Baglin after some incredible comebacks, Niklas Schaufler regai ...
Mais um pódio para Alfredinho Ibiapina na Copa São Paulo Light Alfredinho Ibiapina mantem regularidade na KZ Shifter Graduados (Eni Alves)Com esta conquista o piloto sobe duas posições na tabela de classificação da KZ Shifter Graduados No último sábado (01), no kartódromo de Interlagos, a quarta etapa da KZ Shifter, pela Copa Sã ...
STRONG PERFORMANCE FOR MORGATTO IN SLOVAKIA Matheus Morgatto was undoubtedly one of the best OK performers last weekend on the Slovak Karting Center circuit, the venue for the third round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series.The CL Racing Team's Brazilian driver immediately got to grips with the Slovakian tr ...
A grand debut in Slovakia and races full of twists and turns Rising from the ashes in 2020, the Slovakia Ring provided the backdrop for Round 3 of the Champions of the Future Euro Series, which has now moved into the second half of the 2024 season. The uncertain weather conditions of the first day gave way to incessant duels and intense ...
WELL DONE CHARLESAND THANK YOU! It's hard to talk about Charles Leclerc's victory in Monaco last Sunday in the midst of a torrent of news and commentary on the subject. But it's impossible for us not to feel overwhelmed by emotion when so many memories come flooding back.We've been lucky enough to follow Charles s ...
Com dois pódios, GG Motorsport completa mais uma etapa da Copa São Paulo KGVFiorentino conquista mais uma vitória no ano, com Samaniego no pódio da Rotax MaxO mês de Maio vai chegando ao fim com vitória e pódios para a GG Motorsport, que no último sábado esteve presente nas disputas de mais uma etapa da Copa São Paulo de Kart da Granja Vi ...
Les Juniors font le show à MirecourtLa 3e épreuve du Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy a révélé des progressions intéressantes parmi les 28 pilotes présents à Mirecourt. Globalement, les écarts de performance se réduisent et de nouveaux noms apparaissent en haut des feuilles de résultats comme ceux de Maté ...
RENDEZ-VOUS CRUCIAL AU VAL D’ARGENTON L’intensité promise par le championnat NSK en 2024 va s’incarner plus particulièrement dès la seconde épreuve de la saison qui sera également l’avant-dernière. Il n’y a pas de temps à perdre pour marquer des points importants du 30 mai au 2 juin au Val d’Arg ...
THE 100TH EDITION OF KARTCOM SELECTION Launched in February 2022, the Kartcom Selection newsletter is now on its 100th edition, having been published weekly for over two years. Its distribution has quickly found a large and loyal audience throughout the world, while generating more visits to www.kartcom.com. ...
DREAM RACING, UN RENOUVEAU DÉJÀ FRUCTUEUX EN 2024 Sur la lancée de 2023, Dream Racing poursuit son offensive sur plusieurs fronts avec son nouveau line-up de pilotes 2024. Grâce à son professionnalisme reconnu, l’équipe française emmenée par Yanis Dubail et Adrien Renaudin compte déjà plusieurs victoires à son actif pour sa ...
THE IKR IN MID-MAY: DRIES VAN LANGENDONCK IN THE LEAD The FIA International Karting Ranking (IKR) has been relatively quiet since the start of the 2024 season. It's worth taking a look at the situation on 14th May, when the FIA Karting European OK and Junior Championships have passed the mid-season mark, as has th ...
BIREL ART TRIUMPHS IN WSK OPEN SERIES WITH BERTUCA The KZ2 class ended up with almost 90 drivers in the overall standings of the WSK Open Series. Cristian Bertuca, who finished 2nd in the first round at Franciacorta, gave Birel ART Racing victory and the title in the second round at La Conca. Bertuca, who has alre ...
SWS E-SPRINT INTERNATIONAL FINAL 2024: ELECTRIC OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED IN SWITZERLAND The second electric meeting of the SWS e-Sprint International Final took place in Switzerland at the Payerne Karting Club in excellent sporting spirits, in a celebratory and relaxed atmosphere. The participants shared the pleasure of a common p ...
Xavier Lázaro, Martim Marques e Miguel Silva nos FIA Motorsport GamesNas categorias Karting Sprint Mini, Júnior e Sénior Portugal vai ter mais três representantes nos FIA Motorsport Games: Xavier Lázaro de apenas 10 anos vai disputar o Karting Sprint Mini, Martim Marques de 12 enfrentará a categoria Sprint Júnior e Miguel Silva de 19 o ...
SODI INCREASES ITS PRESENCE AT THE TOP OF THE KZ2 RANKINGS With almost a third of the field equipped with French chassis, Sodi was by far the most represented brand in KZ2 at La Conca for the second and final round of the WSK Open Series. A regular at the front, Emilien Denner was undoubtedly one of the protagonists of the me ...
CONFIRMED SUCCESS FOR THE ACADEMY PROGRAM IN VALENCIA The Lucas Guerrero circuit in Valencia, a favourite with drivers and major international organisations, was the setting for the second round of the Champions of the Future Academy Program. The mild weather contributed to the show put on by the 94 participants throughout the many races ...
Gabriel Sano garante mais um pódio para a GG Motorsport na Copa São Paulo Light Traçado invertido de Interlagos ditou intensos trabalhos, completando o final de semana com mais um pódioNa sequência da Copa São Paulo Light durante o último final de semana, a GG Motorsport voltou as disputas do maior campeonato estadual de kart, e mesmo c ...
LANDO NORRIS, AN F1 VICTORY TO REMEMBER At the age of 24, Brit Lando Norris has just scored his first F1 victory at the Miami Grand Prix with the McLaren team. Like all motor sport enthusiasts, the members of KSP Kartcom were delighted to witness this major event in Lando's career, which confirms his undeniable ta ...
Pódios e vitória marcaram final de semana de jornada dupla para Murilo Fiore em InterlagosParanaense competiu na HB20 Racing Cup, e na Copa São Paulo Light, onde conquistou o título do primeiro turno pela F4 GraduadosComemorando grandes resultados num final de semana de disputas em dose dupla em Interlagos, Murilo Fiore vivenciou dias de correr ...
MORE EXCITING DUELS EXPECTED IN VALENCIA Organised at the end of March, the opening of the 2024 Champions of the Future Academy Program was a great success on the Italian circuit of Cremona. The new 'arrive and drive' concept introduced by RGMMC delighted the many participants in the three Mini 60, OK-N Junior and OK-N Senior categories. ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina sobe no pódio ao lado de feras da KZ Shifter Graduados A Copa São Paulo Light de Kart, disputada no sábado (04), reuniu mais de 250 pilotos no kartódromo de Interlagos. Num grid formado por 29 karts, a categoria KZ teve nomes consagrados do kartismo e automobilismo brasileiro, e o jovem Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) conq ...
UNE OUVERTURE TONITRUANTE À VARENNES La 13e saison de National Series Karting a débuté ce week-end du 2 au 5 mai par une épreuve musclée. Les 243 pilotes présents sur le circuit international Jen Brun de Varennes-sur-Allier se sont affrontés sous des conditions climatiques variées jusqu’aux finales dispu ...
FIA Girls on Track Seletiva de Kart continua com inscrições abertas até 9 de maioProva das categorias Cadete, Júnior e Graduadas será realizada em 9 de junho, em Birigui; vencedoras serão premiadas com participação no Campeonato Brasileiro de KartAlta | WebFIA Girls on Track Seletiva de Kart 2023(Soma Photografia/CFA)Alta&nb ...
TURNEY AND MARTINESE - TWO EXCEPTIONAL WINNERS AT VAL D'ARGENTON What impact does an unusual, little-used circuit and highly variable weather have on race results?It's a question that legitimately arises after the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior, which has just finished in ...
TWO FIA KARTING WINS FOR KR WITH TURNEY IN OK AND MARTINESE IN OK-JUNIOR In France, the KR Motorsport team emerged victorious from the second round of the European Championship, in both OK and OK-Junior. Making the right choices at the right time is one of the strengths of the Italian brand, which demo ...
COSTOYA TAKES 2NDPLACE IN THE EUROPEAN JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPAT VAL D'ARGENTON By successfully navigating his way through the many pitfalls of the second round of the FIA Karting European Junior Championship without crashing, Christian Costoya demonstrated Parolin Motorsport's current level of performance right up to ...
Na vice-liderança do Europeu de Kart, Gabriel Gomez finaliza segunda etapa na França com “Top 3” Punição pós prova, não tirou o mérito do trabalho realizado pelo brasileiro, que viveu um final de semana de superação em solo francêsEnfrentando uma sequência de contratempos nas disputas das provas realizada no Circuito de Val D’ ...
ALLOCATION OF SEATS FOR THE 2024 FIA KARTING WORLD CUP - OK-N In mid-September 2024, the first OK-N FIA Karting World Cup will take place at PF International in the United Kingdom. This date will mark the end of the initial launch phase of this new category created by the CIK-FIA in 2022. This World Cup will be run as part of ...
PODIUM FOR MORGATTO IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP AT VAL D'ARGENTON Following on from his 5th place in the Champions of the Future Euro Series, Matheus Morgatto put in an exceptional performance at the Val d'Argenton circuit during the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK. The Brazilian driver ...
TURNEY, MARTINESE AND GASPAROVIC WIN IN SUNNY CONDITIONS AT VAL D'ARGENTON The weather played an important role in the running of the FIA Karting Val d'Argenton Event. After the changeable and wet weather of the first two days, the sun shone on Sunday and all the races took place on a dry track. Joe Turney (GBR) continued his ...
CHANGEABLE FRENCH SKIES COMPLICATE THE COMPETITION AT VAL D’ARGENTON The weather at Val d'Argenton proved extremely changeable during the Qualifying Heats of the second Competition of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior and the first Competition of the FIA Karting Academy Trophy.The mild cl ...
VAL D'ARGENTON: RAIN MUDDIES THE WATERS DURING QUALIFYING The second Competition of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior was hit by rain during the last two timed sessions. Pole positions were secured on a dry track during the first sessions by Iacopo Martinese (ITA) in Junior and David Cosma ...
NEARLY 90 OK-N AND JUNIOR DRIVERS IN THE ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP The OK-N and OK-N Junior categories have made significant progress in the Italian Championship this year. At the opening event of the 2024 season in Sicily, 47 OK-N and 42 Junior drivers were present in Triscina. This represents a significant increase o ...
VARENNES, BASE DE LANCEMENT D’UN CHAMPIONNAT NSK EXCEPTIONNEL EN 2024 Plus intense que jamais, la National Series Karting 2024 se concentre en trois épreuves sur de grands circuits français où la compétition sera à son comble. Début mai, la course d’ouverture à Varennes-sur-Allier pourra compter sur plu ...
SWS E-SPRINT INTERNATIONAL FINAL 2024: SECOND ELECTRIC EDITION IN SWITZERLAND Electric power continues to make great strides in leisure karting. In 2023, the number of drivers taking part in the Sodi W Series with electric engines, the biggest international leisure karting ranking, doubled to one thousand, while the number of ...
Essai & présentation :Moteur IAME S125Plaisir et sensations garantis ! Lorsqu’il s’agit de la célèbre usine IAME, la sortie d’un nouveau moteur représente toujours un événement unique très attendu dans le monde du karting. Fruit d’une longue étude et d’un développement poussé au sein de l’usine ...
Essai & présentation :Moteur IAME S125Plaisir et sensations garantis ! Lorsqu’il s’agit de la célèbre usine IAME, la sortie d’un nouveau moteur représente toujours un événement unique très attendu dans le monde du karting. Fruit d’une longue étude et d’un développement poussé au sein de l’usine ...
Com vitória nos Heats, Gabriel Gomez ressaltou bom desempenho em sua estreia na França, durante a etapa do Champions of the FutureCompetindo pela primeira vez no circuito de Val D’Argenton, contratempos na prova final prejudicaram a busca por um novo pódio na temporadaMesmo entre os altos e baixos da segunda etapa do Champions of the Future re ...
RETURN TO VAL D'ARGENTON The return of international competition to Val d'Argenton after a 12-year absence merits a special look back at the second round of the Champion of the Future Euro Series which has just taken place on the famous French circuit, now run by former European Champion and five-time French Champ ...
THREE CATEGORIES ON THE TRACK AT VAL D'ARGENTON The second Competition of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior taking place in France on the Val d'Argenton circuit will also see the start of the FIA Karting Academy Trophy from 25 to 28 April 2024.A total of 244 Drivers from 62 nations on five ...
TRIPLE SUCCESS IN OK AND DOUBLE PODIUM IN OK-JUNIOR AT VAL D'ARGENTON For their very first competition in the FIA Karting categories on the French circuit of Val d'Argenton, the KR chassis demonstrated their effectiveness and quality of adaptation. The second round of the Champions of the F ...
DRUMMOND TOPS THE OK RANKINGS AT VAL D'ARGENTON Zac Drummond was very strong throughout the weekend at Val d'Argenton, taking top spot in the OK standings after Round 2 of the Champions of the Future Euro Series. Among other interesting performances, Parolin Motorsport can also be proud of Miguel Costa's 12-place ...
CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE: MORGATTO 5TH IN OK FINAL AT VAL D'ARGENTON Matheus Morgatto continued his fine form by taking his Birel ART chassis in the colours of the CL Racing Team to 5th place in the Champions of the Future Euro Series at the Val d'Argenton circuit in France, while Mees Houben climbed back into the ...
Filippo Fiorentino conquista a segunda vitória da GG Motorsport na V11 Aldeia Cup 2024 Pole position, e vitórias com as melhores voltas, coroaram a segunda conquista de Fiorentino na categoria ShifterRepetindo o resultado da abertura do campeonato, a GG Motorsport alcançou novamente o lugar mais alto do pódio em 2024, com Filippo FIorentin ...
Exciting discoveries and changing hierarchies For the first time since its creation in 2020, the Champions of the Future Euro Series visited France, for the second of five events in this top-level competition. The 173 drivers present (95 in OK-Junior and 78 in OK) discovered the Val d'Argenton circuit, which proved to be very interesting ...
SPRING HIGHLIGHTS With the FIA Karting season in the gearbox categories delayed due to the late delivery of Dunlop tyres, OK and OK-Junior are in the spotlight as far as top-level racing is concerned. The Val d'Argenton circuit will take centre stage this week in the Champions of the Future Euro Series as a prelim ...
Regularidade leva Anna Luiza Pimpão ao pódio da Copa São Paulo Light de KartÚnica representante feminina assídua na competição a paulista é a 3ª na classificação da F4 Graduados B, entre os 12 integrantes da categoria Depois de dias difíceis, com problemas no kart, Anna Luiza Pimpão (Depósito Martin de Sá/ Laticínios Litoral/ M ...
L’intensité monte d’un cran au Mans en JuniorCe n’est pas seulement de la victoire ou de la course au titre qu’il s’agit. L’intensité du Championnat de France Junior Karting 2024 concerne l’ensemble des 28 pilotes présent au Mans pour la 2e épreuve. Grâce à l’homogénéité du matériel mis à leur disposition par la FFSA Acad ...
VICTORY, DOUBLE PODIUM AND A REVELATORY TEAM EFFORT FOR SODIKART IN KZ2 The 2024 WSK Open Series kicked off in Franciacorta with a large field of 82 drivers in the KZ2 category and a sensational overall result for the Sodikart brand: victory for Senna Van Walstijn, two Sodi chassis on the podium and six in the top 12! The Fre ...
JANA RACINGFOCUS SUR LE MINI 60 Sous la direction de Nicolas Moni, le team français Jana Racing s’est bâti une solide réputation en compétition nationale et internationale. Nicolas Moni a notamment fait rouler en karting Théo Pourchaire, Jules Bianchi, Charles Leclerc ainsi que Charles et Arthur Pic. Pour c ...
SPORTING EQUALITY AND INTENSE DUELS AT CREMONA Giving all drivers the chance to aim for the podium thanks to the sporting equality offered by this new series, and giving them the same chances of being spotted with identical equipment, are clearly the strong points of the Champions of the Future Academy Program. The first 2024 event at Cr ...
DON'T RESIST THE ADDICTION OF KART RACING ONLINE Many questions are being asked following the opening of the European Championship in Valencia. The answers will become clearer over the course of the season. It's a good opportunity to form your own opinion and to play the innocent game of predictions based on the i ...
WHO WILL BE THE NEXT CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE? At the end of 2023, RGMMC launched a new global concept enabling drivers to take part in karting events on a fair sporting basis and to make their mark as promising new talents. In 2024, the series will extend to six meetings: three in Europe and three in the Middle East. The Champions of the ...
Murilo Fiore conquista o bicampeonato no Sul-Brasileiro de Kart em Pato BrancoTítulo conquistado no último sábado, mantém sequência de três vitórias em importantes competições do kartismo brasileiroColocando mais um título no histórico da sua carreira, Murilo Fiore (Mega Kart / RBC / Eiko / Garagem do Kart / Fiore Motorsport) vence ...
PODIUM IN OK-JUNIOR AND SOLID PERFORMANCES IN OK FOR THE KR GROUP IN VALENCIA The FIA Karting European Championship got underway in Spain for the OK and OK-Junior categories. Dry weather accompanied the competitors for four days. The drivers positioned on the front row in the Final and equipped with KR ...
Gabriel Gomez vence em Valência, dominando etapa de abertura do Europeu de Kart Piloto brasileiro comandou dobradinha da CRG na categoria OK, garantindo a maior pontuação do final de semana na EspanhaCarimbando a vitória que escapou há duas semanas atrás no Champions of the Future, Gabriel Gomez (CRG / BM Engines / DTR Mtorsport / MG Tir ...
La Hague : le Championnat de France Junior repart avec la Fondation Julie Tonelli en 2024Pour le lancement de sa 8e saison, le Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy a choisi le circuit normand de La Hague. La Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l'Enfance soutient depuis son lancement en 2017 la formule de détection et de format ...
Gabriel Gomez vence em Valência, dominando etapa de abertura do Europeu de Kart Piloto brasileiro comandou dobradinha da CRG na categoria OK, garantindo a maior pontuação do final de semana na EspanhaCarimbando a vitória que escapou há duas semanas atrás no Champions of the Future, Gabriel Gomez (CRG / BM Engines / DTR Mtorsport / MG Tir ...
COSTOYA ALREADY IN THE TOP THREE OF THE EUROPEAN JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP The European OK and OK-Junior Championships have just got underway in Valencia, Spain, and Parolin Motorsport has already achieved convincing results in both categories. Costoya is still at the front of the field in OK-Junior, taking 3rd place in ...
VALENCIA: TOP FIVE FOR MORGATTO IN THE EUROPEAN OK CHAMPIONSHIP Following on from Birel ART's excellent performances in OK since the start of the season, Matheus Morgatto - CL Racing Team took 5th place in the standings at the end of the first round of the European Championship in Valencia, Spain. Noah Wolfe - VAR ...
GOMEZ AND VAN LANGENDONCK WIN IN SPAIN Sunday's opening round of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior in Valencia lived up to all its promises, with spectacular and intense races rewarding some excellent drivers. The winners Gabriel Gomez (ITA) in OK and Dries van Langendonck (BEL) in Junior a ...
VALENCIA: GOMEZ KEEPS THE ADVANTAGE IN OK, SCHAUFLER TAKES JUNIOR LEAD Poleman Gomez (BRA) held on to top spot after the OK Qualifying Heats in Valencia, while Turney (GBR) held off a spirited comeback. Schaufler (AUT) dominated the OK-Junior against Van Langendonck (BEL).Thirty-six Qualifying Heats were run in Valencia, eigh ...
IKR:HERE WE GO AGAIN IN 2024 The International Karting Ranking (IKR) is now well established. With no downtime, it resumed as soon as the first international events were held in 2024. The CIK-FIA has slightly modified its presentation, creating a "national" section which currently includes the Mini Gr.3 categories ...
Lourenço Varela conquista mais uma vitória internacionalÚnico brasileiro no grid formado por 26 pilotos vence a final da Rok Cup Florida Winter Tour Mais um domingo vitorioso para os brasileiros nos Estados Unidos. Lourenço Varela, piloto catarinense da VBR Motorsport, vence a final da Rok Cup Winter Tour, pela categoria Mini. A competiç ...
Gabriel Gomez vence pela segunda vez o Capacete de Ouro Premiação veio para coroar a incrível temporada no kartismo mundial no último anoVice Campeão Europeu, sendo o principal nome brasileiro no Campeonato Mundial de Kart em 2023, Gabriel Gomez conquistou pela segunda vez o Capacete de Ouro, premiação considerada como o Oscar do Automo ...
SO, WHAT ABOUT THESE MAXXIS TYRES? The first round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series 2024, which took place last weekend in Valencia, Spain, was a baptism of fire for the new Maxxis tyres chosen by the CIK-FIA for the OK and OK-Junior categories, as well as for the Academy in the 2024 FIA Karting Competit ...
THE FIA KARTING EUROPEAN SEASON KICKS OFF IN SPAIN The 2024 Mondokart.com FIA Karting European Championship in the OK and OK-Junior categories is already shaping up to be a great success. The first of the four Competitions will be well attended, with a total of 200 Competitors taking part. The opening event will take place in ...
TOP PERFORMANCES FOR PAROLIN MOTORSPORT IN VALENCIA The European OK and OK-Junior Championships are drawing nearer and the first round of the Champions of the Future - Euro Series which has just taken place in Spain at Valencia was a good preparation, with the discovery of the new Maxxis tyres selected by FIA Kart ...
Lourenço Varela é destaque na abertura do SKUSA Pro TourPiloto brasileiro vence a primeira etapa e mostra grande potencial na maior competição de kart dos Estados Unidos Destaque no kartismo brasileiro nos últimos dois anos, em 2024, Lourenço Varela disputa o Skusa, um dos campeonatos mais importantes da América do Norte. No últim ...
A KR DOUBLE IN BOTH OK AND OK-JUNIOR AT VALENCIA The Champions of the Future Euro Series couldn't have got off to a better start for the KR brand, which won both categories represented in Valencia with Fionn McLaughlin in OK and Rocco Coronel in OK-Junior, while Oleksandr Bondarev and Nikla ...
BIREL ART COMPETITIVE IN VALENCIA WITH NEW MAXXIS TYRES Birel ART's improved competitiveness in OK this season was confirmed at the first round of the Champions of the Future - Euro Series in Valencia. Despite changing grip conditions during the Fi-nal stages and a number of penalties, the improvement was clear fo ...
Líder do Champions of the Future, Gabriel Gomez abre jornada do Europeu de Kart com pódio em ValênciaVencendo seis provas, Gomez começou os trabalhos para o Europeu de Kart como o maior pontuador do final de semana, em seu segundo pódio consecutivo do anoSol e chuva, vitórias com melhores voltas, e um amargo segundo lugar em pista na pro ...
Many positive signs for the 2024 opening of the international reference series 112 drivers in OK-Junior and 81 in OK, making a total of 193, took part in the first of the five events of the Champions of the Future Euro Series 2024 in Valencia. With two weeks to go before the FIA European Karting Championship, which will also be held in S ...
Vice campeão em 2023, Gabriel Gomez inicia neste final de semana os trabalhos para o Campeonato Europeu de Kart na Espanha Piloto brasileiro se prepara para encarar uma intensa jornada entre as etapas do Europeu de Kart de OK e KZ2, que passará pela Espanha, França, Eslováquia, Inglaterra, Suécia e ItáliaCom uma “Pré-Temporada” posi ...
Vice campeão em 2023, Gabriel Gomez inicia nesta semana os trabalhos para o Campeonato Europeu de Kart na Espanha Piloto brasileiro se prepara para encarar uma intensa jornada entre as etapas do Europeu de Kart de OK e KZ2, que passará pela Espanha, França, Eslováquia, Inglaterra, Suécia e ItáliaCom uma “Pré-Temporada” positiva no m ...
THE FRENCH INDUSTRY, FROM KARTING TO F1 In structuring and supervising karting apprenticeships, the Fédération Française du Sport Automobile (FFSA) is acting like many other sporting federations. And yet the real French motor sport sector is a cultural exception in an individualistic environment governed by fin ...
PAROLIN ON THE PODIUM IN SARNO WITH MODENA KART AND ORLOV At the end of the WSK Super Master Series, Parolin Motorsport can look back on a very positive start to the 2024 season in every category. At Sarno, the Bassano del Grappa team's level of performance was confirmed by Costoya, who finished 3rd despite retiri ...
A SENSATIONAL COLLECTION OF PODIUMS AND A TITLE AT SARNO The WSK Super Master Series came to a close at the Naples International Circuit in Sarno. As was the case at the three previous events in Lonato, Cremona and Franciacorta, many drivers equipped with KR chassis proved to be competitive ...
LECONT: AN UNDISPUTED INTERNATIONAL BENCHMARK With the 2024 WSK Super Master Series having just come to a close on the Naples International Circuit in Sarno, the promoter of this successful series can draw a particularly positive balance sheet, and the same is certainly true for the manufacturer LeCont ...
Erick Lutum vence, e finaliza segunda etapa do Light no pódio da SeniorCampeão de 2023, Lutum cravou a pole position, completando a etapa na segunda posiçãoApós pódios, vitórias e o bicampeonato da Copa São Paulo Light em 2023, Erick Lutum (CRG / DTR Motorsport / MG Tires) conquistou sua primeira vitória do ano durante a segunda etap ...
Murilo Fiore vence a segunda etapa seguida no Light, e amplia na liderança da F4 GraduadosPole position, vitória e melhor volta marcaram novo final de semana vitorioso em InterlagosTrilhando um início de ano vitorioso na Copa São Paulo Light de Kart 2024, Murilo Fiore (Mega Kart / RBC / Eiko / Garagem do Kart / Fiore Motorsport) gara ...
Com pole position e novos pódios, GG Motorsport concluiu a segunda etapa do Light em InterlagosJoão Paulo Sanzovo e Gabriel Sano conquistaram mais três pódios para a equipe, seguindo em três competições consecutivas com resultados positivosEm um final de semana quente no Kartódromo de Interlagos, a GG Motorsport marcou presença em mais uma ...
BIREL ART CONCLUDES WSK SUPER MASTER WITH A WIN AND TWO TITLES Birel ART Racing's excellent start to the season came to fruition in Sarno with very positive results in the WSK Super Master Series. Despite wet and changeable weather conditions for the Final stages, Ean Eyckmans took a convincing victory in OK that ...
WSK'S MOST PRESTIGIOUS TITLE GOES TO ROMANIA THANKS TO BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR On Saturday 2nd March, Bogdan Cosma Cristofor became the new WSK Super Master Series Champion in OK-N Junior. The young Romanian hopeful has once again achieved the objective he set himself. After three consecutive podium finishes, including two vic ...
TROPHÉE KARTING ANTHOINE HUBERTA SPECIAL IDEA The Fédération Française du Sport Automobile (FFSA) has just announced the launch of the Trophée Anthoine Hubert, a karting competition to be organised in May on the Angerville circuit. In the past, karting has often honoured the memory of its deceased champions. ...
Filippo Fiorentino leva a GG Motorsport a primeira vitória do ano na abertura da V11 Aldeia CupCom 100% de aproveitamento, Filippo foi o pole position, conquistando vitórias e as melhores voltas nas duas provasSomando mais um pódio neste início de ano, a GG Motorsport conquistou a primeira vitória no ano com o piloto Filippo Fiorentino, ao dom ...
KR WINNER IN OK AND LEADER IN OK-JUNIOR Victories and titles remain more than ever the objectives of the KR Global Motorsport Company group in the highly competitive WSK Super Master Series. In the third round at Franciacorta, four podium finishes, including two wins, were added to the list ...
INTERNATIONAL ENGINE STATISTICS AT THE START OF THE 2024 SEASON The trend noted last year was confirmed at the first 2024 international events, and the statistics published for each competition on Kartcom provide an overview of the situation. The only engine manufacturer not to have its own brand cup, TM Kart take ...
COSTOYA TRIUMPHS INOK-JUNIOR AT FRANCIACORTA More incisive than ever, Christian Costoya won his first OK-Junior race at Franciacorta, where he finished 2nd in last year's World Championship. In the third round of the WSK Super Master Series, the young Spaniard was able to rely on the competitiveness of his Parolin ...
Energy Corse confirms its competitiveness with another success at Franciacorta A particularly well-represented brand in WSK Promotion events, Energy Corse is also a benchmark karting team with a string of successes year after year and race after race. A brilliant winner of the Mini 60 U10 Final at Franciacorta, Italian Niccol ...
BERTUCA AND EYCKMANS EXTEND THEIR LEAD IN WSK SUPER MASTER After the rainy weekend in Cremona, Birel ART stayed on course on the dry Franciacorta track for the third round of the WSK Super Master Series. Bertuca's 3rd place in KZ2 and Eyckmans' 2nd place in OK confirmed the competitiveness of Lissone's TM Kart-pow ...
BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR WINS FRANCIACORTADUEL IN STYLE A tireless competitor and leader in the WSK series, Bogdan Cosma Cristofor took another victory in the OK-N Junior category, which is further proof of his determination and unceasing desire to win. In 2024, the talented young Romanian is now on a run of four podiums in fou ...
Aos 16 anos, Victor Manzini estreia na Turismo Nacional na próxima semanaPiloto de São Paulo traz títulos no kartismo e é instrutor estagiário de pilotagem esportiva e direção defensiva na Roberto Manzini Centro PilotagemMais jovem piloto até agora inscrito na Turismo Nacional (TN), categoria multimarcas da Vicar Promoções Desportivas, o ...
LET'S RACE IN THE RAIN! When karting is discussed with the uninitiated, comments about racing in the rain are common. And yes, karts do run when it's raining, and no, it's not more dangerous - in fact, it's quite exciting, as well as being a great learning experience for the drivers. As in F1, only a large amount ...
UPS AND DOWNS IN THE CREMONA RAIN The weekend in Cremona was marked by very wet weather for the second round of the WSK Super Master Series. Rain was a feature of all phases of the competition before starting to ease on Sunday morning. The Finals provided the opportunity to use slick tyres for the first time, but ...
A BRAND, DRIVERS AND TEAMS COMMITTED WHATEVER THE CONDITIONS The 2024 WSK Super Master Series continued at the Cremona International Circuit from 7th to 11th February. Competitors had to contend with wet conditions from the Qualifying sessions on Friday through to Sunday. The many teams inv ...
MAGNIFICENT DOUBLE FOR SODIKART IN ITALY After a sparkling start to the season marked by two pole positions and very high overall performances in the KZ2 category, Émilien Denner dominated the Final of the second of the four WSK Super Master Series events at the wheel of his Sodi-TM. In his new colours, Giuseppe Palomba conf ...
A MAGNIFICENT VICTORY IN OK AT CREMONA While Birel ART continues to achieve exceptional results in KZ2, its development in OK met with success at the second round of the WSK Super Master Series in Cremona. Ean Eyckmans literally dominated the premier class of direct-drive karts, taking a significant victory and th ...
INSATIABLE! The 2024 season offers a record number of international competitions, yet we're already seeing a diversification of certain drivers in several categories, whether FIA Karting or brand cups. Whether in Mini, Junior or Senior, competitors are not hesitating to supplement their main Mini Gr.3, OK-Junior o ...
Nouvelle victoire du MarocainSuleiman Zanfari en F4 au KoweitLe championnat Saudi Arabian F4 vient de commencer le week-end du 1er au 3 février 2024 sur le circuit de Kuwait Motor Town. Suleiman Zanfari s’est nettement imposé lors de la 1re course de la saison. Les courses 2 et 3 disputées avec des grilles inversées pour les meilleurs lui ont ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina inicia a temporada no pódio da KZ Shifter GraduadosNa classificação da etapa é TOP 4 em meio a feras A KZ Shifter, categoria de kart com marchas, estreou na Copa São Paulo Light de kart em grande estilo. A primeira etapa, disputada no sábado (03), no kartódromo Ayrton Senna, em Interlagos, reuniu 17 pilotos e grandes ...
NOUVEL IMPORTATEURKART REPUBLIC EN FRANCE KR Global France est le nouvel importateur Kart Republic et distributeur DAP en France. Depuis la création de la marque KR en 2017, Cédric Boisroux en a assuré avec succès l’importation française avant de réorienter son activité vers la ges ...
JOIN AN INTERNATIONALLY-UNIQUE RACING AND SCOUTING PROGRAM NOW Following the successful launch of the innovative concept of the Champions of the Future Academy PROGRAM NOW last November in Abu Dhabi, RGMMC is preparing to kick off the first full season of this unique and attractive competition. This easily accessible formula, based on th ...
A LOOK BACK AT THE WSK SUPER MASTER IN LONATO A cold winterThe most obvious facts about the first round of the WSK Super Master Series at Lonato concern the temperature. January in northern Italy is a cold winter. In the past, it was the aptly-named Winter Cup that opened the season after mid-February. The first t ...
WSK PROMOTION / LECONT : A SUCCESSFUL PARTNERSHIP CONTINUES The WSK Super Master Series is one of the most famous international competitions in Europe and the manufacturer LeCont is delighted that its partnership with this prestigious series has been renewed, with a new presence in the OK category at t ...
PERFECT TECHNICAL CHOICES AND NEW VICTORIES IN LONATO The KR chassis are already enjoying a string of successes at the start of the season. Oleksandr Bondarev (Prema Racing) in OK and Niklas Schaufler (DPK Racing) in OK-Junior won the WSK Champions Cup on 21st January and repeated the feat ...
COSTOYA'S FIRSTOK-JUNIOR PODIUM OF THE SEASON IN LONATO Christian Costoya claimed his first podium of the 2024 season on the second race weekend, the WSK Super Master Series at Lonato. Temperatures remained cold, but the weather was fine. The number of drivers had increased since the WSK Champions Cup and the comp ...
LONATO SUPER MASTER: BIREL ART DOMINATES KZ2 AND TAKES A PODIUMWSK Super Master Series - Lonato (ITA) - 28, January 2024 One week after the opening of the 2024 season, Birel ART achieved even better results in the face of tougher competition at the first round of the WSK Super Master Series on the same Lonato circuit.The ...
UNDISPUTED DOMINATION AND AN IMPORTANT VICTORY IN LONATO Triumph, faultless, talent, mastery... words cannot describe Bogdan Cosma Cristofor's incredible performance in the first of four rounds of the prestigious WSK Super Master Series, in which the Romanian hopeful is already a serious contender for the title. Pole position ...
WSK CHAMPIONS CUP - FIRST 2024 COMPETITION IN LONATO The Kartcom Sélection team hopes you enjoyed the festive season and wishes you a great 2024 sporting season full of passion and performance.The 2024 international season has just opened with the WSK Champions Cup in Lonato, from 19th to 21st January. Is it too ...
SUCCESSFUL SEASON LAUNCH FOR LECONT The early date of the new 2024 international season calendar, the winter and the cold weather did not put off the large number of drivers taking part in the WSK Champions Cup in Lonato from 19th to 21st January. The manufacturer LeCont was delighted to meet their exp ...
A SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION FROM 2023 TO 2024 The 2023 season was full of success for the KR Global Motorsport Company factory in the international categories and the results of the first major event of 2024 confirmed this trend, already auguring many successes to come. At the WSK Champions Cup in Lonato, ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORT BACK ON TRACK WITH CONFIDENCE Parolin Motorsport returned to action last weekend at the first round of the 2024 international season, the WSK Champions Cup, held in cold weather at the Lonato circuit. Three categories were on the programme for the official Parolin team, with the return of KZ2 sc ...
Lourenço Varela dá o pontapé inicial nas competições internacionaisEstreante na pista do AMR Motorplex o piloto encerra a 1ª rodada no top 10 O piloto catarinense Lourenço Varela (VBR Motorsport/Art Home) integrou a categoria Rok Mini na disputa do Florida Winter Tour, um dos torneios do Rok Cup, uma das competições mais importantes d ...
BIREL ART RACING OFF TO A SOLID START IN 2024 The very first race of the 2024 season has just finished at Lonato. The WSK Champions Cup saw some intense battles in cold conditions. The first results of the event are in: Birel ART is already among the most competitive with Bertuca's podium in KZ2 and 2nd place for ...
A KARTING PHENOMENON WHOSE SUCCESS CONTINUES UNABATED In 2009, the Sodikart group, world number one in karting, launched the SWS concept to bring together the best leisure karting drivers in a single ranking in order to provide entertainment, pleasure and thrills to as many enthusiasts as possible around the globe. The except ...
TAKE UP KARTING ANDRACING WITH THESULEIMAN ZANFARI ACADEMY - Because karting can be learned like any other sport - Because it's easier to start young- Because mastery is more fun- Because safety is pricelessSuleiman Zanfari has set up his Academy at the S1 Speedway circuit in Marrakech, for youngsters ...
2023 foi TOPAlfredinho Ibiapina destaca a temporada como uma das melhores em sua carreira no kartAno de estreia nas duas categorias mais rápidas do kartismo brasileiro, Graduados e KZ Shifter, 2023 foi recheada de ótimas disputas e bons resultados para Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali). Nas maiores competições do país o piloto esteve entre os ...
WOMEN IN THE SPOTLIGHT IN MOTORSPORT As the awards season draws to a close, it's worth keeping an eye on the place of female drivers on the sporting and media scene. 2023 was certainly not a great year for women's results in international karting. No women were honoured at the FIA Karting awards ceremony, with Por ...
A temporada 2023 foi de grande evolução para Kauan Bernardes, que se despede da MirimDurante o ano o piloto paranaense esteve no pódio em todas as competições que participou e encerra com o vice-campeonato da Copa SP Light de KartCopa Brasil, Campeonato Brasileiro e Copa São Paulo Light de kart foram as competições que Kauan Bernardes dispu ...
BOGDAN COSMA-CRISTOFOR CONCLUDES 2023 WITH A VICTORY What a season! So many victories and so many trophies in the last few months! Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor was particularly brilliant from January to November in the Mini category, and he has also demonstrated his talent since moving up to the Junior category: four races, four po ...
ROTAX GRAND FINAL IN BAHRAIN: A COMPETITION THAT HAS TO BE EXPERIENCED! For over 20 years, the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Final has been a major event in the sporting season. The quality of the organisation has now reached new heights, with a superb staging of the event, breathtaking races and first-rate media cove ...
FIRST SENIOR RACE AND A FIRST VICTORY ALREADY FOR DAVID COSMA-CRISTOFOR Every year for many years now, the Naples International Circuit in Sarno has honoured the memory of Ayrton Senna by organising a high-level trophy in the name of the three-time Formula 1 World Champion who left an indelible mark on the history of motor sp ...
RMCGF 2023, AN UNFORGETTABLE ANNUAL EVENT THANKS TO SODIKART It's hard to avoid superlatives when talking about a Rotax Max Challenge Grand Final. The 2023 edition was no exception, with an exceptional welcome and venue in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Regulars were impressed by the phenomenal layout of the Bahrain International Ka ...
DE LA PERFORMANCE ET UNE EXPÉRIENCE MARQUANTE POUR LES 16 PILOTES DU TEAM FRANCE À BAHREÏN Comme chaque année, la Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals représente l’un des rendez-vous mondiaux les plus importants de la saison. Sur le circuit international de Sakhir sur l’île de Bahreïn, 16 pilotes ont eu l ...
Guilherme Moleiro conquista o título da Copa São Paulo Light pelo terceiro ano consecutivoO tricampeonato foi definido no sábado (09), no kartódromo de InterlagosCampeão duas vezes pela classe Cadete (2021 e 2022), Guilherme Moleiro confirmou, no último sábado, o título máximo da categoria Júnior Menor. Representando a fábrica italiana d ...
Vitória na etapa final da Copa São Paulo Light confere o título de campeão Cadete ao catarinense Lourenço VarelaA definição da temporada 2023 foi no sábado (09), no kartódromo de InterlagosDuas vitórias e um segundo lugar na rodada tripla da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart sagrou o piloto de Itapema-SC, Lourenço Varela (Thunder Tecnology/A ...
Top 3 no Catarinense de Kart, Lourenço Varela busca título Paulista nesta semanaLíder da Cadete na Copa São Paulo Light, a rodada tripla definirá o campeão da temporadaA 47ª edição do Campeonato Catarinense de kart, disputada no final de semana (01 e 02/12), no belo kartódromo de Lages, foi intenso no calor e nas disputas. O piloto de Ita ...
Comitiva portuguesa nas finais mundiais ROTAX Karting no Bahrein. A todos os nossos pilotos desejamos sucesso! Sigam tudo em https://grandfinals.rotax-racing.com/ ...
TEAM FRANCE 2023 :16 PILOTES À SUIVRE AU BAHREÏN Pour la 23e édition de la Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals qui a lieu sur le Bahrain International Karting Circuit du 3 au 9 décembre 2023, 16 pilotes vont défendre les couleurs de leur pays au sein du Team France. 386 pilotes en provenan ...
SODIKART, A KEY PARTNER OF THE ROTAX 2023 GRAND FINALS As in 2021, the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals is heading for the Middle East for the 23rd edition of this benchmark event, which will take place from 3rd to 9th December at the Bahrain International Karting Circuit.Since 2010, Sodi has been a loyal partner of the Rotax ...
F2: THÉO POURCHAIRE, VICTOR MARTINS, BENCHMARKS FOR THE FRENCH INDUSTRY For once, let's take a look at single-seaters this week, thanks to the results achieved by Théo Pourchaire and Victor Martins in FIA F2. The news was widely reported: Théo won the 2023 F2 title while Victor was confirmed as the best rookie ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORT ENDS THE SEASON IN STYLE AT FRANCIACORTA The pressure of competition will ease over the next two months for Parolin Motorsport, which will be able to devote itself entirely to preparing for 2024. The 2023 season ended positively for the Italian brand thanks to strong performances in the main cat ...
VICTORY FOR MATVEEV AND KR IN THE WSK FINAL CUP In OK, the KR brand never goes very long without winning a title. This time, it was Dmitry Matveev's turn to be crowned at the end of a well-controlled meeting. At Franciacorta, it wasn't just the KR Motorsport team that took the podium, as VD ...
Success and podiums at the WSK Final Cup for Energy Corse A major player in international karting in FIA Karting, Champions of the Future and WSK, the Energy Corse team once again demonstrated its expertise during the two 2023 rounds of the WSK Final Cup. As well as being one of the best-represented chassis in the paddock, th ...
CONCLUSIVE RESULTS FOR LECONT WITH WSK PROMOTION IN 2023 For the fourth consecutive year, LeCont was one of the official WSK Promotion suppliers. The Italian brand played an active part in the success of the 2023 season with a presence in the Italian promoter's five major series, including the WSK Fina ...
Birel ART ends the 2023season with good prospectsThe second round of the WSK Final Cup, the last sporting event of the international season, has just finished on the Franciacorta circuit. Despite the harshness of the competition, Birel ART recorded a number of positive points when it came to preparing for next season. Its performances in KZ2 are as ...
NEW EXPERIENCE AND NEW SUCCESS FOR BOGDAN COSMA-CRISTOFOR The 2023 WSK Promotion series came to an end at Franciacorta in northern Italy with the WSK Final Cup, during which Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor took part for the first time in the new FIA Karting category: OK-N Junior. The Final was a magnificent spectacle, with several dri ...
Kart – Vini Ferro é um dos três melhores do BrasilKartista paulista ficou com a terceira colocação final da classe Junior Menor no Campeonato Brasileiro de KartA última semana foi recheada de velocidade e emoções na cidade mineira de Vespasiano, já que entre os dias 13 e 18 de novembro foi disputado o Grupo II do 58º Campeonato Bras ...
VICTORY ALWAYSIN THE AIR FOR KR The end of the season is near, but the motivation is still intact for KR Global Motorsport Company. At each new event, the objective is the same: to win and demonstrate the efficiency of the KR chassis, whatever the conditions and whatever the circuit. Once a ...
LEARNING TOBE A KART RACER Like any sport, competitive karting needs to be learned from the right people to deliver the satisfaction it is capable of. In an increasingly organised world, the training of young kart drivers is becoming more structured every year. Some federations have been involved in this process f ...
ANOTHER GOOD WEEKEND FOR PAROLIN MOTORSPORT AT LONATO As the WSK Final Cup got underway in Lonato with 340 participants, Parolin Motorsport once again put in an excellent performance in all categories. The competition ended with an OK-Junior podium thanks to Christian Costoya and a top 10 finish for Jack Illife. 1 ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina é TOP 5 no Brasileiro de KZ -ShifterPiloto disputou posições com nomes fortes do kartismo brasileiro Num calor escaldante de quase 40ºC o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) encarou disputas em duas categorias: Graduados e KZ (Shifter - kart com marcha). A 58ª edição do campeonato Brasileiro foi realizada ...
WSK FINAL CUP CONFIRMS THE PERFORMANCE OF LECONT TYRES With 342 drivers from 52 nationalities taking part, the WSK Final Cup got off to a flying start. At the South Garda Karting circuit of Lonato from 17th to 19th November, sporting success was there for all to see, with a particularly high standard o ...
Bertuca confirms his form at LonatoCristian Bertuca confirmed his place among the best KZ2 drivers of the moment this weekend. The first round of the WSK Final Cup at Lonato gave him the opportunity to play a leading role against some 50 rivals. He led for most of the meeting before losing out by 1.5 tenths in a superb Final duel. The competitivene ...
SENSATIONAL AND VICTORIOUS JUNIOR DEBUT After his numerous successes this season in the Mini category, Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor launched himself into the Junior category at the age of 12 and has begun this new challenge with a first victory at the WSK Final Cup in Lonato! This breathtaking feat once again demonstrates the talen ...
Kart – A grande viradaA deusa fortuna, definitivamente, parecia não estar sorrindo para o piloto paulista Vini Ferro (Benefício Certo/ Benefício Digital/ Contabilidade Filadélfia/ FriendsFoods Congelados/ Kartódromo de Atibaia/ Lazy Kart) nesta 58ª edição do Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart, que está se desenvolvendo na cidad ...
Kart – Vini Ferro tem problemas na Qualy e larga na sexta fila da Junior MenorO Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart cumpre sua segunda fase em Vespasiano, Minas Gerais, tendo como palco o belo e extremamente técnico Kartodromo RBC Racing. As corridas acontecem de hoje (16/11) até sábado (18/11), quando serão conhecidos os campeões nacionais de tre ...
Kart – No Brasileiro de Kart Christian Helou larga na 3ª fila da NovatosPiloto paulista foi bem na tomada de tempos que definiu o grid de largada da categoria Novatos e garantiu a sexta posição do partidor da disputadíssima categoria Novatos.Christian Helou (Braspress/ GM Motorsport/ Gago Bura/ Quake 2/ Mittag) é a terceira geração de ...
NATIONAL COMPETITIONS IN EUROPE: TRENDS VARY FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY Several European federations have just published their national championship programmes for 2024. This is an opportunity to highlight the similarities and differences in national karting across Europe.The KZ2 category is the only successful FIA k ...
2024 IAME SERIES MOROCCO CHAMPIONSHIP In 2024, a Karting Championship will be organised in Morocco by S1 Speedway as part of the IAME Series Morocco. Six categories are on the programme for the five events for drivers aged five to 30 and over.In total, nine races will take place in Morocco in 2024 during four events:- IAME Se ...
LAS VEGAS: KARTING IN THE SPOTLIGHT A WEEK BEFORE F1 The 26th edition of the emblematic Superkarts! USA SuperNationals takes place this year from 8th to 12th November at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, while preparations for the Formula 1 Grand Prix are in full swing in the city centre. The organisers of America's b ...
OK VICTORY FORKHAVALKIN IN SARNO The second and final round of the WSK Euro Series 2023 was a real challenge for both the drivers and the technicians of the Parolin Motorsport team, as it was run in difficult weather at the Circuito Internazionale Napoli. Their efforts were rewarded by Anatoly Khavalkin's superb v ...
Preparação de Lourenço Varela para o Brasileiro de Kart concluída com sucessoPiloto fez boa corrida de recuperação na Mini 2T e venceu a etapa do Mineiro de Kart na Cadete Com o objetivo de alcançar o melhor resultado no Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart, Lourenço Varela (Thunder Tecnology/ Art Home) teve um desafio duplo na etapa final do ...
FIVE WINS AND FIVE TITLES FOR THE KR CHASSIS IN THE WSK EURO SERIES Both in the dry conditions of Franciacorta at the beginning of September, as well as with the rain tyres used at Sarno two months later, the KR chassis constantly proved its worth. Its effectiveness enabled its drivers to s ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina é vice-campeão Graduados do Open do Brasileiro de KartA preparação para o maior evento nacional da temporada foi realizada no sábado (04), no kartódromo RBC Racing, em Vespasiano-MG Há pouco mais de uma semana do início das atividades da 58ª edição do Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) mo ...
VICTORY AND TITLE FOR BOGDAN COSMA-CRISTOFOR IN THE WSK EURO SERIES Organised over two events, the WSK Euro Series saw Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor truly dominate, with the young Romanian hopeful winning twice with skill and mastery. Winner on a dry track in the sunshine of Franciacorta in northern Italy in September, he triumphed ...
Mundial Karting KZ2 2024 Título será discutido no Algarve em OutubroCom as memórias das Finais Mundiais IAME realizadas no final de Outubro no Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve e que trouxeram até à cidade do Arade cerca de 400 pilotos e seus assistentes e acompanhantes num total que rondou as 4000 pessoas, o traçado vizinho ...
At its last meeting on 19th October, the World Motor Sport Council validated, as expected, the draft 2024 calendar submitted by FIA Karting, or the CIK-FIA. This is hardly surprising, given that it is based on the same model as previous seasons, with nine events - one more than in 2023 - and six categories. The number of countries visited has risen ...
A SECOND WORLD PODIUM IN 2023 FOR BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR AFTER SOME FANTASTIC BATTLES Buoyed by his excellent results in the IAME Series Italy in the X30 Mini category, Bogdan Cosma Cristofor was one of the many drivers racing in Portugal from 24th to 28th October for the IWF23. This was the International Grand Final of the I ...
BREATHTAKING FINALSIN PORTIMAO The Warriors who qualified for the eleventh edition of the IWF23 put on an absolutely incredible show over four days of competition on the Algarve circuit in Portimao. IAME Motorsport confirmed the success of its organisations throughout the world, which ended in apotheosis with this very high-l ...
A FULL HOUSE OF FAVOURITES AFTER 64 INCREDIBLE QUALIFYING HEATS! On a Portimao track that saw all kinds of weather conditions during the three days reserved for the Qualifying Heats, there was no shortage of entertainment in the four categories represented. It has to be said that the stakes were high at every level of the fie ...
INDECISIVE QUALIFYING FULL OF SURPRISES IN PORTIMAO The first official day of competition at the IWF23 was eagerly awaited by all the competitors, and it kicked off the hostilities with great intensity. Nothing was easy for the drivers and teams in the south of Portugal, due to the changing weather conditions. The rankings fr ...
ARE KARTING PRODIGIES GUARANTEED SUCCESS IN CARS? Motorsport news this week has focused on Andrea Kimi Antonelli, the young Italian prodigy who is about to make the jump from FRECA to F2. Under the wing of Mercedes F1 from the Mini category onwards, he has never disappointed. European Junior runner-up in 2019, he ...
Finais mundiais IAMEFesta do Karting no Algarve+ Mais de 400 pilotos em pista+ 4000 pessoas enchem 'paddock' em PortimãoDesde o dia de ontem que o Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve está no centro das atenções do mundo do karting. Palco das finais mundiais IAME o circuito junto ao Autódromo Internacional do Algarve a ...
PRESSURE MOUNTS AHEAD OF IAME'S MAJOR INTERNATIONAL EVENT Founded in 2012 in the wake of the success of the Bruno Grana International Trophy, named after one of the founders of the IAME engine factory, the IWF is one of the most eagerly awaited and prestigious events on the world karting calendar. With 380 drivers entered in ...
DREAM RACING POURSUITSON ASCENSION Pour sa seconde année de compétition, Dream Racing avait l’ambition de confirmer le fort potentiel révélé en 2022 tout en développant sa capacité d’accueil. L’objectif a été atteint grâce au professionnalisme de l’équipe française emmenée par Yanis Dubail et Adrien Renaudin.Capable ...
DETAILS OF THE DIGITAL LICENCE AND INDUSTRY NEWS Further to the content of last week's Kartcom Selection #73, here is some additional information about the points-based digital licence.Launched at the beginning of 2023 by the FIA Karting, the digital points licence is completing its first year. It enables the stew ...
A NEW WORLD PERFORMANCE FOR DAVID COSMA CRISTOFOR, VICE-CHAMPION JUNIOR ROK Having just returned from the FIA Karting World Championship in OK-Junior, where he achieved a very high level result, David Cosma Cristofor once again showed his talent at a world event by claiming the runner-up title at the Rok Superfinal 2023, held ...
A HUGE WORLDWIDE SUCCESS FOR BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR Bogdan Cosma Cristofor's incredible season continues. The young Romanian driver won one of the most important events of the season in the Mini category: the Rok Superfinal. With over 70 drivers entered, representing 26 countries from five continents, this is a competition wo ...
FRANCIACORTA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: BETWEEN INTENSITY AND CHAOS The eagerly-awaited 2023 Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior at Franciacorta was an event of rare intensity, culminating in the crowning of two fine champions, Kirill Kutskov in OK and Dries van Langendonck in Junior. ...
A TOP-LEVEL PERFORMANCE AT THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS David Cosma Cristofor approached the most important event of his karting season, the OK-Junior World Championship, with his characteristic seriousness and determination. 123 drivers took part and the 14-year-old Romanian hopeful put in a remarkable performance to finish 4th, ...
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FOR KR CHASSIS WITH KUTSKOV AND DPK RACING Four KR chassis in the top five in OK with the world title for Kirill Kutskov and three KR Motorsport team drivers in the top six in OK-Junior. The Franciacorta meeting was a dazzling demonstration of the expertise of the KR Glob ...
PAROLIN DOUBLE RUNNER-UP IN FRANCIACORTA The high point of the season, the 2023 FIA OK and Junior World Karting Championship lived up to its promise in terms of difficulty and selectivity. With over 100 drivers in each category, the challenge was worthy of the event. Parolin Motorsport demonstrated its top-class c ...
Un final époustouflant à VarennesLa bataille a duré jusqu’au bout de la 4e épreuve de la National Series Karting pour décider des champions 2023 sur le circuit de Varennes-sur-Allier lors d’un week-end ensoleillé. Des courses aussi serrées que respectueuses, un suspense plein de rebondissements, une ambiance sereine malgré les enjeux et ...
A World Championship with a bitter tasteThere was undeniable potential for the Birel ART / TM Kart drivers at Franciacorta during the 2023 OK and OK-Junior World Championship. The previous events had shown a positive evolution, but the course of the FIA Karting event was not favourable to the Birel ART Racing team ...
FRANCIACORTA: A WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF BREATHTAKING INTENSITY The Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK and Junior at Franciacorta will go down in history as one of the most spectacular ever. All the predictions were thwarted by a series of twists and turns before witnessing the crowning of Dries van Lang ...
TOUGH BATTLES IN THE QUALIFYING HEATS AT FRANCIACORTA The 42 Qualifying Heats contested since Friday afternoon have resulted in a drastic selection among the participants in the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK and Junior at Franciacorta. On Saturday evening, Christian Costoya (ESP) maintained his l ...
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING IN FRANCIACORTA GETS OFF TO A FLYING START The tension was already high at Franciacorta on Friday morning during Qualifying Practice for the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior. There had already been a number of surprises, with new names coming to the fore an ...
Título da Júnior Menor na 24ª Copa Brasil está sub-judiceO representante legal do piloto Guilherme Moleiro vem, por meio desta, esclarecer que o título da categoria Júnior Menor, na 24ª edição da Copa Brasil de Kart, ainda NÃO está definido. E não está porque no dia 02 de outubro seus advogados, liderados pelo Dr. Rodrigo Morelli, inte ...
SAINTéLOC RACING TURNS TO KARTING COMPETITION WITH JANA RACING A major and recognised player in the world of GT and rallying for over ten years, and a year after the debut of Saintéloc Racing's single-seater department, the French team is preparing to extend its field of action into karting, the basic discipline of motor sp ...
FRANCIACORTAWORLD CHAMPIONSHIP:THE BIG ONE? The Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior at Franciacorta from 6th to 8th October 2023 has special conditions in terms of entries and preparation, likely to make it one of the biggest karting events of recent years, if not decades.In ad ...
TOUT EST POSSIBLE À VARENNES EN NSKAlors que Varennes-sur-Allier va accueillir du 6 au 8 octobre la 4e et dernière épreuve de la NSK 2023, la lutte pour le championnat est plus intense que jamais dans toutes les catégories d’autant que davantage de points seront distribués.Varennes, le juge de paixCircuit renommé et très apprécié, Varenn ...
Les grandes victoires nationales s’enchaînent pour Ludo Racing avec CRG Depuis la coupure estivale, le team Ludo Racing de Ludovic Veve n’en finit plus de porter haut et fort les couleurs de la marque CRG, qui elle aussi continue de gagner en France comme elle le fait régulièrement au plus haut niveau international. Ap ...
RECORD FIELD FOR FLAGSHIP WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT IN FRANCIACORTA Held in northern Italy on the Franciacorta track from 6th to 8th October 2023, the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior has an exceptional field of 241 entrants from 57 nations breaking all previous records.The Italian event ...
BUSY BACK-TO-SCHOOL SCHEDULE After a quiet month of August, sporting activity returned to full swing in September. The World KZ Championship was the most eagerly awaited meeting on the Wackersdorf track. There was no shortage of action in Bavaria, even if it was regrettable that the KZ and KZ2 Finals were so tough ...
NSK 2023 : une rentrée musclée à LavalLes 1220 m du circuit de Laval Beausoleil - Louis Paillard n’ont pas été tendres pour les 220 compétiteurs de la 3e épreuve de la National Series Karting. Outre la sélectivité du tracé, le ciel mayennais a ajouté une dose de difficulté dimanche matin lors des Super Heats en déversant des trombes ...
PAROLIN PROVES ITS POTENTIAL IN FRANCIACORTA Two weeks before the World Championship, the fifth and final round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series at Franciacorta was of particular value to the teams and their drivers. Parolin Motorsport demonstrated its competitiveness in both categories on a dry and slip ...
KR / PREMA RACING DOUBLE, VICTORY FOR TURNEY AND TITLE FOR POWELL At Franciacorta from 13th to 16th September, several drivers equipped with KR chassis were not only preparing for the forthcoming FIA Karting World Championship. Their aim was also to fight for the championship titles in the ...
Birel ART back on top in OK with OlivieriAt Franciacorta, the final round of the 2023 Champions of the Future Euro Series confirmed the positive development of Birel ART in OK. Emanuele Olivieri put in a solid performance in the top three of the class before finishing 6th in the Final. A number of setbacks prevented Matheus Morgatto, Joel Bertgstr ...
Wherrell and Powell win the title in Franciacorta after an incredible season 128 drivers in OK-Junior and 104 in OK! The fifth and final round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series was a great success, confirming the quality of the organisation by promoter RGMMC, as well as the choices made to make the competition exciting and attra ...
A TOP-OF-THE-RANGE PERFORMANCE FOR LECONT IN THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP In Germany from 7th to 10th September at Wackersdorf on the ProKart Raceland circuit powered by LeCont, the FIA Karting world event for 125cc gearbox karts took place in excellent conditions and gave rise to a highly intense competitio ...
RETOUR TRÈS ATTENDU À LAVAL POUR LA RENTRÉE SPORTIVELaval fait son grand retour au calendrier de la NSK après quatre ans d’absence. La 3e épreuve de la NSK 2023 aura donc lieu en Mayenne, du 15 au 17 septembre, sur le circuit international de Laval Beausoleil Louis Paillard. Avec 221 pilotes attendus dans les 6 catégories, l’intérêt pou ...
EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCES AND AN INTERNATIONAL TITLE FOR SODIKART In the KZ World Championship, the KZ2 World Cup and the KZ2 Masters International Super Cup, the Sodi Racing Team chassis played all the leading roles in Germany, displaying exceptional competitiveness. Émilien Denner and the Sodi Racing Team, who took pole pos ...
VIKTOR GUSTAFSSON, IKR KZ LEADER 2022 KZ World Champion Viktor Gustafsson (SWE) and CRG factory driver has just recorded his seventh International Karting Ranking (IKR) result of the season at Wackersdorf. His 2nd place in the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - KZ and his consistency in the other KZ events on the ...
EXCELLENT PERFORMANCES FROM PAROLIN IN WACKERSDORF At the start of the Final, Maksim Orlov was one of the favourites in the KZ2 World Cup, as was Daniel Bray in the KZ2 Masters International Super Cup. Unfortunately, they were both eliminated at the start of the race. Genis Civico finished 9th in KZ2, while Riccar ...
Energy and Stolcermanis win in OK and shine in KZ2 The latest international events have once again placed the Energy Corse team at the top of the hierarchy, confirming the team's value and its ability to rise to the greatest challenges. After his victory at the Road to Wackersdorf in July in KZ2, Tomass Stolcermanis dominated ...
Double podium for Birel ART in WackersdorfAt Wackersdorf, Birel ART put in a very good performance in all three categories of the FIA World Karting meeting. Despite a number of ups and downs on the track, the results were ultimately positive, with Daniel Vasile finishing 3rd in the KZ2 World Cup. Thomas Mich was on the podium in the KZ2 Masters Int ...
KR AND IPPOLITO KZ WORLD CHAMPION Crowned European KZ Champion in July with Danilo Albanese, the KR Motorsport team has now won the supreme title of FIA Karting World Champion - KZ with Paolo Ippolito. KR chassis and IAME engines confirmed their very high potential in the gearbox categories. At Wackers ...
BREATHTAKING FINALS FOR THE FIA KARTING TITLES IN GERMANY On Sunday morning, the Super Heats had already given a glimpse of the competition at Wackersdorf. But that was nothing compared to the afternoon's Finals, which produced a breathtaking spectacle with many unexpected twists and turns. At the end of a memorable FIA Karti ...
WACKERSDORF HEATS ACCENTUATE SELECTION At the end of the 40 Qualifying Heats contested since Friday afternoon, the first verdict fell on Saturday evening in Wackersdorf. David Trefilov (DEU) leads the intermediate standings in the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - KZ, Alex Powell (JAM) leads in the FIA Karting Wo ...
QUALIFYING INTENSE ALREADY IN WACKERSDORF In Germany, the 1190 m long Pro Kart Raceland circuit from the Qualifying sessions showed that the Wackersdorf competition was going to prove formidable. Under sunny skies but with reasonable temperatures, three polemen were rewarded on the morning of Friday 8th September: Émilien De ...
PAROLIN ON THE PACE IN FRANCIACORTA Thanks to Rene Lammers in OK and Christian Costoya in OK-Junior, Parolin Motorsport showed an excellent level of competitiveness at Franciacorta for the first round of the WSK Euro Series. After top-class performances in the Qualifying stages, Lammers and Costoya rounded off a s ...
EXCELLENT PREPARATION AT FRANCIACORTA AND THREE MORE WSK PODIUMS! When many drivers arrived at the Franciacorta Karting Track to take part in the opening round of the 2023 WSK Euro Series, they were already looking ahead to the World Championship in the OK and OK-Junior categories, which wi ...
ULTIMATE DRIVERS’ GUIDE TO WACKERSDORF BY LECONT The Italian manufacturer LeCont, official FIA Karting tyre supplier for the KZ & KZ2 categories this year, is providing competitors and enthusiasts with a complete guide to the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - KZ, World Cup FIA Kartin ...
Good progress in OK at theWSK Euro Series in FranciacortaThis year's WSK Euro Series kicked off on the first weekend in September at the Franciacorta circuit, which will host the FIA Karting World Championship - OK and Junior in October. Matheus Morgatto made a convincing comeback in the Prefinal, battling hard with Emanuele Olivieri. It was the yo ...
BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR SHINES ONCE AGAIN AT ON TOP OF THE PODIUM Bogdan Cosma Cristofor hasn't gone very long without a win. The winner of an IAME Series Italy event at the end of July, he kicked off the WSK Euro Series with another victory in the Mini 60 category on Sunday 3rd September 2023. On the Italian circuit of Franci ...
UNE COUPE DE FRANCE À SUCCÈS POUR KPR Le team Kart Pro Racing de Dominique Chech continue de surfer sur les succès en cette saison 2023. Quelques semaines après la victoire de Maxime Gravouille au Mans dans le cadre du prestigieux RMCIT, KPR a engrangé les podiums à la Coupe de France FFSA fin août à Angerville : titr ...
RGMMC Karting Revolution; Introducing an easy entry point formula to expanding markets, introduce CIK-FIA homologated equipment and unearth talent.RGMMC launch a new global concept for drivers to showcase their talent across the globe. The opening event will take place at the racetrack of Al Forsan International Sports Resort in Abu Dhabi ...
CREMONA WINNER RAMAEKERS TAKES THE LEAD OF THE IKR Belgian Thibaut Ramaekers, runner-up in the FIA Karting European Championship Junior, enjoyed a fine weekend in Cremona (ITA). He took pole position, confirmed his position in 1st place in the Qualifying Heats and won the Final with the fastest lap in the race. With a lead of ...
A NEW RIGOUR IN FIA KARTING The final round of the FIA Karting European OK and Junior Championship and the FIA Karting Academy Trophy, the Cremona meeting in Italy seems to have seen a renewed emphasis on compliance with sporting regulations, particularly as regards incidents and collisions. In fact, this tough po ...
BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR TAKES VICTORY AFTER VICTORY Bogdan Cosma Cristofor's magnificent season in the Mini category continues. On 28th and 29th July at the South Garda Karting in Lonato, the talented young driver made a winning return to the IAME Series Italy. After finishing 2nd in Cremona in March, he has taken Romania's co ...
KR EUROPEAN JUNIOR CHAMPIONS AFTER A MEMORABLE HAT-TRICK The FIA Karting European OK and OK-Junior Championships ended on a high note for the KR Global Motorsport Company group at Cremona: a hat-trick of OK-Junior titles in the Final and overall standings with Bondarev, Ramaekers and Martin ...
PAROLIN OK EUROPEAN CHAMPION! Already the 2022 European OKJ Champion, Parolin Motorsport has just won the 2023 FIA Karting European OK Championship at Cremona with Rene Lammers.Barely 15 years old, the Dutch driver is a pure product of Parolin Motorsport with whom he has spent his entire karting career, since 2019 ...
Difficult weekend in CremonaJoel Bergstrom's 13-place recovery in the OK Final and Ean Eyckmans' overall performance in this category were the main positives to come out of the final round of the FIA Karting European OK and Junior Championship at Cremona. With the temperature rising steadily, the young Belgian from the Leclerc by Lennox Racing team ...
THE ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE INTERNATIONAL TROPHY CONFIRMS ITS POSITION After the enthusiastic Finals, the general positive feeling about the organisation and the quality of the races only served to confirm the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy's privileged position on the international scene. The variable weather did nothi ...
LAMMERS, BONDAREV AND MARTI CROWNED AT CREMONA In relatively hot weather, the final day of the Italian round at Cremona saw Dutchman Rene Lammers win the FIA Karting European Championship - OK, while Ukrainian Oleksandr Bondarev took victory in the FIA European Karting Championship - Junior. Spaniard Hugo Marti was the overal ...
CREMONA: THE COMPETITION HEATS UP DURING THE QUALIFYING HEATS The temperature wasn't the only thing to rise during the Qualifying Heats which have been taking place since Friday afternoon in Italy, during a competition which on Sunday afternoon will decide the winners of the FIA Karting European Championships - OK and Junior ...
RMCIT: HEAT RANKINGS RESET DUE TO THE WEATHER The mischievous weather of the Sarthe did not only play positive tricks on the participants of the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy. Indeed, the grip of the Circuit International du Mans had its ups and downs with the rainy spells that accompanied the Qualifying Heats from ...
QUALIFYING FULL OF SURPRISES AT CREMONA Whether it was the large gaps between the fastest drivers or the relative under-performance of some of the best, Qualifying Practice at the FIA Karting event in Cremona (ITA) created a surprising situation for the rest of the competition. Louis Iglesias (FRA) was fastest in OK, Thibaut ...
QUALIFYING KICKS OFF THE RMCIT COMPETITION Thursday 27th July marked the real launch of the fifth edition of the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy on the Circuit International du Mans. After two days of Free Practice, the 294 participants were ready to compete in Qualifying, the first stage in a fierce competition for ...
In France, equality remains a controversial issue. The second word in the motto of the French Republic, which emerged from the Revolution of 1789, Egalité is engraved on the pediments of town halls and printed on official documents between Liberté and Fraternité, and appears in Article 2 of the French Constitution. As the 1789 Declaration of the ...
Weisenburger Champion de France Junior devant SchulzLa 5e et ultime épreuve du Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy a finalement consacré Pacôme Weisenburger à Salbris. Walter Schulz assurait la 2e position du classement grâce à une superbe victoire finale de justesse face à Lisa Billard, très déçue à l’arri ...
Estreante na categoria KZ, Alfredinho Ibiapina é TOP 3 na Copa Brasil de KartO piloto dividiu o pódio com Pedro Piquet, campeão, e Gaetano Di Mauro, vice, dois grandes nomes do automobilismo brasileiro Conquistar pódio na estreia em uma categoria já é bom, melhor ainda é dividir o espaço com pilotos que são referência no automobilism ...
THE SIMPLE JOYS OF KARTING A recent personal experience at the recent French Championship in Septfontaine helped to broaden the way we judge an event. We overheard a conversation between drivers and their entourage from the regional competition in a public place. Their comments revealed their pride in taking part ...
STRONG CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE PERFORMANCES FOR PAROLIN AT CREMONA Parolin Motorsport demonstrated its exemplary competitiveness in Italy, with several of its drivers capable of competing with the best in both categories. In the end, Anatoly Khavalkin finished 7th and Miguel Costa came 11th in OK, while Christian ...
FIVE KR CHASSIS IN THE TOP SIX IN OK-JUNIOR, PREMA RACING DOUBLE IN OK True to its policy of enabling as many drivers and teams as possible to compete, whatever the category, the level of the event or the country, the KR Global Motorsport Company drew an extremely positive balance from the ...
Birel ART: rising performances all the way to the Final at CremonaOnce again, the tenacious work of the entire Birel ART Racing team, technicians and drivers alike, paid off at the fourth round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series, held at the Cremona circuit, where significant gains were made in the Final, such as the 21 places gained by Mat ...
Exciting consolidation of positions in the series standings The fourth of the five Champions of the Future Euro Series events, held at the Cremona circuit in Italy, lived up to all its promises. The final stages were full of twists and turns and the winners of the previous meetings were not necessarily able to confirm their success. Drie ...
SWS INTERNATIONAL FINALS 2023: A LIVELY EDITION IN SLOVAKIA From 5th to 8th July 2023, the 12th edition of the SWS International Finals introduced a new desti-nation to the 374 drivers who had qualified throughout the world during the 2022 SWS season. In Slovakia, the races were extremely hotly contested, sometimes even a lit ...
Energy Corse in the top three of the European KZ2 Championship In 'direct-drive' categories such as OK or OK-Junior, in brand cups or in 125cc gearbox categories, the Energy Corse chassis and the Italian team continue to shine. Tomass Stolcermanis is the best example. As he prepares to fight for a final podium finish in the F ...
Lourenço Varela, literalmente, correndo atrás do sonhoO jovem piloto, que deseja seguir carreira no automobilismo, disputará o titulo de duas categorias na Copa Brasil de Kart Se na fase adulta já é difícil definir uma carreira a seguir, imagine aos 11 anos. Para Lourenço Varela (Art Home), mais do que uma profissão, almeja o sonho de ...
SECOND CONSECUTIVE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE FOR KR Paolo Ippolito in 2022... Danilo Albanese in 2023... History is repeating itself in the most spectacular way for the KR Global Motorsport group in the FIA Karting European KZ Championship. It's important to remember that above all it's t ...
FINE CHAMPIONS CROWNED IN THE FURNACE OF SARNO WITH LECONT Almost three months after the Spanish event in Zuera, which was perfectly mastered by the manufacturer LeCont, the official tyre supplier for the KZ and KZ2 categories in 2023, the FIA Karting European Championship came to a close on the Naples ...
SUPERB CONCLUSION TO A WILD EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP IN SARNO Once dominated by experienced specialists, KZ2 is opening up more and more to young talent, who sometimes run a double programme in OK. The average age of the top 10 in the European Championship is under 18, with one champion aged just 14 - a record set by ...
SODIKART ON THE FINAL PODIUM OF THE EUROPEAN KZ CHAMPIONSHIP Sodikart confirmed its position at the highest level of international karting throughout the FIA Karting European Championship in KZ and KZ2. Senna Van Walstijn led the standings when he arrived at the Italian circuit of Sarno, and was immediately up front. Although ...
RISING PERFORMANCE FOR PAROLIN AT SARNO Parolin Motorsport produced some very convincing performances at the second round of the European Championship last weekend at Sarno. In KZ, Francesco Celenta confirmed the very positive progress made after Zuera, finishing in the top three in the qualifying heats and confir ...
Triple win in the Final and a double at the European Championship in SarnoFreddie Slater, Daniel Vasile and Cristian Bertuca put Birel ART's colours to the test on the podium of the KZ2 Final at Sarno, while Slater, aged 14 in his first season, clinched the European KZ2 title and Vasile followed him to 2nd place in the Championship. ...
NEW CHAMPIONSHIP AND NEW SUCCESS FOR JAMES WHARTON UAE F4 Champion and in contention for the Italian F4 Championship in 2023, James Wharton has set himself a new challenge by taking part in the Euro4 Championship, created this season and organised over three meetings. The first event took place at Mugello and saw the Prema Ra ...
ALBANESE AND SLATER THE NEW EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS IN SARNO The temperature rose a few more degrees at Sarno on Sunday as the Finals of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 supported by Mondokart.com got underway. Gradually set up during the Super Heats, the scenario unfolded without a hitch until the end of the F ...
SARNO: ITALIANS ALBANESE AND BERTUCA LEAD ON SATURDAY EVENING The Italian round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 in Sarno, Italy, sponsored by Mondokart.com, took place in very hot conditions that put a great deal of stress on drivers, machines and tyres. The first selection has been made and will ...
QUALIFYING IN SARNO CONFIRMS THE MAIN FAVOURITES The second and final round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 sponsored by Mondokart.com got underway in very hot conditions at the Circuito Internazionale Napoli in Sar-no. After Qualifying Practice, Danilo Albanese (ITA) took pole position in KZ ...
SARNO, AN EVENT TO FOLLOW CLOSELY At this time of year, there aren't many KZ / KZ2 races left. WSK Promotion has mobilised the competitors at the beginning of the season and after Sarno, there will only be the preparatory race at Wackersdorf before the KZ World Championship and the KZ2 World Cup at the beginning o ...
Vitória na Copa São Paulo Light coloca Alfredinho Ibiapina na vice-liderança da Graduados BPiloto conquista dois pódios na 6ª etapa da competição Com uma vitória e um segundo lugar na 6ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de kart Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) conquistou o degrau mais alto do pódio pela Graduados B. A disputa aconteceu no ...
NEW DESTINATION FOR THE WORLD'S BIGGEST LEISURE KARTING EVENT For the first time, the 12th edition of the SWS International Finals will be held outside France and Italy. From 5th to 8th July, Slovakia will be the venue for the major annual meeting of the Sodi W Series, bringing together the best drivers selected in 2022 from ...
ULTIMATE DRIVERS’ GUIDE TO SARNO BY LECONT The Italian manufacturer LeCont, official FIA Karting tyre supplier for the KZ & KZ2 categories this year, is providing competitors and enthusiasts with a complete guide to the second and last round of the 2023 FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & ...
Junior Karting, la pression monte, le niveau aussiLa 4e épreuve du Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy qui vient de se dérouler en Normandie sur le circuit Lucien Lebret d’Anneville était empreinte d’une indéniable tension entre les pilotes visant le titre. Une certaine fébrilité a même mené à quelques erre ...
OK-N AND OKN-J MAKE THEIR WSK DEBUT Last weekend, the fourth round of the WSK Open Series was packed with KZ2 entries, with 81 drivers coming to prepare for the forthcoming European KZ and KZ2 Championships. For once, the KZ2s outnumbered the Mini Gr3s and U10s, with 61 entries in all. For the first time, the comp ...
EUROPEAN CORONATIONS IN SIGHT IN SARNO The FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 is preparing to crown the first champions of the season at its second event from 6th to 9th July 2023 on the Circuito Internazionale Napoli in Sarno in Italy, sponsored by Mondokart.com.The current version of the Sarno track, whic ...
BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR IS THE NEW WSK OPEN SERIES CHAMPION! WSK Promotion, the organiser of the biggest international series for the Mini category, scheduled the Open Series over four meetings in 2023. Over 40 different nationalities were represented, and the level of competition was extremely high. By finishing in the top th ...
NEW EXPERIENCE AND A NEW VICTORY FOR DAVID COSMA CRISTOFOR Making steady progress since the start of the season, David Cosma Cristofor wasted no time in putting his Cetilar Racing colours on display at the top of the podium! On the Naples International Circuit in Sarno, the Romanian hopeful had the high honour of winning the ...
Incidente tira Ibiapina da primeira corrida da Copa Beto CarreroO piloto recupera posições na segunda, mas perde a chance de pódio Já diz o princípio da impenetrabilidade da matéria que “dois corpos não ocupam o mesmo lugar no espaço ao mesmo tempo”. Durante a primeira corrida da 3ª etapa da Copa Beto Carrero, três pilotos confir ...
Energy Corse on the podium all over the world! In FIA Karting, Rotax, Rok or IAME, and in numerous countries around the globe, podium finishes are on the cards for Energy Corse. In OK, Tomass Stolcermanis is racking up a string of brilliant results and is currently 4th in the FIA Karting European Championship, just a few poin ...
MIGUEL COSTA IN THE TOP 10 OF THE WORLD'S KARTING ELITE Miguel Costa continues to be a revelation. After finishing his final Junior year with some brilliant performances, he has made a particularly promising start to the 2023 season. His determination to join the OK category alongside the top hopefuls of internati ...
CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION? Our era seems set for great upheaval, as if everything around us were suddenly spiralling out of control, against a backdrop of widespread doom and gloom. The motto "don’t worry, we'll do the rest" and its corollary "don't look, you won’t understand" are spreading like wildfire. The e ...
1-2-3! FORMIDABLE KR MOTORSPORT HAT-TRICK IN OK-JUNIOR The third round of the FIA Karting European OK-Junior Championship clearly highlighted the qualities of the KR-IAME packages. In Denmark, on the demanding Rodby track with its many bends, Oleksander Bondarev, Stepan Antonov and Iacopo M ...
EUROPEAN VICTORY IN OK FOR LAMMERS AT RØDBY Parolin Motorsport confirmed its ambitions in Denmark at the third round of the European Championship. Rene Lammers took a magnificent victory in OK and moved to the top of the provisional standings. Miguel Costa followed in 7th place, while Anatoly Khavalkin made a ver ...
NSK 2023 : un week-end enthousiasmant à MuretLa National Series Karting s’est poursuivie du 16 au 18 juin 2023 dans la région de Toulouse sur le Circuit de Muret sous une température assez élevée. La compétition a été intense pendant tout le week-end et quelques rebondissements ont fait évoluer la hiérarchie.Le temps ensoleillé des pre ...
Rødby: Morgatto within touching distance of the European top five in OKAlready a strong performer in the Champions of the Future Euro Series two weeks earlier, Matheus Morgatto confirmed the progress of Birel ART in OK during the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship in Denmark. Very fast throughout the weekend, the Brazilian finish ...
LAMMERS, BONDAREV AND APOSTOLIDIS WIN IN DENMARK The new Danish circuit, the Rødby Karting Ring, provided a high-quality setting for its first appearance on the FIA Karting calendar. Rene Lammers (NLD) in OK, Oleksandr Bondarev (UKR) in OK-Junior and Vasileios Apostolidis (GRC) in Academy won the Finals.The intensity of the ...
HOTLY CONTESTED QUALIFYING HEATS AT RØDBY The competition was fierce during the Qualifying Heats on the new circuit in Rødby, Denmark. Kean Nakamura-Berta (GBR) and Alex Powell (JAM) occupied the top two positions in the OK category, while Iacopo Martinese (ITA) took the lead in OK-Junior. The selection will continue on Sun ...
THREE NEW POLEMEN IN DENMARK Under cloudy skies but on a dry track, Qualifying at Rødby rewarded three new drivers. Poland's Maciej Gladysz was fastest in OK, Spain's Christian Costoya took the OK-Junior pole position in the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship and Dutchman Tom Coronel headed the Academy Trop ...
THE CONTRADICTIONS OF THE KARTING ECOSYSTEM When I have to explain to friends what I do for a living, I try to put karting in the best possible light. A school of life for young drivers, equipment that is as simple in its concept as it is incredibly complex in its implementation, short, intense races, an exciting ...
2e rendez-vous à Muret pour la NSK 2023Comme cela a été le cas avec succès l’an dernier, la 2e épreuve de la NSK 2023 aura lieu dans le sud de la France, du 16 au 18 juin au Karting de Muret. Avec 230 pilotes attendus dans les 6 catégories, l’intérêt pour la série française de référence ne se dément pas.Le circuit de Muret possède ...
DISCOVERING THE RØDBY KARTING RING The 2023 FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior continues to offer new attractions. After the first appearance of an FIA Karting competition on the Valencia track in Spain, followed by the discovery of a new track in the Czech Republic at Trinec, the third round will bring the ...
WHY INTRODUCE NEW CIRCUITS TO INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION? This year, the FIA Karting is redoubling its efforts to vary the tracks used in the European OK and OK-Junior Championships. Three of the four tracks selected are unused at this level, and two of them are completely new. This is rare enough to merit special ...
NEW CIRCUIT AND NEW RESULT FOR THE KR CHASSIS AT RODBY The Champions of the Future Euro Series has christened the brand new Rodby circuit in Denmark. Used by 43 drivers competing in OK and OK-Junior, the KR chassis immediately felt at home. Victories in the Qualifying Heats followed in quic ...
WHERRELL TAKES OVER IN THE LEAD OF THE IKR Interest in the International Karting Ranking continues to grow as the number of competitions increases. Now that the mid-season mark has been passed, many drivers have at least eight results to their name, and comparisons are more effective.Created and managed by the FIA, the IKR is ...
DOUBLE OK-JUNIOR PODIUM IN CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE AT RØDBY A second new country is on the international competition programme this year. After the Czech Re-public, it was Denmark's turn to present a new track with the recently completed Rødby Karting Ring. The third round of the Champions of the Future Euro Ser ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina marca a pole e vence a 5ª etapa da Copa SP Light pela Graduados B Em franca evolução na Graduados, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) esteve no pódio na geral e no lugar de honra pela classe B na rodada tripla da Copa SP Light de Kart, realizada no sábado (03), em Interlagos. Em trabalho conjunto com a equipe A8 Racing ...
Morgatto confirms Birel ART's progress in Champions of the Future at RødbyInternational competition continued on a new track last weekend. After Trinec in the Czech Republic, the Birel ART Racing team discovered the Rødby circuit in Denmark for the third round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series at the beginning of June, two weeks before t ...
Gomez and Wherrell take revenge Gabriel Gomez in the OK class and Lewis Wherrell in the OK-Junior class were both at the top in the Final at the previous meeting in the Czech Republic, but in the end victory eluded them. In Denmark, they took magnificent revenge by dominating the Final of this highly anticipated meeting. This was the ver ...
Varennes, cadre idéal pour un grand spectacle en Junior KartingC’est une très bonne idée de choisir le circuit de Varennes-sur-Allier pour la 3e des 5 épreuves du Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy. Tracé rapide et pointu, Varennes génère plaisir et sensations aussi bien en tête qu’en queue de peloton. Le r ...
THE COST OF MISTAKES IN MOTOR SPORT The 2023 Monaco Grand Prix has just rewarded three excellent drivers. Max Verstappen - Red Bull beat Fernando Alonso - Aston Martin, while Esteban Ocon took a fantastic 3rd place with Alpine. As a Frenchman, we were extremely pleased to see Ocon on the podium, especially as we k ...
Lourenço Varela conquista o título de campeão Sul-Brasileiro de Kart Cadete Disputada no último sábado (27), a 26ª edição do Sul-brasileiro de Kart reuniu mais de 250 pilotos de diversos estados, no kartódromo Beto Carrero em Penha, litoral catarinense. Na categoria Cadete 19 karts concorreram ao título definido em uma disputa a ...
RM Concept prend de l’ampleur en 2023 La saison 2022 a permis à l’équipe de Morgan Riche de conforter sa position parmi les meilleurs professionnels français. Il n’était donc pas surprenant que les demandes d’intégrer le Team RM Concept connaissent une saine inflation. Le département moteurs labellisé RM Power connaissait ...
DOUBLE WEEKEND, TRINEC AND CREMONA FOR DIFFERENT STAKES Trinec, a landmark venueMuch has been said or written about the Steel Ring circuit in the Czech Republic, which was the scene of a good FIA Karting meeting last weekend. The track can be described as difficult, twisty, hilly, spectacular or interesting, but p ...
VERY GOOD RESULTS IN THE DOUBLE WEEKEND IN TRINEC AND CREMONA Two weeks after the encouraging results of the Champions of the Future Euro Series in the Czech Republic, Parolin Motorsport outdid itself in the second round of the OK & Junior European Championship at the same track in Trinec with five top 10 fini ...
BONDAREV WINS ON KR-IAME AND TAKES THE LEAD IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP On the Trinec circuit, which proved to be extremely difficult for drivers, equipment and teams, Ukrainian Oleksandr Bondarev crossed the finish line of the OK-Junior Final as the winner after dominating the event and w ...
Birel ART raises the pace again in TrinecThe second round of the FIA Karting European Championship gave the Birel ART Racing team the opportunity to validate their work and the increase in performance that has been underway for several weeks in both categories. ...
GOMEZ, BONDAREV AND BARRY-BERG VICTORIOUS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC The FIA Karting competition organised for the first time on the Steel Ring circuit in Trinec, Czech Republic gave rise to some exciting races in front of an audience that was enthralled by the quality of the show. Gabriel Gomez (ITA) in OK, Oleksandr Bondarev (UK ...
SUPERB DAY OF COMPETITION DURING THE QUALIFYING HEATS IN TRINEC Contrary to the forecasts, Saturday was a day of good weather with clear skies and temperatures in excess of 20°C. Gabriel Gomez (ITA) made a perfect run in the Qualifying Heats of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK, while Oleksandr Bondarev (UKR) did th ...
DRY QUALIFYING AT TRINEC The 202 drivers of the weekend inaugurated the Trinec track in the Czech Republic in good conditions at the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior and the first round of the FIA Karting Academy Trophy.With rain forecast for the next few days, the Qualifying session ben ...
NSK 2023, courses superbes pour l’ouverture à SalbrisLa 12e saison de National Series Karting a débuté du 12 au 14 mai 2023 sur le Circuit International de Salbris sous une météo variable. La compétition a été particulièrement intense entre les 267 pilotes répartis en 6 catégories. Fidèle aux valeurs de sportivité et de convivialité ...
NSK SUCCESSFUL IN FRANCE, OK-N AND OKN-JUNIOR PROMISING IN ITALY France: NSK stronger than everFor its 12th year, the National Series Karting organised by 3MK Events has confirmed its enviable position in the French karting landscape. A four-event championship dedicated to Rotax engines, the NSK broke its particip ...
KR'S FIRST TRIP TO TŘINEC A DOUBLE WIN Champions of the Future Euro Series - Trinec (CZE) - 7, May 2023 Facing a new circuit in a major international competition is always a dreaded moment for factories, teams and drivers. From 3rd to 6th May, the KR brand set out to discover the Steel ...
DISCOVERING THE CHARMS OF TRINEC As a preview of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior, the Champions of the Future Euro Series went to the Czech Republic last weekend to discover the Steelring International Circuit in Trinec.The 1223 m long track could be a mix between Lonato, PFI and Cremona in ...
STRONG INTEREST IN THE FIRST FIA KARTING EVENT IN TŘINEC On the occasion of its second event, the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior will head east to the Czech Republic for its second round and its first taste of the Třinec International Steel Ring. The FIA Karting Academy Trophy will also make its debut o ...
THREE TOP 10S IN CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE AT TRINEC Parolin Motorsport put in a solid performance in the second round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series, which was marked by the debut of the Trinec circuit and variable weather conditions. Rene Lammers finished 6th in OK while Zac Drummond finished 7th in OK ...
La saison NSK 2023 prête à commencer à SalbrisSur la lancée d’une année 2022 pleine de succès, la NSK repart pour quatre épreuves réparties sur l’ensemble du territoire en 2023. 9 tickets pour la RMC Gand Finals seront à gagner à l’issue du championnat tandis que 2 places pour la Rok Cup Superfinal à Lonato seront offertes pour la ...
Birel ART reveals its potentialin OK and Junior at TrinecOn the new Trinec circuit in the Czech Republic, the Birel ART / TM Kart showed remarkable competitiveness in a variety of conditions. The second round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series saw Matheus Morgatto’s return to form, who finished 9th in the OK Final, while Noah Wolfe of the ...
A big first in Třinec with Turney and Bondarev in charge For the first time, the OK and OK-Junior classes contested a major international event at the new Třinec circuit in the Czech Republic, at the second of five Champions of the Future Euro Series events. In partnership with RGMMC, the Czech Steel Ring Motorsport Pro Každého team ...
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED IN CREMONA, WITH PERFORMANCE AND CONSISTENCY The Italian karting track of Cremona, which has a reputation for being a difficult circuit for tyres, was the final event of the 2023 WSK Super Master Series. It was another opportunity for the manufacturer LeCont to prove the effectiven ...
DAVID GETS USED TO THE PODIUM Since his move to the OK-Junior category, David Cosma-Cristofor has made impressive progress. In March, the Romanian karting hopeful brilliantly won the Andrea Margutti Trophy, but David was keen to confirm this result in an even higher level of competition. In the WSK Super Master Series on the ...
BOGDAN DOES THE MAXIMUM IN MINI Already ranked 3rd in the WSK Champions Cup at the beginning of the season in the Mini 60 category, Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor has just finished 3rd in the final ranking of the WSK Super Master Series, one of the most prestigious competitions of the season. With his KR-IAME package from Team Driver ...
REVELATIONS ON THE OK PODIUM IN CREMONA Amidst all that happened this weekend in Cremona at the closing round of the WSK Super Master Series, three new names made their appearance in the final top three of the OK class. It is interesting to look in more detail at where these three drivers come from and to try to a ...
WSK SUPER MASTER SERIES: TWO NEW TITLES FOR THE KR BRAND The international events continue week after week, and the trophies pile up on the shelves of the drivers and teams using KR Global Motorsport Company equipment. After successes in IAME and Rotax in the previous days, the WSK Super Ma ...
PAROLIN ON THE PODIUM OF THE WSK SUPER MASTER SERIES OK AND OK-JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS The 2023 WSK Super Master Series has just finished with its fourth and final round at the Cremona circuit. Parolin Motorsport reaped the rewards of its hard work by reaching the championship podi-um twice in the most popular catego ...
Serial success at the WSK Super Master SeriesIn Cremona, Birel ART lived up to its reputation by winning the WSK Super Master Series KZ2 Championship thanks to Cristian Bertuca. Matteo Viganò, the driver from the Leclerc by Lennox Racing team, won the Final, Bertuca accompanied him on the third step of the podium, five Birel ART / TM finished in t ...
SODIKART DOUBLE VICE-CHAMPION IN WSK WITH DENNER IN KZ2 AND SALA IN OK-JUNIOR The fourth and final round of the 2023 WSK Super Master Series, which brings together the top international drivers and teams, once again highlighted the performance of the Sodi Racing Team, the French chassis and its drivers. As was the case during ...
WHAT'S GOING ON IN GERMANY? The 2023 season is shaping up strangely in Germany, a great motorsport country known for its dynamic national championships that attract many international drivers.Last year, the ADAC began with the announcement that its famous F4 championship, which along with its Italian counterpart w ...
Championnat de France Junior : première réussie dans le Grand EstLa seconde épreuve du Championnat de France Junior Karting 2023 a exploré avec succès le circuit de Mirecourt Juvaincourt, dans les Vosges. Outre l’accueil chaleureux du club et de la Ligue, c’est bien le tracé lui-même qui a séduit la FFSA Academy. Exigeant sur le plan te ...
THE FIRST ELECTRIC FINAL GOES TO SWEDEN This year, the SWS Final will be split into two. As a sign of the times, in parallel to the "classic" SWS International Finals scheduled in Slovakia in July, Sodikart is organising the first SWS e-Sprint International Final in Sweden. On 28th and 29th April, Gothenburg will welcome the ...
11TH YEAR OF PRESENCE AND PERFORMANCE IN FIA KARTING FOR LECONT On the highly demanding Spanish circuit of Zuera, Prime tyres from the LeCont range met the expectations and requirements of the drivers competing in the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ-KZ2. Thanks to optimal efficiency, a high leve ...
THE NEW FACE OF KZ2 Traditionally frequented by those used to the gearshift, KZ2 has in recent years seen a progressive rejuvenation of its competitors. After the Junior categories, the classic progress towards the Senior category is more often opening up towards an early move to KZ2 or sometimes a double programm ...
KR TRIUMPHS IN KZ2 WITHALEX POWELL After the two victories for the KR direct-drive chassis at the opening of the European Championships in OK and OK-Junior, it is now the turn of the "Shifter" model to win a major FIA Karting competition. On the difficult Zuera circuit, Jamaican Alex Powell dominated t ...
Álvaro Medeiros lidera a Mirim no DFO piloto venceu duas das três etapas já disputadas do Campeonato Regional As disputas válidas pela 3ª rodada do Campeonato Regional de Kart do Distrito Federal foram acirradas nas categorias Mirim e Cadete, no último sábado, no kartódromo Brasília Kart. Juntas as categorias reuniram sete pilotos, qu ...
TRAVISANUTTO AND CIVICO IN THE TOP 10 AT ZUERA Parolin Motorsport is back in KZ this year with its two drivers, Francesco Celenta and Lorenzo Travisanutto. The Parolin / TM Kart packages proved to be a match for the increasingly fierce com-petition between the leading manufacturers in the European Championship. Ce ...
SODIKART THE INITIAL LEADER OF THE EUROPEAN KZ CHAMPIONSHIP In Spain, in Zuera, the performance of Sodi chassis was certainly on the agenda for the first FIA Karting KZ / KZ2 meeting of the season, with excellent results in both categories. Leader at the end of the heats, winner of the Super Heat and on the Final podium in KZ ...
Double European podium in Zuera for Birel ARTWith more than a quarter of the field, Birel ART was the best represented chassis brand in Spain for the opening of the FIA Karting European Championships - KZ & KZ2. Although the standard of competition in these gearbox categories is constantly increasing, Birel ART's expertise enables the red chass ...
ZUERA: IGLESIAS AND POWELL REWARDED IN SPAIN You had to have strong nerves, as well as great speed, to get good results in Zuera. The two heroes of this first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 supported by Mondokart.com did not lack any. The Jamaican Alex Powell saw off the challenge of his KZ2 pro ...
VAN WALSTIJN AND SLATER THE NEW LEADERS ON SATURDAY EVENING IN ZUERA Since Friday afternoon, the Qualifying Heats have followed each other without letting up on the Circuito Internacional de Zuera, which is vibrant with the first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 supported by Mondokart.com. Speed a ...
LEUILLET IN KZ AND POWELL IN KZ2 LAUNCH THE COMPETITION IN ZUERA On the Spanish circuit of Zuera, the first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 supported by Mondokart.com has just started with the Qualifying Practice. In good weather conditions, Frenchman Tom Leuillet achieved the KZ pole position an ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina estreia com a Liderança na Fórmula DeltaPiloto assinou contrato com a empresa de facilities na manhã desta quarta-feira (12) Esta manhã (12) ficará marcada como um divisor de águas na carreira de Alfredinho Ibiapina. Kartista desde os nove anos, com vários títulos conquistados, no próximo sábado (15), o piloto est ...
ULTIMATE DRIVERS’ GUIDE TO ZUERA BY LECONT The Italian manufacturer LeCont, official FIA Karting tyre supplier for the KZ & KZ2 categories this year, is providing competitors and enthusiasts with a complete guide to the first round of the 2023 FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 presented by Mondokart.com.T ...
O segundo lugar na 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light, mantém Lourenço Varela na liderança da CadeteDisputada no último sábado (01), no kartódromo de Interlagos, a 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart reuniu, novamente, um bom número de pilotos, 227 no total. Na Cadete, 21 karts entraram na pista e Lourenço Varela, de Itapema-SC, trav ...
Álvaro Medeiros provoca fortes emoções na 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de KartPiloto brasiliense teve disputas acirradas, venceu a segunda prova e é vice-campeão da rodadaAberta a pilotos de 7 a 9 anos, a categoria Mirim, primeira da base do kartismo nacional, teve corridas de enfartar o público no último sábado (01), em Interlagos. ...
PERFECTION IN THE DETAIL The karting industry, like motor sport, is by definition driven by innovation. You have to constantly look for new solutions to make a difference and stay ahead of your rivals. Inventiveness, experimentation, evaluation and replication of results are all part of the scientific process. The ...
KZ AND KZ2 IN THE SPOTLIGHT IN ZUERA The FIA Karting season continues in Spain as the first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 is set to take place from 14th to 16th April 2023 at the Circuito Internacional Zuera near Zaragoza in central Spain. 123 names are on the entry list representing 24 nations ...
O segundo lugar na 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light, mantém Lourenço Varela na liderança da Cadete Disputada no último sábado (01), no kartódromo de Interlagos, a 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart reuniu, novamente, um bom número de pilotos, 227 no total. Na Cadete, 21 karts entraram na pista e Lourenço Varela, de Itapema-SC ...
Kauan Bernardes reassume a liderança da Mirim na Copa São Paulo Light de KartO piloto paranaense, de Foz do Iguaçu, mostra evolução e competitividade neste início de temporada Com 19 pilotos no grid da categoria Mirim na 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light, disputada no último sábado (01), no kartódromo de Interlagos, Kauan Bernardes f ...
Peça de R$ 0,50 prejudica o desempenho de Alfredinho Ibiapina na Copa São Paulo LighNa segunda bateria, o piloto conseguiu recuperar algumas posições e salvar pontos precisos para o campeonato O acerto do kart de Alfredinho Ibiapina (ORCALI) estava bom durante os quatro treinos livres em que esteve entre os cinco primeiros colocados. Na to ...
3-2-1, VICTORY FOR THE YOUNG ROMANIAN HOPEFUL! Success doesn't depend on the number of years. Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor is only 12 years old but he continues to build his reputation on the international karting scene. On the Italian circuit of Cremona, he added a new line to his already impressive list of achievements. After 3rd ...
Energy Corse still at the forefront of the battle in 2023 The Italian team refueled during the winter break and set off again to attack the podiums, which have already been numerous in 2023. From the Winter Cup, Martin Molnar triumphed in OK. In WSK, Danny Carenini won in IAME-X30 Junior at the Open Series, before winning aga ...
THE IMPORTANCE OF VARYING THE CIRCUITS For many years, international competition has been centred on Europe and even more so on Italy. What could be more logical for the country that hosts the majority of the competition karting industry and that has seen the development of the WSK Promotion races, a promoter of q ...
Birel ART Racing: interestingJunior performances in ValenciaThe Birel ART Racing team continued its development work during the first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior at the Spanish circuit of Valencia. Gerasim Skulanov's strong performance showed that the team is on the right track in OK-Junior. ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORT GETS OFF TO A GOOD START IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP IN VALENCIA Parolin Motorsport's energy since the beginning of the season was rewarded with a great podium finish for Rene Lammers in the opening race of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK in Valencia and his 2nd position in the provi ...
THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP BEGINS WITH TWO WINS FOR KR IN VALENCIA The FIA Karting European Championship, which was eagerly awaited after the start of the season during which everyone was able to actively prepare for this major event, highlighted the competitiveness of the equipment develope ...
TURNEY AND RAMAEKERS THE UNDISPUTED WINNERS IN SPAIN The final day of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior in Valencia was split into two distinct parts with the Super Heats in the morning and the Finals in the early afternoon. In the beautiful Spanish weather, the races provided an intense sporting spectac ...
GOMEZ CONFIRMS IN OK, KACZYNSKI TAKES OVER IN JUNIOR Thirty Qualifying heats were run in Valencia, 15 in each category, to establish the intermediate classification of the first round of the 2023 FIA Karting European Championships - OK and Junior. OK poleman Gabriel Gomez (BRA) managed a clean sweep and remains the unbeaten l ...
IN VALENCIA, GABRIEL GOMEZ AND TAYM SALEH START FROM POLE POSITION The FIA Karting European Championships - OK and Junior have just started in Spain at the Kartódromo Internacional Lucas Guerrero in Valencia with 169 participants. Italian-licensed Brazilian Gabriel Gomez took pole position in Qualifying from the 86 OK driver ...
Début prometteur pour le Championnat de France Junior 2023 au MansLe Championnat de France Junior Karting 2023 a lancé sa 7e saison sur les terres de la FFSA Academy au Mans. L’effectif a encore progressé avec 25 pilotes au départ, un record. Les conditions météo changeantes n’ont pas facilité la tâche des jeunes académiciens, une fine ...
WHAT PLACE IS THERE FOR THE GREAT ITALIAN CLASSICS? With the rise of the WSK Promotion series and the arrival of the Champions of the Future Euro Series by RGMMC, the range of international competitions has increased over the last decade. At the same time, competition has continued to evolve towards greater profes ...
P1 RACING FUEL MAKES ITS DEBUT IN FIA KARTING COMPETITIONS WITH 100% RENEWABLE FUEL SOLUTION In March 2022, the FIA World Motor Sport Council approved the use of biofuel in FIA Karting competitions from 2023.The selected fuel is a 100% renewable product made from second generation bio-based components and synthetic fuel produ ...
DAVID COSMA CRISTOFOR MAKES MARGUTTI TROPHY HISTORY The Andrea Margutti Trophy is one of the oldest events on the international karting calendar. It is renowned for highlighting the greatest hopes of motor sport. Norris, Alonso, Rosberg, Hamilton, Raikkonen, Russell, Leclerc and Sainz have all distinguished themselves here. I ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORT WELL PLACED ON ALL FRONTS The weekend of 11th-12th March was a busy one for Parolin Motorsport, who had to split their ef-forts between Spain and Italy. The Champions of the Future Euro Series started at the Kartódromo Internacional Lucas Guerrero in Valencia in preparation for the FIA Karting ...
RECORD ENTRY FOR THE FIA KARTING SEASON OPENER IN SPAIN Spain will host the inaugural event of the 2023 FIA Karting season from March 23-26. The Kartódromo Internacional Lucas Guerrero de Valencia will make its debut on the FIA Karting calendar with the first round of the European Championship - OK & Junior.This event ha ...
WHAT HAS CHANGED WITH THE START OF THE CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURE EURO SERIES? Last weekend's Champions of the Future Euro Series in Valencia, Spain, offered some great sporting action before concluding with results that were quite different to those seen so far in 2023.Similar to the FIA Karting competitions in term ...
SUCCESS ON ALL FRONTS AHEAD OF THE FIA KARTING EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS After numerous events in Italy, the season accelerated a little more with the launch of the 2023 Champions of the Future Euro Series, which started in Spain in Valencia. In both OK and OK-Junior, KR chassis dominated the ...
PODIUMS AND SUCCESSES FROM THE START OF THE SEASON FOR SODIKART With a fine victory in Lonato in KZ2 in the new WSK Promotion series, Senna Van Walstijn confirmed the competitiveness of the Sodi chassis and the expertise of the Sodi Racing Team. Leader at the end of the heats and 5th in the Final, Émilien Denner completed th ...
Tests in race conditions in ValenciaThe Birel ART Racing team prepared for the upcoming FIA European Karting Championship - OK & OK-Junior by participating in the first round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series at the Kar-tódromo Internacional Lucas Guerrero de Valencia in Spain. ...
Complete success for the opening of the Euro Series in Valencia The drivers and teams in the OK and OK-Junior categories travelled to Spain and the Lucas Guerrero circuit in Valencia with great enthusiasm and motivation to compete in the first of five events of the Champions of the Future Euro Series. The promoter RGMMC has introduced a ...
IN ITALY AND SPAIN, THE INTERNATIONAL SEASON GETS UNDERWAY For the second time in the 2023 season, two important competitions were competing on the same date on the weekend of 4th and 5th March. The third round of the WSK Super Master Series was taking place in Italy at the Sarno track, while the IAME Euro Series ...
QUANTITY AND QUALITY ON THE AGENDA From 3rd to 5th March, as was the case a month earlier, WSK Promotion organised a Super Master Series event in Italy, while RGMMC once again hosted the IAME Challenge categories in Spain. In both cases, KR chassis helped several drivers to the podium, espe ...
PAROLIN: 2ND PLACE IN OK AND TOP FIVE IN JUNIOR AT SARNO Parolin Racing Kart was the best-represented chassis brand in Sarno with almost 50 karts participating in the third round of the WSK Super Master Series with 255 drivers from 45 nations in its five categories. Parolin was 1st in Mini and Mini U10 and 2nd in ...
Lourenço Varela mantém a liderança da Copa SP Light de Kart Pole position e duas vitórias na 2ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart, disputada no último sábado (03), em Interlagos, garantiram a permanência de Lourenço Varela (Art Home) na liderança da Cadete. O piloto de Itapema, litoral de Santa Catarina, teve uma atuação perfe ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina mantém a regularidade nas primeiras disputas pela Graduados BPiloto conquista o TOP 3, na 2ª etapa da Copa SP Light de Kart Campeão Brasileiro da OK Júnior em 2022, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) teve um final de semana positivo na nova categoria, Graduados B. Disputada no último sábado (04), no kartódromo Ayrton Senna ...
Birel ART domination in KZ2 at SarnoAs the third round of the WSK Super Master Series headed to the fast Circuito Internazionale Napoli in Sarno, Birel ART continued to demonstrate its expertise by concluding a remarkable overall performance with a hat-trick of wins on the KZ2 Final podium. Freddie Slater took his first victory in KZ2, followed by ...
THREE NEW F1 DRIVERS TRAINED IN KARTING The 2023 F1 season features three newcomers who confirm the value of karting in the training of car champions. It may be interesting to look back at their karting careers.The 28-year-old Dutchman Nyck de Vries has a special status. Considered by some to be a karting prodigy, ...
Ricardo Moraes é vice-campeão da Seletiva KWC de KartCompetição aconteceu neste domingo (26) no Speedland Kart Center, em São Paulo O carioca Ricardo Moraes conquistou o vice-campeonato da Seletiva KWC de Kart 2023 pela categoria 85kg, na classificação geral, neste domingo (26), no Kartódromo Speedland Kart Center, em São Paulo.Nas ba ...
FIA KARTING 2023 PRESENTATION DOSSIER To find out all about the FIA Karting competition in 2023, a comprehensive Presentation Dossier for a wide audience has been produced.On the programme, the history of karting since its creation, the list of current F1 drivers trained in this basic discipline, the international bodies, the ...
FRANCIACORTA: AN IMPORTANT EVENT FOR PAROLIN With record entries and a fast track that is still unfamiliar to most competitors, the second round of the 2023 WSK Super Master Series at Franciacorta presented some interesting challenges. The Parolin Motorsport team did not miss the opportunity to work on a track wit ...
KART SHOP FRANCE S’ADAPTE POUR ASSURER DE MEILLEURS SERVICES Fondée en 1984 par François Chevallier, Kart Shop France a été reprise en 2018 par un ancien pilote KZ : Teddy Legendre. Présent sur les circuits avec sa structure mobile entre 2018 et 2019, Kart Shop France pouvait proposer sur place un important stock de pièces et d ...
IN ITALY, IT'S NOT ONLY LONATO For obvious reasons, the success of South Garda Karting has not waned. However, after three great races in a row in Desenzano, it was interesting to change the scenery and go to the Franciacorta circuit 50 kilometres away. For its second event, the WSK Super Master Series broke its a ...
THE RISE OF THE KR DRIVERS CONTINUES, WITH NEW SUCCESSES 361 drivers took part in the second round of the 2023 WSK Super Master Series in Franciacorta and the KR chassis was best represented in the paddock in terms of statistics. Marked by the performance of the KR Global Motorsport Company ...
Birel ART discover FranciacortaAfter a season start concentrated on the Lonato track, the second round of the WSK Super Master Series allowed the Birel ART Racing team to enrich its database on a less commonly-used track, that of Franciacorta, where the FIA Karting World Championships will take place next October. The “Red Power” KZ2s once agai ...
OK-N: NOTHING COULD BE SIMPLER The philosophy of Original Karting, launched in 2016, had already gone a long way towards simplifying the design and use of a top-level kart engine. The worldwide success of the OK in international competition quickly confirmed the soundness of the initial project.In 2023, the OK-N will take a n ...
WHAT IF WE SHARED MORE OF THE PLEASURES OF KARTING? Focused as we are on results and victories, we probably forget that karting offers real joy of which the dream of success is only one element.SURPASSING ONESELFAt all levels, karting is punctuated by victories over yourself before succeeding in beating others. Su ...
STRONG POTENTIAL AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL FOR 2023 With figures worthy of a Winter Cup of the classic era, 334 drivers, 51 nations and Four categories, the WSK Super Master Series in Lonato truly launched the international season last weekend. The simultaneous organisation of the IAME Winter Cup by RGMMC in Valencia w ...
Vitória na Copa SP Light de Kart dá o pontapé inicial de Lourenço Varela na temporada 2023 Disputada nos dias 03 e 4 de fevereiro, no kartódromo Ayrton Senna, em Interlagos, a 1ª etapa da Copa SP Light de Kart contou com 239 kartistas de vários estados brasileiros. Lourenço Varela, piloto de Itapema, litoral de Santa Catarina, iniciou ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORT GOES FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH Again in Lonato, the first round of the WSK Super Master Series gave Parolin Motorsport the opportunity to start its KZ2, OK and OK-Junior drivers as well as its Mini drivers in a very competitive situation. 334 drivers from 51 nations competed in the South Garda K ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina conquista pódio na estreia da Graduados B na Copa São Paulo Light Destaque da categoria Júnior na temporada 2022 e campeão brasileiro da OK JR, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) faz boa estreia na Graduados B. Dos 239 inscritos na 1ª etapa, a Copa São Paulo Light de Kart, disputada nos dias 03 e 04 de fevereiro, no kartód ...
KR chassis shine in Lonatoand Valencia Officially presented at the end of 2017, the KR brand has had a meteoric rise, winning three FIA Karting World Championships and no less than seven European Championship titles in just five seasons! The Italian factory's chassis and all the teams representing the Kart Republic colours ar ...
Birel ART starts with two winsin a row in LonatoThe new season started well for Birel ART with the well-deserved success of Cristian Bertuca, dou-ble KZ2 winner in Lonato, among other sa results. After the WSK Champions Cup, the official team of the Lissone-based brand returned to South Garda Karting the following week for the first round of the WS ...
BOGDAN COSMA CRISTOFOR GETS ACCUSTOMED TO THE PODIUM With the launch of the WSK Super Master Series, organised over four meetings, the season has really begun for Bogdan Cosma Cristofor, who is competing in his last season of karting in the international Mini category. As ambitious as he is talented, the young Romanian hopefu ...
OK-N TO DEBUT IN THE USA The FIA Karting's presentation of the OK-N category in the second half of 2022 has received a lot of attention around the world. It is a pleasant surprise to see the interest in this new opportunity on the North American continent. It is possible that the OK-N's first competition appearance will soon ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORT'S 2023 SEASON GETS UNDERWAY Last weekend, the first race of the year gathered five Mini drivers from the Parolin Motorsport team on the Lonato circuit during the WSK Champions Cup. It was an opportunity for the youngsters to get back to racing after a short break. The temperatures were still coo ...
Is it too early? In its heyday, the Winter Cup in Lonato opened the international season in Europe towards the end of February and everyone thought it was too early. Cold, rain and sometimes even snow accompanied the first competition of the year, adding a heroic dimension to the event. It must be said that Lonato is located in the north ...
2023 SEASON BEGINS WITH MASTERY AND EFFICIENCY Once again this year, LeCont will supply many karting events around the world. Among them, the prestigious WSK Promotion series, which started at the South Garda Karting in Lonato from 27th to 29th January with the Champions Cup. The OK category benefited ...
Dream Racing renforce sa stratégie en 2023 Seule équipe française à jongler avec autant de brio entre les épreuves IAME et Rotax, Dream Racing entame la nouvelle saison sur des bases solides avec une infrastructure renforcée. Le team de Yanis Dubail et Adrien Renaudin dope en parallèle sa communication avec l’ouverture d’un si ...
ROMANIAN COLOURS ON THE WSK CHAMPIONS CUP PODIUM The 2023 season is already well underway for Bogdan and David Cosma-Cristofor, the two young Romanian hopefuls who have shone in karting for several seasons at international level. Emerging in their home country with numerous successes to their credit, they have not hesitated t ...
INTRODUCTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL KARTING RANKING, A COMPUTERISED RESULTS MONITORING SYSTEM Last October, the FIA World Motor Sport Council approved the introduction of the International Karting Ranking from 2023 onwards.The IKR is a computerised ranking system open to all drivers holding a licence issued by a National Sporti ...
OK-N OPENS UP TO A WIDER PUBLIC During the awards ceremony for the 2022 FIA season, the President of the FIA Karting Commission Akbar Ebrahim reminded us that karting is an essential step for drivers wishing to gain experience at an early age with the ambition of developing later in motor sport, as well as being a discipline ...
Happy Holidays! The winter break is approaching with the arrival of the festive season. Along with the sporting news, Kartcom Selection will take a break until the beginning of 2023. It is high time to put karting aside and focus on loved ones and give them the attention they deserve before starting a new year.2022 was intense for kartin ...
Morgan Riche,team Manager avec RM Conceptet motoriste avec RM Power La saison 2022 a apporté de nombreuses satisfactions à Morgan Riche, que ce soit au travers de son team de course RM Concept ou dans l’exercice de son activité de motoriste qu’il partage avec Jordan Grégoire sous le label RM Power. De brillants résultats en NSK ...
The series not to be missed in 2023 Launched in 2020 by promoter RGMMC, the Champions of the Future series has become a must for the best international drivers and teams. Some of the biggest names in the world have already won the competition, some of them now in single-seaters. In 2023, the Champions of the Future Euro Series will be he ...
2022 Awards and 2023 Calendars As the festive season approaches, the awards season has begun in style with the traditional Autosport Awards presented by the renowned British magazine on 4th December. In Bologna, Italy, the FIA General Assembly and the World Motor Sport Council will be followed on Friday 9th December by the FIA Awards Cer ...
Des succès à répétition et un importateur exclusif pour KR en France La saison 2022 a largement confirmé la compétitivité du matériel de l’usine Kart Republic à travers le monde et notamment en France. Titres en Championnat de France et Coupe de France, nombreuses victoires dans les séries nationales et Championna ...
Rotax Grand Final in Portimao The Rotax Max Challenge Grand Final remains a major event of the season. The fairness of the equipment provided free of charge to the participants, the quality of the organisation and the care given to communication are some of the strong points of this much sought-after event. This 22nd edition also allows ...
State of the art technologyfor a top level Rotax Grand FinalBirel ART provided perfect service in Portimao during the 22nd edition of the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals. The drivers in the DD2 Max and Micro Max categories, a total of 108 competitors representing no less than 44 nationalities, were able to take advantage of high quality equipment, ...
Le Team France sur la 2e marche du podium à PortimaoVainqueur de la Nations Cup lors des deux dernières éditions de la Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals, le Team France avait à cœur de conserver ses titres chèrement acquis à Sarno en 2019 et Bahreïn en 2021. Particulièrement bien préparés grâce au niveau élevé des épreuves Rotax organ ...
Le Team France sur la 2e marche du podium à PortimaoVainqueur de la Nations Cup lors des deux dernières éditions de la Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals, le Team France avait à cœur de conserver ses titres chèrement acquis à Sarno en 2019 et Bahreïn en 2021. Particulièrement bien préparés grâce au niveau élevé des épreuves Rotax organ ...
ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE 2022 GRAND FINAL: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED FOR SODIKART This year, the collaboration between Sodikart and BRP-Rotax was again successful for the 22nd edition of the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Final, which took place in Portugal, at the Kartodrómo Internacional do Algarve in Portimão from 19th to 26th November ...
Martim Marques é Vencedor das Finais Mundiais Rotax Micro MaxCom somente 11 anos soma títulos nacionais e internacionais Martim Marques tem somente 11 anos, mas acabou de conquista o seu primeiro título mundial ao vencer as Finais Mundiais Rotax que este fim-de-semana tiveram lugar no Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve com a presença dos ...
Energy hits the jackpot in Las Vegas Very well established thanks to the efforts of importer Nash Motorsportz, Energy Corse enjoys an excellent reputation on the American continent. Success is never far away for the Italian brand, which has just achieved magnificent performances at the famous Supernationals in Las Vegas, incl ...
The big events close the season The sport’s news at the end of November is focused on the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals, whose 22nd edition is currently taking place in Portimao. The season of big events will end after the Supernationals 25 which has just ended in Las Vegas. 590 drivers raced on the parking lot of the Rio casino hot ...
OFFICIAL CHASSIS SUPPLIER FOR FOUR CATEGORIES OF THE 2022 ROTAX GRAND FINAL The 22nd edition of the Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals will take place this year in Portugal, at the Kartodrómo Internacional do Algarve in Portimão from 19th to 26th November, with 394 drivers from more than 60 countries. Since 2010, Sodi has bee ...
20 pilotes en compétition dans le Team France 2022 à PortimãoC’est un record de participation pour le Team France qui fait partie des trois pays les mieux représentés de la 22e édition de la Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals avec ses 20 pilotes. Le rendez-vous mondial annuel Rotax aura lieu cette année du 19 au 26 novembre dans le sud du Po ...
PERFORMANCES, CONFIRMATIONS AND REVELATIONS WITH LECONT IN LONATO LeCont has concluded its second full year of official partnership with WSK Promotion with satisfaction and pride. Throughout the 10 events of the 2022 season, the Italian manufacturer has guaranteed consistent, high-performance tyres for ...
OKN-JUNIOR COMPLETES THE OKN CONCEPT It has been talked about since the beginning of the OK-N project, and the OKN-Junior is now a reality. Full-scale tests have enabled the CIK-FIA to validate the definition of the OKN-Junior engine to extend the OKN's field of action to younger drivers as easily as possible, with a simple e ...
George Russell: first victory in F1 While the second round of the WSK Final Cup took place in Lonato, George Russell was in the spotlight in F1.More than 300 drivers in LonatoThe final round of the WSK Final Cup gathered a record number of drivers on the South Garda Karting track for an end of season competition. The credit for this goes ...
PAROLIN CONCLUDES THE WSK FINAL CUP IN LONATO WITH A BANG The WSK Final Cup, which has just finished in Lonato, confirmed the competitiveness of Parolin Motorsport and brought solid results despite much tougher competition than in Sarno the week before. In OK, the new generation is already well established with 3r ...
Eventful races in LonatoThe last competition of the season, the second round of the WSK Final Cup was not lacking in excitement with a field of more than 300 drivers on the Lonato circuit. The Birel ART Racing team showed a good level of performance in all three categories, but the hazards of the race did not make it easy to obtain results in line ...
SODIKART CONCLUDES 2022 WITH ANOTHER TITLE In Lonato, Sodikart and Senna Van Walstijn ended their season as they started it: with an international title in WSK! The circle is complete for the Sodi Racing Team, which has reached the objective it had for Lonato for the second and last round of the WSK Final Cup. Once again, the ...
A lively weekend at the foot of Vesuvius The international competition seasons are getting longer and longer thanks to WSK Promotion, responding to the demands of the manufacturers, the main teams and the competitors. 2023 promises to be a very busy calendar. The WSK Final Cup and its two events occupy the beginning of November with sign ...
DOUBLE SATISFACTION FOR LECONT A regular tyre supplier to the WSK Promotion events, the manufacturer LeCont fulfilled its mission perfectly at the first of the two events of the WSK Final Cup 2022. Rain and sunshine followed each other at the Sarno international circuit, but in all cases the drivers sh ...
Birel ART in the right rhythm in SarnoThe WSK Final Cup, the last series of the season, started at the beginning of November at the Circuito Internazionale Napoli. The new KZ S15 chassis developed for the 2023 season proved to be well conceived, allowing Giuseppe Palomba and Cristian Bertuca to put in top performances against worthy opponents. Kiri ...
PAROLIN PUTS IN A STRING OF STRONG PERFORMANCES IN THE TUMULTUOUS WSK FINAL CUP IN SARNO The WSK Final Cup, the last international championship of the season, got off to a turbulent start in Sarno on the first weekend of November. The rain, sometimes very heavy, considerably reduced the grip in the Qualifying Phas ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina é campeão Brasileiro da OK JúniorO título foi conquistado na segunda fase do campeonato nacional, disputado no Circuito Paladino, em Conde-PB O grito que estava preso na garganta saiu: É campeão! Depois de bater na trave algumas vezes, como exemplo a primeira fase do campeonato nacional, em Itu-SP, em que o motor do k ...
SODIKART DOMINATES IN SARNO FROM TIMED QUALIFYING TO THE FINAL The Sodi Racing Team, with its brilliant pair of drivers, dominated the first round of the WSK Final Cup in KZ2. Émilien Denner, who took pole position, led the heats and won the Prefinal, was less successful in the Final, when his team-mate took over with author ...
Dream Racing confirme parmi les meilleurs en 2022 Dream Racing est la jeune équipe française qui monte sous l’impulsion de son manager Yanis Dubail. Pour sa seconde saison en 2022, elle a accompagné la progression d’une douzaine de pilotes. Rigueur et professionnalisme sont les points forts de ce team ambitieux dans lequel les com ...
A Rotax está de regresso a Portugal, mais exactamente para a disputa das Grandes Finais, que será no kartodromo de Portimão, dentro de duas semanas. ...
Karting joins the FIA Motorsport Games The 2nd edition of the FIA Motorsport Games took place from 26th to 30th October in the south of France. In the name of Marseille, it was in fact the Paul Ricard circuit that was the nerve centre of the international event organised by SRO. 72 countries were represented (+29) and karting made its fu ...
Talent doesn't wait for age! Stan Fagot-Ratajski, at just nine years of age, has just completed a karting season full of victories and podiums. Already runner-up in the 2021 French Minime championship, he was one of the most prominent and consistent drivers at the front of the field in 2022, in the category which has revealed ...
Time for the World Single-Brand Finals As every year, the end of October is marked by the simultaneous organisation of the first two world finals of the brand cups, the IAME Warriors Final in Le Mans (FRA) and the ROK Superfinal in Lonato (ITA). The two engine manufacturers are not afraid to compete with each other by holding their world ...
Flexible Educationfor Young Drivers For the first time in the history of the sport, an award-winning online school offers kart drivers aged 12 to 18 the opportunity to take high school and secondary school courses around their training and racing schedules. Its relevance is based on its extensive knowledge of the sport and it ...
Titre Mondial, vainqueur NSK et Champion de France… Quelle saison pour Ludo Racing ! Quelle que soit la catégorie, du Minime au KZ2, le team Ludo Racing a pris l’habitude de répondre présent à tous les niveaux, régional, national et international, et avec succès ! En juillet, Aloïs Girardet est devenu Cha ...
Lourenço Varela sai do Brasileiro, em Itu-SP, para o Mundial Rok Cup na ItáliaPiloto teve disputas acirradas na Mini Max e Cadete, conquistando pódio nas duas categorias Lourenço Varela (Art Home), o menino de Itapema, litoral de Santa Catarina, foi destaque em duas categorias no Grupo 1 da 57ª edição do Brasileiro de Kart, realizada de ...
Apagão do motor tira Alfredinho Ibiapina da briga pelo título Brasileiro da F4 JúniorO piloto liderava a competição e teve que abandonar a três voltas do final “Foi uma boa corrida. Eu e o Palu teríamos uma grande disputa nas duas voltas finais, mas não era pra ser”, comentou, com muita serenidade, o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orc ...
Popularity of the networks vs pure sport Between the two parts of the IWF22 which takes place on the karting circuit of Le Mans, let's come back, if possible, to an event which met a huge popular success ten days ago on the Bugatti circuit of Le Mans. The success of GP Explorer F4 reflects the public's current taste for sporting events. ...
UNE NOUVELLE ANNÉE SOUS LE SIGNE DU SUCCÈS POUR KPR Déjà couronné à de multiples reprises, le team Kart Pro Racing a ajouté un nouveau titre à son palmarès après la magnifique victoire d’Enzo Valente à la Coupe de France FFSA de KZ2. Enzo et son équipe ont également terminé vice-Champion de France, tandis que ...
Evolução Bem PatenteNuma prova que se correu à chuva, sol e vento, Xavier Lázaro evidenciou talento, consistência e uma crescente maturidade.Prosseguindo o seu primeiro programa internacional na categoria Mini, Xavier Lázaro correu no passado fim de semana a 1ª etapa da WSK Open Cup, prova que se disputou no South Garda Karting de Lonato, em ...
EOS by OTK : Le choix gagnant Pur produit du groupe OTK, le châssis EOS Racing Kart continue de prendre goût au succès et de s’implanter durablement sur le sol français. Le soutien de l’importateur 2G Racing auprès de ses dynamiques distributeurs n’est pas étranger à la notoriété grandissante de la marque EOS, ...
NSK 2022, conclusion en apothéose à Salbris pour le 10e anniversaireLa saison du 10e anniversaire de la National Series Karting s’est terminée en beauté, comme elle avait commencé, au terme de la 4e et ultime épreuve du 7 au 9 octobre sur le Circuit international de Salbris. Le beau temps qui a régné samedi et dimanche en Sologne a p ...
Two former French kart racers join a French F1 team Two French drivers, Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly, in a French F1 team, Alpine, is enough to warm the French spirits. The news, announced during the Japanese Grand Prix, is fuelling an already lively market in the run-up to the end of the season. Beyond the alleged hostility between the ...
AFTER POSITIVE RESULTS IN KZ, CONCLUSIVE PERFORMANCES FOR LECONT IN OK The partnership between LeCont and the WSK Promotion is continuing efficiently and serenely in the 2022 season. In July, the Italian manufacturer contributed to the success of the WSK Euro Series by providing highly competitive tyre ...
WSK OPEN CUP: PAROLIN PREPARES FOR NEXT SEASON Parolin Motorsport has been looking to the future at the WSK Open Cup at South Garda Karting. Between chassis development work and the transition of some of its drivers to the next category, the Italian team has been working hard to prepare for the 2023 season. The pe ...
WSK Open Cup title after perfect performance in Final After his successes and podiums in FIA Karting and in Champions of the Future, Tomass Stolcermanis led his Energy Corse-TM Racing team to 1st place in a WSK Promotion series organised over a single meeting in Lonato. In the difficult OK category, the young Latvian driver l ...
Quatre titres FFSA Karting décernés à Aunay-les-BoisL’épreuve FFSA Karting d’Aunay-les-Bois clôturait les 1er et 2 octobre 2022 la saison Sprint des Championnats de France disputés cette année sur un seul meeting chacun. Quatre catégories et quatre titres étaient au programme de l’épreuve normande : Nationale, KZ2, KZ2 Master e ...
Ibiapina tá #onEm quatro provas, marcou a melhor volta nas três que concluiu e fez 25 ultrapassagens na F4 Júnior estreando no traçado de Itú Na última oportunidade de preparação para o Campeonato Brasileiro, que terá a primeira fase de 10 a 15 de outubro, em Itú-SP, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) mostrou grande motivação. Inscrito n ...
Rain and sun at the WSK Open Cup As the weather was clearly split between rain on Friday and dry conditions leading to clear sunshine for the Finals on Sunday, the inconvenience was not too great in Lonato. On the contrary, the situation offered interesting experience for both drivers and teams as the off-season and the 2023 model prepar ...
Another podium in WSK for Palomba and Birel ARTThe WSK Open Cup is a competition that the Birel ART Racing Team has often won. The Birel ART karts never lack performance on the demanding circuit of Lonato and the 2022 edition was no exception to the rule. Giuseppe Palomba, the top representative of his team, achieved a brilliant 2nd place in KZ2, w ...
DENNER AND SODIKART DOMINATE THE FINAL AT THE WSK OPEN CUP Used as a test track throughout the year by the biggest international teams, South Garda Karting in Lonato once again revealed the qualities of the chassis from the Sodikart factory and its Racing Team, in partnership with CPB Sport. Emilien Denner gave a perfect perf ...
La pression monte avant le dernier acte à SalbrisTous les protagonistes de la saison du 10e anniversaire de la National Series Karting retiennent leur souffle à l’approche de la 4e et dernière épreuve qui se déroulera à Salbris du 7 au 9 octobre 2022. La tension déjà remarquée à Angerville va encore monter d’un cran en Sologne pour le ...
VISION OF OK-N HIGHLIGHTED ATCIK-FIA PRESS CONFERENCE IN SARNO Taking advantage of the publicity around the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship OK and OK-Junior, the CIK-FIA organised a press conference on Saturday, 17th September, in the presence of the FIA Karting Commission President Akbar Ebrahim, his Vice Presid ...
Lourenço Varela é campeão do Open do Brasileiro na estreia pela Rotax Mini MaxE na Cadete, o piloto apresentou boas disputas e subiu no terceiro lugar do pódio A reta final de preparação para a 57ª edição do Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart se aproxima e Lourenço Varela (Art Home) se mostra disposto a conquistar bons resultados. No últ ...
Spectacular world competition in Sarno The 2022 OK and OK-Junior World Championship was distinguished by a very large number of drivers, variable weather conditions at the beginning of the meeting and races that were as fierce as ever. The surface of the Sarno track, bumpy in places, put the drivers to the test and caused some problems f ...
DOUBLE TOP FIVE FOR PAROLIN IN SARNO The FIA Karting World Championship - OK and OK-Junior took place this year in Italy, at the Circuito Internazionale Napoli in Sarno. The weather conditions alternated between a dry and wet track at the beginning of the meeting before concluding in sunny conditions. The competit ...
SODIKART WORLD VICE-CHAMPION IN OK-JUNIOR WITH ADAM HIDEG Sodi Racing Team's brilliant season continues! In the OK-Junior World Championship, several drivers equipped with the very competitive Sodi-TM Racing package fought at the front. In the Final, the honours went to the young Hungarian Adam Hideg, who crossed the finish l ...
Brilliant comeback for Keeble and Kutskov in SarnoAfter two very convincing days of testing on Thursday and Friday for Birel ART, the rain arrived and overshadowed the Timed Qualifying. In the World Championship, the Italian team's drivers were unable to match their performance levels and had to fight their way back up the field during the Qualifyi ...
A great overall performance for Energy in the World Championship A pole position, several victories in the heats and best laps in the race, four drivers in the top ten in Timed Practice in OK-Junior out of 109 starters, three drivers out of three qualified for the Final in OK, a 94-place improvement for one of the team member ...
NSK 2022, un 3e rendez-vous à la hauteur des attentesAu coeur des plaines fertiles de la Beauce, Angerville a offert d’excellentes conditions de course pour le 3e rendez-vous de la saison du 10e anniversaire de la National Series Karting du 16 au 18 septembre. Certes ce n’était plus la canicule dans l’Essonne, mais le soleil n’a pas ...
BRAZILIAN MORGATTO AND THAILAND'S TARNVANICHKUL CROWNED WORLD CHAMPIONS Matheus Morgatto and Enzo Tarnvanichkul have just made FIA Karting history. It had been 24 years since a Brazilian had won a World Championship and Morgatto deserved his title in OK after a perfect run. On the Italian circuit of Sarno, in the sun, Tarnvan ...
MORGATTO AND TARNVANICHKUL LEAD THE QUALIFYING HEATS IN SARNO With the return of the sun and milder weather conditions compared to Qualifying Practice, the 199 drivers entered in the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK and OK-Junior produced a magnificent show throughout the 43 Qualifying Heats. In each category ...
ITALY: FARDIN AND REHM MASTER WET CONDITIONS IN THE FIA KARTING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING 199 drivers of 48 nationalities had to face wet and changing weather conditions on Friday 16th September at the Sarno circuit (ITA). At the foot of Mount Vesuvius, it rained at the beginning of the day, but the track dried out during ...
September: the month of the World Championships After Le Mans last week, World competition will continue next weekend in Sarno with the OK and OK-Junior categories, gathering a field of more than 200 participants at the level of the highest numbers before COVID.Five drivers have entered both world events in Le Mans and Sarno, in the gear ...
PAROLIN DRIVERS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN LA CONCA At the same time as the FIA Karting World Championship in Le Mans, the first WSK Super Cup by MINI, a unique event for the international Mini category, took place in Southern Italy. From August 31st to September 3rd the circuit of La Conca welcomed 54 drivers from 22 ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina vence a 8ª etapa da Copa SP e vai confiante para o Mundial, na Itália Duas vitórias e a melhor volta na segunda bateria contribuíram para aumentar duas posições de Alfredinho Ibiapina (ORCALI) na classificação da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart. Além disso, o piloto inicia a semana do Mundial motivado com o gostinho ...
Lourenço Varela conquista vitória em São PauloO piloto, que foi campeão catarinense na semana passada, venceu a 8ª etapa do Light, maior competição regional do país Três semanas de países, três semanas de vitórias. O piloto de Itapema, Lourenço Varela (Art Home), ultrapassou a etapa da Copa Itu, na retrasada, Catarinense em d ...
PAROLIN AND TRAVISANUTTO IN THE WORLD TOP 10 IN KZ Lorenzo Travisanutto, winner of the 2021 KZ2 International Super Cup, has completed his first season in the world's elite KZ category in fine style. At the wheel of a very competitive Parolin-TM Racing package, he reached 8th position in the Final of the World Cha ...
ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL TITLEFOR SODIKART The Sodi Racing Team was at the forefront of the highly anticipated World KZ Championship in Le Mans. Timed Practice and heat victories put the very competitive Émilien Denner and Senna Van Walstijn in a position to claim a podium. Unfortunately, the Final race did not turn out in thei ...
NSK 2022 : la seconde mi-temps démarre à AngervillePour son 10e anniversaire, la National Series Karting a concocté un programme alléchant de 4 courses échelonnées de mai à octobre. Après le succès des deux premières épreuves de Varennes et Muret, la rentrée va s’effectuer en Île-de-France sur le Circuit International Anthoine H ...
MORE THAN 200 DRIVERS FROM 49 NATIONS BATTLE FOR THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN SARNO The entry list for the Mondokart.com FIA Karting World Championship - OK & OK-Junior in Sarno is back to the highest levels that were recorded in 2018. More than 200 drivers from 49 nations are registered for this world event, which will take ...
Karting makes its comeback in France After a much-appreciated summer break in August, when it was good to remember that there is more to life than karting, racing quickly resumed as the new school year approached. France was in the spotlight for a magnificent event in Le Mans.But before that, at the end of August the Fédération França ...
Podium for Birel ART and Bertucaat the World Cup in Le MansIn all categories, the Birel ART-TM Racing teams performed extremely well on the Le Mans circuit in the major World meeting for the gearbox categories. The Italian Cristian Bertuca achieved the best result of the team by taking the second step of the podium in the KZ2 World Cup. A top three ...
Lourenço Varela conquista vaga para representar o Brasil no Mundial Rok Cup de KartCampeão em duas categorias no campeonato Catarinense, o piloto de Itapema viaja para a Itália em outubro O Kartódromo Tutas Olsen, em Caçador-SC, recebeu no último sábado (03), a 46ª edição do Campeonato Catarinense de Kart. A competição reuniu ...
WORLD CHAMPION CROWNED DURING MEMORABLE FIA KARTING EVENT IN LE MANS With so many participants, so much at stake in the four competing categories and so many races leading up to the Finals, the 2022 FIA Karting event in Le Mans will be remembered as a pure moment of karting, full of individual exploits and team performances, ...
EPIC BATTLES IN THE LE MANSQUALIFYING HEATS The changing skies at Le Mans contributed to several unexpected developments in the Qualifying Heats of the Mondokart.com FIA Karting event currently taking place in the Sarthe region of France. A succession of brief showers on Saturday morning did not help all of the competitors. H ...
EXCITING QUALIFYING KICKS OFF THEFIA KARTING WORLD EVENT IN FRANCE On Friday, 2nd September 273 of the 290 entrants took part in the Qualifying Practice for the four categories in competition on the 1384m International Karting Circuit of Le Mans (FRA). Rain made it difficult for the drivers in the early afternoon. Four driver ...
Superbe succès pour Baziret à la Coupe de France avec One-C Depuis le lancement de sa propre écurie One-C, Christopher Bureau a accompagné de nombreux pilotes sur le chemin de la réussite. Ingénieur diplômé, formé à l’école du sport automobile au sein d’ART Grand Prix en monoplace, le boss a également diversif ...
Lourenço Varela tem dupla conquista em Itu-SPPiloto Catarinense alcança a vitória na Cadete e na Mini 2T intensificando a preparação para o campeonato Brasileiro Um sábado repleto de comemorações, com certeza, deve dar ao piloto Lourenço Varela uma motivação ainda maior para as próximas disputas de kart. A Arena Schincariol, em Itu ...
LE MANS IN THE WORLD KARTING SPOTLIGHT The first of the two world championship events of the 2022 FIA Karting season offers a very attractive programme with five categories and more than 320 drivers taking part in Le Mans (FRA) from 1st to 4th September. Fifty-six nations will be represented in France. The event benefits from ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina capota, não desiste, e ainda marca pontosSusto no final da primeira prova e recuperação na segunda marcam a rodada do piloto na Copa SP Light de Kart Era a última volta, e a disputa valia a quarta posição pela categoria Júnior quando o kart numeral 8, de Alfredinho Ibiapina, capotou. O susto foi grande, mas felizment ...
Canadian karting brothers join BAM Motorsport Management Adam and Daniel Ali have been on the radar of BAM Motorsport Management for some time and having competed successfully for several years in karting in North America, the duo are now taking the next step in their respective careers as they aim to forge professional rac ...
The RMCIT, a race like no other Since its creation in 2019, the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy has been a resounding success with competitors and has since become a Rotax classic enjoyed throughout the world. The event is inundated with entries and external constraints have so far limited the number of participants. The organis ...
A VERY POSITIVE WSK EURO SERIES FOR PAROLIN After winning the Final and taking 2nd in the OK Championship with Deligny, 2nd in Mini with Costoya and 5th in OK-Junior with Khavalkin, Parolin Motorsport has again recorded significant progress during the closing of the WSK Euro Series on the Sarno circuit. The consis ...
EXTREME CONDITIONS PERFECTLY MASTERED BY LECONT After a successful meeting in Lonato, the WSK Euro Series confirmed its status as a very high-level competition in 2022 at the final event organised at the end of July in Sarno in scorching heat. The manufacturer LeCont played a major role in the success ...
KZ2 Champion and OKJ podiumat the end of the WSK Euro SeriesBirel ART was well rewarded during the second and final round of the WSK Euro Series. Performance was definitely optimal at the meeting on the circuit of Sarno which will host the FIA Karting World Championship - OK and OK-Junior in a few weeks. ...
Xavier Lázaro Mostra-se Em ItáliaO piloto português prossegue a sua caminhada de aprendizagem e em Itália teve momentos grandiosos na 1ª etapa do Euro Series.Xavier Lázaro prosseguiu nos últimos dias o seu extenso calendário de provas para este ano. O piloto de apenas oito anos de idade esteve esta semana em Itália para participar na 1ª e ...
ANOTHER PODIUM FOR SODIKART BEFORE THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP After an excellent first half of the season marked by several victories and a brilliant European Championship, the Sodi Racing Team has started its preparation for the FIA Karting World Championship - OK-Junior that will take place in September in Sarno. The Italian ci ...
4TH ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE INTERNATIONAL TROPHY: A GREAT MOMENT OF KARTING COMPETITION IN LE MANS At its fourth edition, the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy confirmed all the qualities that have built its reputation since its creation in 2019 while advancing its development in the light of experience in the Rotax spirit ...
INTENSE QUALIFYING HEATS AT RMCIT In superb weather conditions, the 245 drivers of the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy competed in 28 Qualifying Heats to select the finalists and determine the starting order of the decisive Prefinals and Finals to be run on Saturday 30th July in Le Mans.The excitement was constant si ...
Le ROTAX 125 Junior Max evo en “Nationale“ de 2023 à 2027 ROTAX France est très heureux d'avoir été choisi par la FFSA comme fournisseur officiel pour la motorisation de la catégorie fédérale “Nationale“ pour la période 2023-2027.Après le succès incontestable du ROTAX J125 Max, c’est le moteur ROTAX 125 Ju ...
RMCIT: THE STOPWATCH HAS SPOKEN IN LE MANS The first and long awaited stage of the Rotax Max Challenge International Trophy, the Qualifying sessions took place on the morning of Thursday 28th July at the Circuit International du Mans. Léni Robillot Lagache (FRA) in Micro Max, Dragos Avasilcutei (AUT) in Mini Max, Austin Lee ...
Lourenço Varela é vice-campeão Cadete da Copa Brasil de KartA Categoria reuniu 23 pilotos na Orla Atalaia, em Aracaju-SE Representante de Itapema, litoral de Santa Catarina, Lourenço Varela (Art Home/ Inusittá) protagonizou boas disputas na 23ª edição da Copa Brasil de Kart. A Cadete, destinada a pilotos entre 8 e 11 anos, foi uma das ...
Manezinho da ilha” conquista o vice no NordesteE nesta semana, Alfredinho Ibiapina terá outro desafio O kartódromo Emerson Fittipaldi, em Aracaju, capital de Sergipe, recebeu no último final de semana (23 e 24), pilotos de diversos estados do país para a 23ª edição da Copa Brasil de Kart. A Júnior, categoria destinada para kart ...
A busy end of July before the holidays This year, the competition calendar has returned to its usual rhythm after two years disrupted by the consequences of the pandemic. In Europe, most competitors will be able to plan a three to four week holiday in August, except for those competing in the DKM.But before that, the last week of July se ...
CONSISTENCY AND PERFORMANCE IN THE HEAT OF THE WSK IN LONATO Approximately four months after the final round of the WSK Super Master Series, the WSK Euro Series was launched from 14th to 17th July at South Garda Karting in Lonato, once again with a large and strong field. As a partner of the WSK Promot ...
Sena Jr. disputa o Mundial de Kart em Portugal neste fim de semanaTentar um bom resultado no disputadíssimo Kart World Championship: esta é a motivação do piloto caxiense Luiz Sena Jr. (ADESCA – Associação Desportiva Caxiense), que parte para Portugal no próximo fim de semana para a sua sexta participação em competições internacionais ...
Welcome return to Lonato in the WSK Euro Series The WSK has returned to the calendar after a four-month break since mid-March. The WSK Euro Series, scheduled over two events, returned to the South Garda Karting of Lonato, where it confirmed its status. The Lonato track did not pose any particular problems due to the heat and the races pr ...
RENDEZ-VOUS IN LE MANS FOR THE FOURTH ROTAX MAX CHALLENGE INTERNATIONAL TROPHY It didn't take long for the RMC International Trophy to become a major event of the Rotax season. The success of the first edition in 2019 immediately put it at the top of the list of events not to be missed. This unique competition allows drivers ...
PODIUM, TOP FIVE AND MULTIPLE PERFORMANCES IN LONATO Parolin Motorsport's 11 drivers performed very well in three of the four categories at the opening round of the WSK Euro Series in Lonato. Rene Lammers finished on the second step of the OK-Junior podium while Enzo Deligny finished in the OK top five after a fan ...
KZ2 victory and outstanding performance in LonatoThe Birel Racing team started the first round of the WSK Euro Series with a new line-up of seven drivers. The young Swiss driver Kilian Josseron, recently transferred from Mini, made his first steps in OK-Junior with Birel ART, while OK drivers Cristian Bertuca and Karol Pasiewicz competed in their s ...
Soucy ouvre la saison FFSA Karting SprintLa 1re épreuve de la saison sprint FFSA Karting 2022 a eu lieu du 8 au 10 juillet sur le circuit de Soucy, au carrefour de la Bourgogne France-Comté et de l’Ile-de-France. Trois catégories étaient au programme : Minime, Cadet et Féminine et trois titres étaient attribués dimanche.La Fondation J ...
SWS INTERNATIONAL FINALS 2022: PARIS WILL ALWAYS BE PARIS! The second decade of the SWS International Finals opened with a very successful event near Paris on the exceptional site of the Racing Kart de Cormeilles, endorsed by Jean-Eric Vergne. More than 300 drivers from 44 nations, divided into five categories, were able to g ...
An extremely positive result in the European Championship Since January and the first international event of this intense 2022 season, Energy Corse has established itself as one of the most successful teams at the highest level of karting. Numerous successes and podiums have rewarded the efforts of the drivers and technical s ...
OK-N BREAKS COVER WITH DEMO RUNS AT FRANCIACORTA The first karts equipped with OK-N engines took to the track during an official demonstration run at the final round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior in Franciacorta (ITA) on July 7.This followed the validation by the FIA World Motor Sport Council on ...
FIA Karting in the news European Championship: a thrilling finaleThe final round of the FIA Karting European OK and OK-Junior Championships produced some very animated racing on the Italian circuit of Franciacorta. There was no shortage of twists and turns and it was not until the Finals that the names of the 2022 Champions were revealed ...
SODIKART TAKES PODIUM AFTER PODIUM IN EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP The final round of the Karting FIA European Championship reached an unusual intensity in OK-Junior but the Sodi Racing Team was perfectly prepared for this final event. The competitiveness shown by driver Nathan Tye allowed the Briton to take the lead in the Final an ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORT IS EUROPEANOK-JUNIOR CHAMPION WITH KHAVALKIN The fourth and final round of the FIA Karting European OK and OK-Junior Championship in Franciacorta saw a succession of top performances for Parolin Motorsport. Anatholy Khavlkin managed to win the OK-Junior title while Zac Drummond finished 2nd in t ...
The end of the European Championship marked by high performanceThe 2022 FIA Karting European Championship in the OK and OK-Junior categories ended at the Franciacorta circuit, where the Birel ART-TM packages clearly showed great competitiveness. With three drivers in the top 11 on the starting grid of the OK Final and Kirill Kutskov leading at the ...
FANTASTIC FINALS IN FRANCIACORTA - NEW CHAMPIONS ARE NAKAMURA-BERTA (OK) AND KHAVALKIN (OK-JUNIOR) Each in its own way, the two Finals in Franciacorta offered a breathtaking spectacle. However, neither winner became champion. Jan Przyrowski (POL) won in OK-Junior after epic battles full of twists and turns while Alex Powell ( ...
MANY TWISTS AND TURNS DURING THE FRANCIACORTA HEATS A lot happened on the Italian circuit of Franciacorta during the thirty Qualifying Heats of the FIA Karting European OK and OK-Junior Championships. Attacks and overtaking were as numerous as the disappointments. Two drivers from the same team took the lead on Saturday eveni ...
POLE POSITIONS WELL WON IN ITALY The fourth and final round of the FIA Karting European Championships - OK and OK-Junior got off to a good start on Friday 8th July in Franciacorta (ITA). Qualifying Practice was particularly intense and provided some surprises. On a track that was already very slippery, two Frenchmen stood out ...
OK-N : BACK TO THE ROOTS The FIA World Motor Sport Council has approved the introduction of a new category with a national focus. The new OK-N is a simplified version of OK with regulations that favour cost reduction.“Performance, reliability and accessibility are in the DNA of the OK family. The OK-N will become the f ...
Une saison Junior 2022 palpitanteLa 6e saison du Championnat de France Junior opéré par la FFSA Academy vient de s’achever à Anneville (76) lors de sa cinquième et dernière épreuve, du 1er au 3 juillet 2022. La compétition a été intense jusqu’au bout avec plusieurs rebondissements dans une ambiance parfois fébrile. Arthur Dorison a co ...
Dorison the 2022 French Junior Champion The first French Championship of 2022 has just been won by Arthur Dorison in the Junior category, operated by the FFSA Academy. France decided six years ago to follow in the footsteps of the FIA Karting Academy Trophy by offering a turnkey one-design formula on identical Exprit/Vortex equipment. Th ...
RETURN TO PARIS FOR THE 11TH SWS INTERNATIONAL FINALS After ten editions, including the last three in Italy, the 2022 SWS International Finals will return to Paris and the prestigious site of the RKC from 6th to 8th July with two major innovations, a Sprint Cup for Ladies and a magical venue for the closing ceremony.For the S ...
Energy and success for Stolcermanis before the European Championship For many years now, the Energy Corse team has been training young karting drivers and guiding them towards victory. On the Franciacorta circuit, this was once again the case during the fourth and final round of the Euro Series organised by RGMMC, the promote ...
INTENSE COMPETITION EXPECTED AT FRANCIACORTA From 7th to 10th July, Franciacorta will conclude the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior on its first appearance on the calendar. The battle for the titles remains open in both categories, especially as only the three best results at the end of the Super Heats and ...
DOUBLE PODIUM FOR PAROLIN MOTORSPORT AT FRANCIACORTA The fourth and final round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series organised by RGMMC at Franciacorta confirmed the excellent performance of Parolin Motorsport in OK and OK-Junior. Maksim Orlov finished 2nd on the OK podium and Rene Lammers finished 2nd in th ...
Successful first full season for the Champions of the Future Euro Series The launch of Champions of the Future was disrupted as it coincided with the pandemic. The programme had to be adapted accordingly and it was not until 2022 that the new RGMMC series was able to reach its full potential. All four Euro Series events were held this ye ...
Learning weekend in Franciacorta for Birel ARTThe fourth round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series which has just taken place on the Franciacorta track has perfectly fulfilled its role by allowing the official Birel ART Racing team to prepare for the conclusion of the OK and OK-Junior European Championship which will take place there in less ...
SODIKART WINS EURO SERIES TITLE WITH NATHAN TYE Since it decided to become officially involved in OK-Junior again, the Sodikart factory has not taken long to win an international title. At the end of a series marked by three podiums, including a victory, out of the four events, the British driver Nathan Tye became the new win ...
Exciting finale in Franciacorta Faultlessly organised by promoter RGMMC and the Franciacorta circuit team, the fourth and final round of the 2022 Champions of the Future Euro Series provided a great show and a thrilling finale. Luigi Coluccio in OK and Nathan Tye in OK-Junior arrived with the leader's number near Brescia in northern Ital ...
FIA EUROPEAN KARTING CHAMPIONSHIP IN CREMONA: LECONT EXPLAINS In 2022, and for the 10th time in its history, LeCont has been one of the manufacturers chosen, following calls for tender, as the official tyre supplier to the major FIA Karting international events, for the KZ, KZ2 and Academy categories. ...
TWO RACES, TWO WINS FOR SODIKART IN THE EUROPEAN KZ CHAMPIONSHIP! In both Genk and Cremona, in very different race conditions, the Sodi Racing Team made the difference in the FIA Karting European Championship. After Emilien Denner in Belgium, Senna van Walstijn triumphed in Italy, demonstrating once again the competitiveness ...
Tom Leuillet: a great European KZ2 Champion crowned in Cremona There is a lot to say about the FIA Karting meeting in Cremona. Let's start with a moment of celebration with Frenchman Tom Leuillet. Having gone straight from KF-Junior to KZ2 in 2016, Tom was on pole position in the 2017 European KZ2 Championship Final at Kristianstad at th ...
DOUBLE TOP 10 IN EUROPEAN KZ CHAMPIONSHIP The second and final round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 saw particularly difficult conditions on the Cremona circuit. At almost 35° in the shade, the texture of the asphalt put the tyres to a severe test. In addition, the rubber on the track mad ...
Birel ART crowned European KZ2 Championwith a hat-trick of victoriesThe Birel ART factory continues to write karting history in golden letters. In Cremona, the Italian chassis took the top three places in the KZ2 Final thanks to Tom Leuillet, Cristian Bertuca and Alessio Piccini. Already a winner in Genk, the Frenchman therefore brings a deserved t ...
EUROPEAN CROWNS FOR IPPOLITO IN KZ AND LEUILLET IN KZ2 IN CREMONA The FIA Karting event in Cremona (ITA) ended with exciting Finals on Sunday 19th June in temperatures as high as the previous days, around 35° with the consequence of a strong deposit of rubber on the trajectory. Three great winners were rewarded on the podium ...
THRILLING AND CHALLENGING QUALIFYING HEATS IN ITALY The heat wave currently raging in Europe has not spared northern Italy, where the second and final round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2 and the second of the three rounds of the FIA Karting Academy Trophy will be held this weekend at the new internat ...
HEATED QUALIFYING AT CREMONA Qualifying Practice took place in very hot weather on Friday 17th June at the Italian circuit of Cremona Karting. Rubber was progressively deposited on the overheated track which made the task of the drivers more difficult. Noah Milell (FIN) set the fastest time in KZ, Arvid Lindblad (GBR) was the ...
24H Le Mans: cars and karting Endurance racing is perhaps the most fluid path for the future of karting drivers. During the last 24H of Le Mans, a good fifty drivers present could be termed kartmen, including one of the winners, Sébastien Buemi. Among them, about twenty have shone in karting in their early years at international level: ...
NSK 2022, escapade méridionale réussie à MuretFarouche, Le sud ne s’est pas laissé facilement apprivoiser. Il a fallu dompter une météo changeante qui a offert beaucoup plus de variété que ne pouvait le laisser attendre la carte postale d’un ciel uniformément bleu. Il y en a eu pour tous les goûts à Muret avec des matins gris et ...
What makes a victory? The results of the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & OK-Junior, which has just finished in Sweden, may give rise to further reflection on what makes a driver or a team perform at a high level. There are more questions than answers here.First of all, we should rule out the illusory hypot ...
Another podium for Stolcermanis and Energy Corse in FIA Karting! Whether in Italy, on the Iberian Peninsula or in Sweden in the Nordic countries, the Energy Corse team continues to do wonders. Already winner of the Champions of the Future Winter Series in Franciacorta, then fighting for victory in the opening round of the 202 ...
CREMONA: A NEW CIRCUITFOR A DECISIVE EVENT A new circuit to the FIA Karting events calendar will host the conclusion of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2, as well as the second of the three events of the FIA Karting Academy Trophy from 16th to 19th June 2022. The Cremona Karting track in Italy will see the ...
JUNIOR WIN AND OK TOP FIVEIN SWEDEN Parolin Motorsport triumphed in the tough Kristianstad event thanks to the masterful performance by Anatholy Khavalkin who led the team to victory in the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK-Junior. He is now 2nd in the provisional standings before the Franc ...
Kutskov and Birel ARTperform superbly in SwedenAt the FIA Karting European Championship in Kristianstad, the Birel ART technical team managed to perfectly combine the information gathered during the Champions of the Future Euro Series two weeks earlier with that of the Free Practice sessions preceding the Qualifying session, in order to prepare par ...
KRISTIANSTAD - SURPRISE WINS FOR KHAVALKIN AND POWELL IN THE FINAL The hierarchy seemed well assured at the end of the Super Heats of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior at Kristianstad. However, the Finals allowed Anatholy Khavalkin to win in OK-Junior while Alex Powell (JAM) won in OK. The provisional r ...
NAKAMURA-BERTA AND KHAVALKIN, LEADERS OF INTENSE HEATS IN SWEDEN The battles were relentless during the 30 Qualifying Heats of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior held in Sweden on the Kristianstad circuit. The intermediate rankings have changed a lot since Qualifying, except for OK poleman Kean Nakamura- ...
COMPETITION GETS UNDERWAY IN SWEDEN After Free Practice sessions marked by rain showers, the Åsum Ring was dry for the Qualifying sessions of the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior on Friday at noon in Kristianstad. The gaps were extremely close in both categories and it was Guillaume Bou ...
Talent detection formulae in France and internationally Following Arthur Dorison's victory in Genk a fortnight ago and in Varennes-sur-Allier last weekend, it was tempting to draw a parallel between the FIA Karting Academy Trophy and the French Junior Karting Championship.The French Junior Karting Championship, operated by the FFSA Acade ...
Festival de dépassements en Junior à VarennesLa 4e épreuve du Championnat de France Junior qui s’est déroulée à Varennes-sur-Allier du 27 au 29 mai 2022 restera dans les mémoires comme une superbe compétition pleine de rebondissements grâce aux qualités du tracé auvergnat et à l’étonnante maîtrise des jeunes pilotes démontrant en ...
CRUCIAL STAGE IN KRISTIANSTAD The third of the four events in the FIA Karting European Championships - OK and OK-Junior, Sweden will be an important stage in the conquest of the titles from 2nd to 5th June 2022. The lead taken in Kristianstad will ensure a clear advantage as only the three best results (after the Super Heats ...
La NSK 2022 met le cap au sudPour son 10e anniversaire, la National Series Karting a concocté un programme alléchant de 4 courses échelonnées de mai à octobre. Après la réussite du lancement à Varennes-sur-Allier, le 2e rendez-vous de la saison va se dérouler dans le sud de la France, du 3 au 5 juin à Muret.Plus de 220 engagésLes compét ...
The Euro Series goes from strengthto strength RGMMC's flagship series, Champions of the Future, is finally taking off. Reserved for the moment for the OK and OK-Junior categories, it is based on the FIA Karting Championships for which it is in part a preparation. The same rules, the same tyres, the same requirements and the same spirit i ...
KHAVALKIN COMES BACK STRONGLY IN 3RD PLACE IN THE EURO SERIES After his unfortunate absence from the last round of the OK-Junior European Championship, Anatholy Khavalkin proved that he is fit to play an important role in the rest of the season. The third round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series, held in K ...
Learning weekend in changingweather conditions in SwedenThe changing weather conditions at the third round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series in Kristianstad enabled the Birel ART Racing team to gather a large amount of data in OK and OK-Junior. Drivers and technicians had to adapt constantly to ensure their competitiveness, which was certa ...
SODIKART VICTORIOUS IN SWEDEN IN ALL CONDITIONS The third round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series was not a smooth ride for the drivers and teams, who had to deal with particularly changeable weather conditions for three days. The Kristianstad circuit was sometimes dry, sometimes slightly damp and sometimes very wet. ...
Spectacle and excitement at Kristianstad After two events in south-western Europe, the drivers and teams involved in the highly regarded Champions of Future Euro Series headed in the opposite direction where the Asum Ring in Kristianstad was the venue for the third round of the 2022 season. In Sweden, the hierarchy changed frequently dur ...
French success in Belgium A great karting country since the origins of the sport, France is back in the spotlight thanks to the historic triple win by three French drivers at the FIA Karting meeting in Genk.Paradoxically, this result would probably have come as less of a surprise to the Italians, or even the Finns or the Swedes. Despite ...
RELENTLESS DOMINATION BY DENNER AND SODI AT THE EUROPEAN KZ CHAMPIONSHIP IN GENK With this victory, achieved thanks to great technical and sporting skill, Émilien Denner and the Sodi Racing Team could not have started their FIA Karting European campaign in the KZ category any better. The French driver, who took pole position ...
EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE IN THE EUROPEAN KZ CHAMPIONSHIP IN GENK For the opening of the European KZ Championship in Belgium, Parolin Motorsport showed a remarkable level of performance which enabled its two drivers to play leading roles. Francesco Celenta started with the 2nd fastest time in Qualifying while Lorenzo ...
Two podiums including a victory for Birel ARTchassis in GenkWith each new CIK-FIA homologation, the Birel ART brand uses all the expertise of its factory and the immense experience of its Racing Team to develop extremely high quality chassis, capable of winning in all categories, whatever the type of tyres. This was again the case in Genk, at the f ...
TRIPLE FRENCH VICTORY IN GENK WITH DENNER, LEUILLET AND DORISON The Genk event kept its promises right to the end. After three memorable finals, Emilien Denner (FRA) dominates the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ, Tom Leuillet (FRA) leads the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ2 and Arthur Dorison scored important po ...
TENSIONS RISE IN BELGIUM The weather continued to be fine in Limburg on Saturday during the Qualifying Heats. The thermometer reached 24° in the afternoon, while the intensity followed the same upward curve throughout the 18 races of the Belgian event's programme.Frenchman Émilien Denner consolidated his domination of the F ...
PERFECT CONDITIONS FOR QUALIFYING PRACTICE IN GENK The first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2, as well as the FIA Karting Academy Trophy, benefited from ideal conditions during Qualifying Practice on the afternoon of Friday 13th May in Belgium. Sunny skies and a pleasant temperature close to 20° ...
Karting: a long-term passion It is possible to marvel at the lightning progression of the younger and younger drivers in OK-Junior and OK who then move on to single-seaters as soon as possible. The trend has increased since the age needed for a driving licence is no longer required to get behind the wheel of an F4. This regulatory choice ...
NSK 2022, lancement idéalà VarennesLa National Series Karting célébrant son 10e anniversaire a démarré de la plus belle manière possible sur le spectaculaire circuit de Varennes-sur-Allier du 6 au 8 mai 2022. Sous une météo ensoleillée et agréablement chaude, la compétition a offert pendant trois jours un affrontement sportif de tr ...
Assessing a driver's talent:a complex exercise It is a difficult task to assess the real talent of a kart driver. Simply analysing raw results is far from conclusive, even if, over the long term, trends inevitably emerge. The variations in performance observed since the beginning of the season in some drivers raise questions that are not ...
54 NATIONALITIES FOR THEOPENER IN GENK The first event of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ & KZ2, as well as the FIA Karting Academy Trophy, will take place from 12th to 15th May 2022 in Belgium at the Genk circuit, the "Home of Champions", a favourite of Max Verstappen. 54 nationalities will be represented, an ...
The search for performancenever stops at Birel ARTFor the second time in a row, Kirill Kutskov joined the top 10 of an FIA Karting European Championship event in OK-Junior. Already very successful in Portugal, he played an important role again on the international circuit of Zuera by climbing energetically to 7th position. In OK, Cristian Bertuca a ...
DELIGNY AND LAMMERS IN THE EUROPEAN TOP THREE AFTER ZUERA On the Spanish circuit of Zuera, Parolin Motorsport scored important points in the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior. Enzo Deligny again took 2nd in OK, both in the Final and in the standings, while René Lammers finis ...
Already a first podium in the European OK Championship! Having just celebrated his 14th birthday, Enzo Deligny more than ever is one of the great hopes of French motor sport. In Spain, during the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship in the OK category, he took 2nd place in the Final and is now in 2nd place in ...
TYE AND SODIKART LEAD THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP AFTER THEIR VICTORY IN ZUERA Nathan Tye has just dominated the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship in OK-Junior! Already making a brilliant start to the 2022 season with four podiums to his credit, the British driver from the Sodi Racing Team showed himself to ...
TYE AND TURNEY THE WINNERS IN SPAIN AND THE NEW LEADERS The second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & OK-Junior, which has just finished in Zuera, could well play a major role in the destination of the titles. The situation has changed considerably since Portugal. Two British drivers won on the track, N ...
BUSY DAY IN ZUERA: ADVANTAGE FOR TURNEY AND DORISON With 21 Qualifying Heats on the programme on Saturday 30th April, the participants in the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior had plenty of opportunities to shape a new hierarchy for the intermediate rankings, before tackling the Super Heats on Sunday mornin ...
ZUERA: BOUZAR AND EGOZI, THE TWO NEW POLEMEN IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP There was no shortage of surprises during Qualifying for the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior in Spain. The search for slipstream left several favourites out in the cold. Two new drivers have put their names at th ...
Varennes, prêt à lancer la saison NSK du 10e anniversaireAprès deux saisons impactées par la situation sanitaire, la National Series Karting fête ses 10 ans en 2022 avec un programme exceptionnel. Quatre épreuves, entre mai et octobre, sont en effet au calendrier pour saluer le renouveau du karting en France. Les valeurs qui ont assuré le su ...
Let's stay optimistic! After two slow seasons due to COVID-19, 2022 seems to mark a return to normal for kart racing. Since the beginning of the year, the meetings have been running smoothly and entries have increased. WSK Promotion, Champions of the Future and FIA Karting events have seen entry levels at least similar to 2019, before th ...
Aunay relance la bataille pour le titre JuniorLe Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy est enfin sorti de sa période froide à Aunay-les-Bois lors de sa 3e épreuve disputée du 21 au 23 avril 2022 sur le circuit d’Aunay-les-Bois. Seuls les essais chronométrés se sont déroulés sur une piste humide tandis que les te ...
ZUERA: A CRUCIAL EUROPEAN EVENT After its launch in Portugal, the 2022 FIA Karting European Championship - OK & OK-Junior continues in Spain with the second event organised from 29th April to 1st May on the Circuito Internacional Zuera near Zaragoza, in the heart of the country.Well known by the teams and most of the driv ...
Superb Champions of the Futureweekend in Zuera The season is now in full swing. The Champions of the Future Euro Series comes two weeks before the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior. With the same tracks, similar organisation, identical tyres, and a similar field, everything is in place for the RGMMC series to prepare f ...
Zuera Euro Series: Top performances from Bertuca in OK, Pesl and Kutskov brilliant in JuniorImmediately after the start of the European OK and OK-Junior Championship in Portimão, the Birel ART Racing team headed to Spain to participate in the second round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series in Zuera. The Birel ART / TM Racing packages from ...
TYE AND SODIKART THE NEW LEADERS IN THE EURO SERIES Nathan Tye and the Sodi Racing Team have been achieving podiums and top-level performances. For the fourth time this season, the British driver reached the podium in the OK-Junior category after an impressive performance in Zuera, Spain, during the Champions of the Future Eu ...
PAROLIN ON THE OK AND OK-JUNIOR PODIUMS IN ZUERA Parolin Motorsport has just completed a difficult but successful meeting at the Spanish circuit of Zuera for the second round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series. In OK, Enzo Deligny made an incredible 34-place recovery with several fastest laps to reach the ...
Nakamura-Berta and Matveev make the difference in Zuera The Champions of the Future Euro Series, favoured by the factory teams and the most successful private international teams, has seen a rewarding increase in participation for its second meeting of the 2022 season, held on the magnificent Zuera circuit. No less than five teams, four ...
Parolin Motorsport has been working hard since the Champions of the Future Euro Series. The opening meeting of the FIA Karting European Championship at Portimão showed the significant increase in performance of the Bassano del Grappa-based team's Parolin / TM Racing karts. Khavalkin and Lammers finished on the OK-Junior podium, while Deligny finis ...
The FIA Karting European season gets off to a great sporting start in Portimão The choice of Portimão as the venue for the first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior proved to be a wise one, especially as the Champions of the Future Euro Series had provided essential preparation opportunity two weeks earlie ...
Remarkable overall performance for the entire Energy Corse team Energy Corse was clearly one of the most competitive teams in the first round of the FIA Karting European Championships. In OK, Tomass Stolcermanis came close to victory in the Final at Portimao. Unfortunately, his spoiler moved slightly, resulting in a penalty t ...
A weekend at the forefront for Kutskovand Birel ART in FIA KartingThe Birel ART Racing Team was looking forward to the start of the FIA Karting European Championships. They arrived in Portimao with a particularly sharp technical package, both in the OK class and in OK-Junior. Kirill Kutskov was constantly at the top of the rankings and could certai ...
MATVEEV AND SEVERIUKHIN DOMINATE TO THE END OF THE FINALS IN PORTUGAL The first round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & OK-Junior in Portimão was marked by intense battles right to the end. The implementation of the Super Heats was carried out with great fluidity, adding a good dose of spice to the progress ...
PORTIMÃO: MATVEEV REMAINS LEADER IN OK-JUNIOR, SEVERIUKHIN TAKES CONTROL OF THE OK HEATS Since Friday's Qualifying Practice, the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & OK-Junior has featured a total of 30 Qualifying Heats to determine an initial ranking before Sunday's Super Heats and Finals. Dmitry Matveev in OK-Junio ...
MATVEEV AND STOLCERMANIS TAKE THE POLE POSITIONS IN PORTUGAL The conditions were excellent early on Friday afternoon, 8th April, at the Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve for the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & OK-Junior Qualifying Practice. After the six timed sessions, Dmitry Matveev (ITA) was the fastest in ...
International vs. National When it comes to kart racing, Western Europe can be considered a spoiled child. Even though the overall number of participants is more diluted than before 2006, the disastrous year when the regrettable CIK-FIA KF categories entered the track, many races are offered in Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany, Belg ...
Moisson de points pourDorison à SalbrisSous le froid vent du nord, le Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy a disputé sa 2e épreuve du 1er au 3 avril sur le circuit international de Salbris. Courageux dans ces conditions difficiles, les 21 pilotes présents sont malgré tout restés concentrés sur leur objectif princi ...
THE FIA KARTING EUROPEAN SEASON OPENS IN PORTUGAL The Kartódromo Internacional do Algarve has been selected to host the first of four events in the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & OK-Junior from 7th to 10th April 2022 in Portimão (PRT). With more than 150 of the world's best drivers competing, the sporting conf ...
Energy Corse takes up residenceon the podium The FIA Karting European Championship for the OK and OK-Junior categories will start in Portugal from 8th to 10th April 2022 and Energy Corse has entered a team of seven drivers. The Italian team has prepared perfectly for the great event by participating in several major internati ...
The first competition outside Italy The start of the Champions of the Future Euro Series last weekend in Portugal revealed some changes in the balance of power. It is always difficult, even tricky, to properly analyse what is really happening on the track. This remains the domain of the teams, who need to rapidly deconstruct all the data ...
Portimão: an important meetingbefore EuropeRGMMC organised the first round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series on the last weekend of March in Portugal. Its scheduling two weeks before the start of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and OK-Junior made it a must-attend event. Birel ART Racing took the opportunity to gather as much da ...
AN INCREDIBLE VICTORYON THE LAST LAP! Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor has been experiencing different, enriching and victorious achievements since the beginning of his karting season in the Mini category. The young Romanian, now 11 years old, continues to grow in strength. He had only just lifted the winner's cup in the Spring Trophy ...
A PODIUM THAT REVEALS THE STRONG COMPETITIVENESS OF THE SODI CHASSIS IN JUNIOR The Sodikart team racing in OK-Junior has once again confirmed its remarkable start to the international season. Already on the podium twice in the WSK events in Italy, British driver Nathan Tye did it again in Portimao, this time in the Champions ...
GOOD PRESENCE IN THE OKAND OK-JUNIOR TOP 10 IN PORTUGAL Considered as a series in itself as well as preparation for the FIA Karting European Championship, the Champions of the Future Euro Series started on the last weekend of March on the Portimao circuit in the south of Portugal. Enzo Deligny just missed out on t ...
Races, drivers and teams of a very high standard for the opening of the Euro Series 128 drivers, 48 nationalities, four days of racing, 34 Qualifying Heats and two suspenseful Finals! Four weeks after the opening of the season in Italy with the Winter Series in Franciacorta, the 2022 season of Champions of the Future has just experienced ...
Matheus Ferreira joins the Alpine Academy Affiliate Programme The Alpine Academy unveiled its affiliate programme in early March 2022, which will work in conjunction with the Academy to encourage and recruit the best drivers of tomorrow. Brazilian Matheus Ferreira has been selected to join the new initiative as a potential fu ...
What's in store for the spring? The first part of the 2022 international karting season is now behind us. The calendar of the next few weeks looks attractive in view of the standard and participation of the winter events. The change of season and the clock change on Saturday night will not upset our habits while the gradual rise in tempe ...
La 6e saison FFSA Junior Karting a pris un bon départ à La HagueLa Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l'Enfance soutient le Championnat de France Junior Karting depuis sa création en 2017. Il s’agit d’une formule de détection et de formation des jeunes de 12 à 15 ans opérée par la FFSA Academy caractérisée par la mise en avant des valeurs de ...
Primeiro Pódio na X30 MiniFoi logo na primeira etapa do campeonato, que Xavier Lázaro se estreou no pódio da X30 Mini.Xavier Lázaro conseguiu hoje o seu primeiro pódio na categoria X30 Mini numa etapa do Campeonato de Portugal de Karting Toyota. O feito teve lugar na jornada de abertura da competição, que decorreu este fim de semana no Kart ...
HIGH PERFORMANCE IN ALL CONDITIONS The 2022 WSK Super Master Series gave the drivers and their teams the opportunity to experience a wide range of conditions during the four races of this prestigious series, which was held from the end of January to mid-March. The tracks of Lonato, La Conca and Sarno e ...
A major international victoryin OK-Senior at the age of 13! Enzo Deligny's choice to enter the OK-Senior class after only one full season in OK-Junior, as well as his decision to play the continuity game with the Parolin Motorsport team and the TM Racing engine manufacturer paid off... The French driver only needed three race ...
What will we remember about the WSK Super Master Series 2022? The first international championship of the season has just finished on the Sarno circuit at the foot of Vesuvius. The first point to take into account when analysing the results concerns the temperatures, which never exceeded 12-13°, which had an influence on the functioning ...
In Sarno, Birel ART Racing finishes on the KZ2podium of the WSK Super Master SeriesThe final round of the WSK Super Master Series has just finished at the Sarno circuit, with mixed feelings for the Birel ART Racing Team. The Italian factory's official drivers put in some remarkable performances, but the Final results fell short of the team's expect ...
DOUBLE VICTORY IN OK AND OK-JUNIOR ON THE NEAPOLITAN CIRCUIT The WSK Super Masters Series has just finished at the Circuito Internazionale Napoli with an intense fourth round with a large number of participants. The Parolin Racing Kart chassis put in top performances in all four categories and Parolin Motorsport r ...
ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL TITLE IN KZ2 AND A NEW PODIUM IN OK-JUNIOR Already winner of two WSK Promotion events at the beginning of the season, Senna Van Walstijn became the new WSK Super Master Series champion in KZ2. This is not the first time that the Sodi Racing Team has won this top level series against the best of the world ...
BOGDAN COSMA-CRISTOFOR WINS IN STYLE Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor's rise to prominence has been confirmed. Following his brilliant performances in the WSK Promotion series, the young Romanian hopeful dominated the first of the two events of the Trofeo di Primavera in the Mini category, at only 10 years old! On the South Garda Karti ...
La Conca against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis Sport in general was quick to take a stand against Russia's attack on Ukraine. Beyond the measures aimed at penalising Russian interests in the most popular sports, there are reactions that more simply reject state violence. WSK Promotion adopted this position at the La Conc ...
Battle for grip at La ConcaIn a wide range of conditions from dry to wet, the Birel ART Racing team proved the extent of its capabilities in the WSK Super Master Series at La Conca. Cristian Bertuca in OK and Kirill Kutskov in OK-Junior were the leaders of the Italian team in the extreme south of the country. ...
GOOD COMPETITIVENESS IN UNIQUE CONDITIONS AT LA CONCA Parolin Motorsport travelled to southern Italy to participate in the penultimate round of the WSK Super Masters Series at La Conca with 13 young drivers. The wet conditions in the Qualifying Heats and the lack of grip in the Finals made for some very special ra ...
Xavier Lázaro Com Fim de Semana Difícil em La ConcaNuma das pistas mais complicadas de Itália, o piloto português teve imensas dificuldades a partir do momento em que chegou a chuva.Xavier Lázaro participou no passado fim de semana na 3ª etapa da WSK Super Master Series. A prova que teve lugar no Kartódromo Internacional de La Conca, marcou ...
Optimum Motorsport support karting rising star Isabella Stansmore WilsonAs Optimum Motorsport continues to go from strength to strength, the team are delighted to support Bella, 10 in her career. The young driver has has demonstrated her skills throughout the years competing in the Cadet Kart Championship.Optimum looks forward to collaborating and ...
Learning experience in the Winter Series at Franciacorta Karting news turned its attention to the Franciacorta circuit where the Winter Series took place, a preparatory event for the Champions of the Future by RGMMC, supported by the manufacturers. The newest Italian track showed its particularities to the competitors of the FIA Karting ...
Energy Corse's 2022 season has begun with victories and podiums Year after year, Energy Corse continues to demonstrate that it remains one of the best teams internationally, and above all the one that trains young drivers in the best conditions, whatever their nationality. In OK, OK-Junior and Mini, the excellent results foll ...
KHAVALKIN ASSERTS HIMSELF IN OK-JUNIOR ON THE FRANCIACORTA PODIUM The Champions of the Future by RGMMC Winter Series has just taken place on the new Italian circuit of Franciacorta near Milan with tyres identical to those of the forthcoming FIA Karting Championships: MG in OK and Vega in OK-Junior. Anatoly Khavalk ...
New deal and positiveresults in FranciacortaIn a different setting to the WSK Promotion races held up to now, Birel ART showed the extent of its potential in all conditions. The Winter Series was a difficult weekend with no lack of technical problems and numerous incidents punctuated the races. Despite this, Giuseppe Palomba managed to reach 2nd pl ...
Winter is going The new RGMMC Winter Series, which will take place next weekend in Franciacorta (Italy), marks the end of the winter events in Europe, even though the Winter Cup in Lonato has not taken place this year. After the IAME Winter Cup in Valencia (Spain), the Rotax Winter Cup has just taken place in Campillos (Spain) with 156 d ...
SPARCO® OFFICIAL PARTNER OF PAROLIN RACING KART • Sparco® and Parolin Racing Kart, two historic international motorsport companies, establish a three-year partnership.• Sparco® will offer its tailor-made services by providing technical race clothing and teamwear for karters, staff and cl ...
Campeonato de Karting de Madrid acolhe o Rotax Max Challenge Espanha 2022 Com o acordo de colaboração entre a Federação Automobilística de Madrid e a Korridas, as 5 provas que compõe o calendário CMK 2022 serão as competições oficiais do Rotax Max Challenge Espanha. Os campeões das diferentes categorias Rotax terão qualificação direta ...
351: records broken ! With 351 drivers in four categories on track in Lonato during the second round of the WSK Super Master Series 2022, WSK Promotion broke several records. Not only was it the largest field since its creation in 2007, but also the highest number of participants in an international race with four categories. The ever po ...
Xavier Lázaro Deixa Sinais Positivos Para 2022Ainda que o piloto não se tenha apurado para as corridas de Domingo, deixou excelentes indicadores de competitividade e atitude em pista.Xavier Lázaro começou este fim de semana um longo programa competitivo para 2022, que se divide entre Itália e Portugal. Para 2022, o piloto da Várzea de Sintra ...
A HIGH PERFORMANCE EVENT David Cosma-Cristofor was once again one of the main players in the 60 Mini class, which gathered no less than 108 drivers on the South Garda Karting of Lonato from 9th to 13th February 2022, during the second round of the WSK Super Master Series. The young Romanian continues to show his potential in ...
THIRD PODIUM IN THREE RACES FOR SODI! Race after race, the official drivers from the Sodi Racing Team are taking international podiums. After the double victory for Senna Van Walstijn and Emilien Denner in the WSK Champions Cup and the second consecutive victory for the Dutchman in the opening race of the WSK Super Master Ser ...
A espera finalmente terminou para pilotos Rotax de toda a Europa.Com quase 200 inscritos, a Rotax MAX Challenge Euro Trophy Winter Cup, disputada no próximo fim de semana no fabuloso circuito de Campillos, marca o início da temporada internacional de competições Rotax. De Espanha, há 16 pilotos presentesNa categoria Mini são 9 os pilotos que ...
Strong performancein Super Master at LonatoBirel ART Racing confirmed its excellent level of performance in the second round of the WSK Super Master Series at Lonato this weekend as the battle raged in all categories. Within an exceptionally large field, the Red Army showed great bravery despite the not always favourable circumstances. Hiltbrand wa ...
MULTIPLE TOP PERFORMANCESON A BUSY WEEKEND In a very tough WSK Super Master Series Round 2, Parolin Motorsport showed a remarkable level of competitiveness in all categories. Of course, results were more difficult to achieve with a record field of over 350 participants. Despite several setbacks, Parolin Motorsport ...
KART DRIVER BOGDAN COSMA-CRISTOFOR IS A REVELATION ON THE INTERNATIONAL SCENE Bogdan Cosma-Cristofor has started his third international karting season in the 60 Mini class with great talent and determination, even though he has not yet turned 11 years old. At the second round of the WSK Super Master Series, the young Romania ...
Lonato at the forefront of the international scene at the start of the year After a short break, next weekend the South Garda Karting circuit in Lonato will host its third event of the season with the second round of the WSK Super Master Series, where 350 drivers are expected. Adria remains closed due to the bankruptcy of the company tha ...
Xavier Lázaro Com a DR a Nível Nacional e InternacionalAno novo é vida nova e o ditado cai na perfeição nos desígnios competitivos do piloto da Várzea de Sintra.O ano de 2022 é de muito trabalho para Xavier Lázaro. Naquele que será o seu segundo ano na categoria X30 Mini, o jovem que recentemente completou nove anos irá acumular à sua t ...
The 2022 international season is already underway KSP Reportages is offering a new service with "Kartcom Selection" every Tuesday. This is a review of the highlights of the past week, putting our clients' communications in the spotlight with a wide distribution to all our contacts around the world.This first issue is mainly ded ...
PERFECT START FORLECONT IN WSK 2022 promises to be another important season for tyre manufacturer LeCont. The quality of its products, its knowledge and its rigorous organisation have enabled it to establish or continue partnerships with major karting players. January was marked by the resumption of WS ...
Successful start for Birel ART in 2022Birel ART made a great start to the 2022 season at the Lonato track in the opening round of the WSK Super Master Series. With a renewed line-up of 14 drivers, the Birel ART Racing Team showed an exciting level of performance in all three international categories. Pedro Hiltbrand reached 2nd place in the KZ2 Fin ...
TWO WINS TO STARTTHE WSK SUPER MASTER SERIES One week after Christian Costoya's success in the Mini class in the WSK Champions Cup, Parolin Motorsport was back on the Lonato track for the first round of the WSK Super Master Series. This time the field was bigger and the official Parolin team fielded a 15-strong li ...
ANOTHER VICTORY FORSODIKART AND VAN WALSTIJN AGAINST STRONG COMPETITION Two races, two victories! The season has certainly started under the best auspices for the Sodi Racing Team and its new 2022 Sodi chassis. The Dutchman Senna Van Walstijn has once again shown that he has all the qualities needed to represent the French br ...
A TRIPLE WIN IN KZ2 AND A FIRST PODIUM IN OK-JUNIOR IN LONATO TO LAUNCH THE 2022 SEASON With its pair of official drivers, its brand new design and the Sigma 2022 chassis recently homologated by CIK/FIA, the Sodi Racing Team put on a real exhibition in Italy during the WSK Champions Cup. Senna Van Walstijn dominated throughou ...
NEW SEASON, NEW CHALLENGES, PAROLIN ALREADY IN PLACE The first event of the 2022 season has already highlighted Parolin Motorsport's top performances on the international scene in the most hotly contested youth category, the Mini. A big win for Christian Costoya in the WSK Champions Cup and exciting results for th ...
DAVID COSMA-CRISTOFOR AIMS FOR VICTORY IN 2022 David Cosma-Cristofor's international sports season started in Italy on the South Garda Karting circuit in Lonato. After winning several races during the previous season, the Romanian driver again fought at the front throughout the weekend. Winner of three Qualifying Heats in the ...
Suleiman Zanfari to enter UAE F4 this yearAfter a year of familiarising himself with single-seaters in the Spanish F4 Championship, young Moroccan hopeful Suleiman Zanfari is preparing for an important season in 2022. He will start with the United Arab Emirates Formula 4 Championship, the first round of which will take place from 20th to 23rd Janua ...
ANDY CONSANI JOINS THE SODI RACING TEAM Sodikart is pleased to welcome the young and talented French driver to its official team. Andy Consani will defend the colours of Sodikart in the OKJ category in 2022. Together with British driver Nathan Tye Jr, he will form a complementary and competitive duo for all international race ...
SODI RACING TEAM : MANSEL SMITH APPOINTED "TEAM MANAGER" After the appointment of the official drivers for the 2022 season, Sodikart continues to structure its team for the next season and appoints Mansel Smith as team manager. Recent World Champion in 2021 with Noah Milell in KZ and Tuukka Taponen in OK, Mansel will manage t ...
A GRAND FINAL PERFECTLY MASTERED BY SODIKART The common values shared by Sodikart and Rotax for more than 30 years were once again confirmed at the 21st edition of the Grand Final organised in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This world event brought together 378 drivers representing 62 nations and was able to rely on a strong partner ...
Birel ART takes an active role in the successof the Rotax World Grand FinalAfter the cancellation of the 2020 event, the Birel ART factory has resumed its strong partnership with Rotax on the occasion of the "Grand Finals" organised at the magical setting of the Bahrain circuit. For the supply of chassis for the Rotax DD2 and Micro Max categories, ...
Deuxième victoire consécutive du Team France à la Coupe des Nations19 pilotes Français sélectionnés pour leurs performances dans des catégories motorisées par les moteurs Rotax en 2021 ont eu l’opportunité de vivre une aventure sportive intense dans l’enceinte du majestueux complexe de Bahreïn à l’occasion de la Grande Finale Rotax ...
Está confirmado, o próximo Mundial Rotax vai ter as finais a ter lugar no kartódromo de Portimão em 2022. ...
Team France19 pilotes en compétition à BahreïnC’est un record de participation pour le Team France, fort de 20 qualifiés dont 19 présents, pour la 21e édition de la Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals qui va avoir lieu du 11 au 18 décembre 2021 sur le Bahrain International Karting Circuit. 18 pilotes tricolores récompensés par 3MK Events po ...
Acidente tira título de Antonella Bassani na última volta, mas ela intensifica tratamento para disputar a 2ª fase do BR de KartPilota se acidentou em uma disputa durante a prova final da F4 Junior, quando estava na liderança. Ela machucou a mão direita. Agora, os esforços são em busca de recuperação para poder correr nas duas categorias ne ...
ÉMILIEN DENNER JOINS THESODI RACING TEAM In 2022, Frenchman Émilien Denner and Dutchman Senna van Walstijn will defend the colours of Sodikart in the top category of karting, KZ, aiming to shine in the major international competitions; the Winter Cup, WSK, European Championship and the FIA Karting World Championship.Emilien ...
2021 Brazilian Kart Championship has a new record of entriesThe country's main competition already has 535 confirmed entries, twelve drivers more than the previous recordWith 535 entries already confirmed, the 56th edition of the Brazilian Kart Championship is already the largest in the event's history. The number surpasses in twelve  ...
SODI READY TO SHINE AGAIN AT THE ROTAX MAX GRAND FINAL Sodikart, a long-standing and valued partner of BRP-Rotax with its high quality chassis and competent services, is delighted to have been chosen once again as the technical provider for the Rotax MAX Challenge Grand Finals 2021, which will take place from 11th to 18th Dec ...
IMPORTATEUR EXCLUSIF DES CHÂSSIS GILLARD POUR LA FRANCE Nouvellement implanté sur le circuit du Val d’Argenton, PKS Compétition élargit son activité en assurant l’importation sur le territoire français de la marque Gillard qui fait maintenant partie du groupe OTK.« Notre stratégie de développement nous a ame ...
Antonella Bassani disputa 4 categorias na 56ª edição do Brasileiro de Kart, em Penha (SC)Pilota de Concórdia destaca maior participação feminina no principal campeonato nacional, e vai em busca de títulos, após bom desempenho no certame preparatórioDepois de conquistar o vice-campeonato no Open do Brasileiro de Kart, na categoria F4 Gradua ...
Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart: mais de 460 pilotos já inscritos!O Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart, em sua 56ª edição, será realizado entre os dias 6 e 18 de dezembro, no Kartódromo Beto Carrero, em Penha (SC), e as inscrições já estão abertas. Faltando 13 dias para o início das atividades, a Comissão Nacional de K ...
Positive results for 2021 and promising prospects for 2022 The WSK Final Cup held in Adria from 18th to 21st November marked the end of the season for the WSK Promotion karting events, with another verdict for the LeCont tyres used in the OK category. The manufacturer welcomed the extension of the cont ...
Antonela Bassani é vice-campeã no Open do Brasileiro de KartA pilota de Concórdia fez bela prova de superação para faturar o segundo lugar na F4 Graduados. E foi ao pódio também na categoria Junior, com o quinto lugarA catarinense Antonella Bassani conquistou neste sábado (20) o vice-campeonato no Open do Brasileiro de Kart, na categoria F4 ...
SEASON FINALE FOR PAROLININ ADRIA The last race of the season, the WSK Final Cup in Adria, was a great success for Parolin Motorsport. There was complete domination and victory for Celenta in KZ2 followed by Travisanutto in 4th position, a double podium for Orlov and Khavalkin in Junior, 2nd place for Costoya in M ...
TOP 10 AT THE WINTER CUP This year, the Winter Cup had to give up its usual spot at the beginning of the season to wait until mid-November on the South Garda Karting circuit in Lonato. The race started on a dry track and ended on Sunday in a downpour. The two Parolin Motorsport drivers entered in KZ2 put in solid ...
Campeã no Kart Pro Endurance Champioship, Antonella Bassani se concentra no Open do BrasileiroAo lado de Samuel Cruz, e defendendo a equipe GP Brasil F4, a catarinense conquistou mais um título. Agora ela foca no último evento preparatório para o Campeonato Brasileiro que acontece em Penha, (SC)Na última segunda-feira (dia 15) a pilota Antonel ...
Winter Cup - A wet victory in LonatoThe 26th edition of the Winter Cup was not held in February as usual, but in November on the South Garda Karting circuit in Lonato. The rain, which was getting heavier and heavier, made the Final stages more difficult. Dutchman Marijn Kremers, who comes from a seafaring background, won the KZ2 race thanks to his ...
Sodikart finishes the season in style at the Winter CupThe Winter Cup started in dry conditions and ended in heavy rain. In all conditions, Senna Van Walstijn and Adrien Renaudin set a particularly strong pace in the KZ2 race at the wheel of their Sodi-TM Racing packages from the CPB Sport team. Van Walstijn's performance was rewarded with a podium ...
Energy Corse on the most important international podiums Throughout this intense 2021 season, the Energy Corse team has been particularly competitive as recent prestigious international events can attest: a masterful victory in the Rok Cup Superfinal in Mini with the Canadian Jensen Burnett and a podium in OK-Junior during th ...
Competitiveness and disappointmentat the World Championship in SpainCrowned European KZ Champion in 2021, the Birel ART Racing team would have liked to end the FIA Karting year with a great result in the OK and OK-Junior World Championship at Campillos in southern Spain. Several drivers showed real competitiveness, before numerous hazards disrupted ...
WORLD PODIUM FOR PAROLINWITH KHAVALKIN One week after Enzo Deligny's victory in the Junior class, Anatoly Khavalkin reached 3rd place in the Junior World Championship on the same circuit of Campillos. Parolin Motorsport confirmed its excellent competitiveness at the highest level in a variety of conditions by qual ...
A YOUNG MEXICAN DRIVER ALONGSIDE THE ELITE OF WORLD KARTING Jesse Carrasquedo has had a particularly rewarding year at the highest level of international karting in 2021, before he moves on to cars in 2022. His determination and talent have allowed him to be among the best drivers of his generation throughout the season. The ...
NAKAMURA AND TAPONEN WIN THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN CAMPILLOS The wet conditions on the Campillos circuit on Sunday were an important element in the running of the 2021 FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior. The last Qualifying Heats had already brought some surprises, but the Finals were full of twists and turns b ...
FIA Karting World Championship OK/OK JUNIOR The pole position Gabriel Gomez receives US$ 10 thousand as incentive through CBA The Brazilian driver Gabriel Gomez was still celebrating the pole position conquered on Friday (10/29/2021), in Campillos, Spain, when he received the call from the president of the Brazilian Automobile Confed ...
TWO AMERICANS, EGOZIAND UGOCHUKWU AT THE FOREFRONTOF THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP The Qualifying Heats of the FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior were of course very competitive on Saturday 30th October in Campillos. They were also very open as it is very rare to see so many different winners, seven in each category. J ...
Antonella Bassani conclui participação no FIA Girls on Track com superação e muito aprendizadoDepois de dias intensos de atividades em Paul Ricard e de driblar uma forte indisposição física, a brasileira destaca sua evolução em seu 2º ano no programaA brasileira Antonella Bassani completou na última quarta-feira (dia 27) sua participaç ...
WALTHER AND GOMEZ TAKEWORLD CHAMPIONSHIPPOLE POSITIONS IN CAMPILLOS The weather was very good for the time of year during the Qualifying Practice for the FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior which has just started in the south of Spain at the Kartcenter circuit in Campillos. The competition was already proving to ...
Coupe de France Karting, la bonne surprise de l’annéeEn rassemblant les pilotes régionaux dans un grand meeting national, la FFSA a fait revivre une recette très appréciée jusque dans le début des années 2000. Les participants de la Coupe de France 2021 ont été surpris de découvrir à Anneville les 23 et 24 octobre à quel point l’amb ...
FIRST WIN FOR DELIGNY IN JUNIORAT CAMPILLOS The Parolin Motorsport team has taken up residence in the south of Spain in preparation for the upcoming OK and Junior World Championship. The last meeting of the Champions of the Future by RGMMC series was a very important preparation event for the Italian team's OK-Jun ...
Antonella Bassani avança no FIA Girls on Track e é uma das oito que farão os desafios no Fórmula 4Brasileira participa da Seletiva na categoria Sênior e está na próxima fase do programa, que será com os testes de Fórmula 4, a partir desta terça-feiraApós quatro dias de atividades no FIA Girls on Track ? Rising Stars, em Paul Ricard ...
Convincing performances beforethe World ChampionshipMatheus Morgatto, Cristian Bertuca and Tymoteusz Kucharczyk were among the main protagonists of the OK category during the Champions of the Future series, which came to an end at the Campillos circuit. This circuit is about to host the FIA Karting World Championship, for which the Birel ART Racing ...
READY FOR THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Jesse Carrasquedo is preparing to compete in the second FIA Karting World Championship of his young career with determination and excitement. As this one will take place in Campillos, Spain, the Mexican driver in the OK category was keen to take part in the final round of the Champions of the ...
AN EXCITING FIA KARTING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TO BE HELD IN SPAIN Located between Granada and Seville, the Campillos circuit was chosen as the setting for the 2021 FIA Karting World Championship - OK & Junior partly because of its very southern location in Europe. Further south than La Conca (ITA), less open to oceanic influ ...
PAUL LOUVEAU ET DIDIER DURAND :20 ANS DE COLLABORATION HARMONIEUSE ET DE FIDÉLITÉ SPORTIVE À 33 ans, Paul Louveau réalise une superbe saison en DD2 Masters. Il a déjà remporté le RMC Euro Trophy, s’est classé second du RMC International Trophy et terminé en champion la NSK après avoir signé une victoire devant le ...
CL KART REMPORTE LE CHAMPIONNAT DE FRANCE KZ2 AVEC LOUBÈRE La marque de châssis CL Kart de Charles Leclerc continue à aligner les succès en France. Sous l’impulsion de Didier André, son distributeur français, Pierre Loubère vient d’être titré Champion de France KZ2.« Décrocher l’un des titres nationaux l ...
Antonella Bassani embarca para Seletiva da FIA após garantir Top-5 no Brasileiro de RotaxA pilota ficou em 4º lugar no Campeonato Brasileiro de Rotax e concluiu na 5ª posição o Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart Endurance, ao lado de Lucas Mendes, nas disputas em Itu. Agora o foco é no programa FIA Girls on Track, na EuropaA grande final da 5ª ed ...
Un Champion et de nombreux espoirs en Junior FFSALe nouveau Champion de France Junior Augustin Bernier a été devancé à plusieurs reprises lors de la dernière épreuve du Championnat de France Junior Karting opéré par la FFSA Academy sur le circuit international d’Aunay-les-Bois ce week-end des 9 et 10 octobre 2021. Mais Bernier a malgré t ...
LeCont ensures driver and team satisfaction at WSK For WSK Promotion, the arrival of autumn proved to be a good time to organise its Open Cup series, which saw strong participation from drivers from all over the world. As a partner of the prestigious karting organiser, the manufacturer LeCont equipped ...
PODIUM AND STRONG PERFORMANCE IN WSK OPEN CUP AT ADRIA With a similar line-up to that of Lonato, Parolin Motorsport recorded better results at the conclusion of the WSK Open Cup at Adria Karting Raceway from October 1st to 3rd. The meeting started with pole position for Brando Badoer in KZ2 and continued with top ...
Les jeunes ont boucléla saison FFSA Kartingà LohéacL’épreuve de clôture des Championnats de France sprint FFSA Karting 2021 a finalement couronné Jules Avril en Minime, Matthéo Dauvergne en Cadet et Pacôme Weisenburger en Nationale du 1er au 3 octobre sur la piste de Lohéac. Une pluie particulièrement forte a interrompu le meeting samed ...
A MAGNIFICENT CLEAR ROUNDON VENETIAN SOIL The WSK Open Cup has concluded at the Adria International Raceway, not far from Venice in eastern Italy. The meeting once again enabled kart racer Jesse Carrasquedo to compete with the best drivers in the world in the OK category. His rise from 31st to 13th place speaks volumes about ...
Victories and title in the WSK Open Cup in AdriaAt the conclusion of the WSK Open Cup in Adria from 1st to 3rd October, the Birel ART Racing Team had several reasons to be satisfied. Tymoteusz Kucharczyk's total domination and Cristian Bertuca's top performances in OK were accompanied by Giuseppe Palomba's superb victory in KZ2 which earned him the ...
Superbe compétitionFFSA Karting à VarennesLa 3e épreuve de la saison sprint FFSA Karting 2021 vient de se dérouler à Varennes-sur-Allier du 24 au 26 septembre sur un tracé propice aux courses à suspense. Quatre catégories étaient au programme avec le Championnat de France Handikart et la seconde épreuve des Championnats de France KZ2 ...
QUINTÉ GAGNANT POUR KPR À LA NSK POUR SON 10E ANNIVERSAIRE La NSK 2021 vient de s’achever à Salbris par une moisson de succès pour les pilotes du team KPR et pour ses clients moteurs. Une belle récompense pour le travail acharné de Dominique Chech de ces dernières saisons. Du Minime au MAX Masters, KPR a contribué e ...
TWO TOP FIVES AT LONATO FOR PAROLIN MOTORSPORT The last part of the season opened on September 17th-19th at the Lonato circuit with the first of the two WSK Open Cup events. The official Parolin Motorsport team had changed its look for the occasion and adjusted to accommodate the arrival of young drivers. While Br ...
Les champions de la NSK 2021 couronnés à Salbris19/09/2021 - Championnat National Series Karting 2021 - Salbris288 pilotes ont participé à la 10e saison de la National Series Karting organisée en deux temps sur deux des plus grands circuits français. Ce succès est à mettre au crédit de la passion des compétiteurs pour les épreuves de qua ...
FIGHTING SPIRIT GOES UNREWARDED Jesse Carrasquedo Jr. was determined to represent the Mexican flag and his Parolin Motorsport team in the opening round of the WSK Open Cup, but he was unsuccessful at the worst moment of the competition, even though the young kart driver had made up many places during the Qualifying sessions. ...
Palomba competes for theWSK Open Cup in LonatoGiuseppe Palomba came very close to shining in the first round of the WSK Open Cup held in Lonato from 17th to 19th September. The competition, which opened the closing part of the season, confirmed the competitiveness of the Birel ART chassis with TM Racing engines in all categories and in all conditio ...
Sodikart continues to winand take podiumsThe Sodikart brand and its partner CPB Sport once again demonstrated the quality of their equipment in KZ2, dominating the opening round of the WSK Open Cup. In the wet as well as in the dry, the Sodi-TM packages proved to be impressive in Lonato. Senna Van Walstijn finished as the winner, while Adrien Renau ...
2021 FIA KARTING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN BRAZIL CANCELLED DUE TO ONGOING COVID RESTRICTIONS, NEW EVENT TO TAKE PLACE IN EUROPE The 2021 FIA Karting World Championship, featuring OK and OK Junior categories, scheduled for Birigui, Brazil, on December 2-5, has been cancelled as the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to generate c ...
Difficult weekend in Sweden, but good performances from the Birel ART chassisWhether in the official Birel ART Racing Team or in the Leclerc by Lennox Racing Team, the Birel ART chassis confirmed their excellent competitiveness in Kristianstad. In spite of the extraordinary circumstances that forced several top drivers out of the race, Viktor Gusta ...
Sodikart confirms at world level with Vice-ChampionshipAlready on the podium of the European KZ2 Championship in 2021, the Sodikart chassis has just followed up with another Vice-Championship title, this time at world level. Perfectly supported by the CPB Sport team, Senna Van Walstijn achieved a great performance, moving up from 11th to 2nd place ...
PAROLIN WINS THE INTERNATIONAL SUPER CUP WITH TRAVISANUTTO After three seasons dedicated purely to the direct drive categories from Mini to OK, Parolin Motorsport has made a successful return to the gearbox karting field in 2021 with its TM Racing engines. At the Kristianstad world meeting Lorenzo Travisanutto dom ...
A WORLD TOP FIVEFOR JAMES WHARTON James Wharton has just added a brilliant and rewarding result to his already impressive karting record with a 5th place finish in the International Supercup for KZ2. Combativeness, speed, race intelligence and equipment perfectly prepared by the Parolin Motorsport team were the keys to this b ...
MILELL, A SWEDISH WORLD CHAMPION IN SWEDEN The Kristianstad event concluded with pure and hard racing and several twists and turns. Sweden's Noah Milell was finally crowned FIA Karting World Champion - KZ after completely dominating the Final. The FIA Karting International Super Cup - KZ2 was won by Italian Lorenzo Travisanut ...
SPECTACULAR HEATS IN SWEDEN The second day of the FIA Karting event in Kristianstad was a high quality sporting spectacle throughout the 18 Qualifying Heats which came one after the other. There was no shortage of drama and the Qualifying hierarchy was largely changed by the intensity of the races. The three polemen were nota ...
EXCITING WORLD EVENT TO BEHELD IN SWEDEN Sweden is set to host one of the two world events of the FIA Karting season at the Kristianstad circuit for the third time. Just like five years ago, the FIA Karting World Championship - KZ, the FIA Karting International Super Cup - KZ2 and the final FIA Karting Academy Trophy competit ...
Un rendez-vous FFSA Karting très sélectif à Saint-AmandLa 2e épreuve de la saison sprint FFSA Karting 2021 a eu lieu du 20 au 22 août sur le célèbre circuit de Saint-Amand-Montrond, dans le centre de la France. Quatre catégories étaient au programme : Minime, Cadet, Junior et Féminines.La Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l'Enfance accomp ...
Foi hoje divulgado o calendário do WEC para 2022, onde o destaque vai para a não continuação de Portimão no calendário. ...
DÉJÀ DES TITRES ET DES VICTOIRES POUR LA MARQUE CL KART EN FRANCE Distributeur de la marque CL Kart depuis mars 2021, Didier André utilise bien entendu les châssis Charles Leclerc au sein de son équipe de course. Le moins que l’on puisse dire est que les résultats ne se sont pas fait attendre puisque les CL Kart ont d ...
European Vice-Champion and four top five finishes in Adria for Sodi and CPB SportSodi chassis achieved a great overall result in the Final of the FIA Karting European Championships in Italy, on the Adria circuit. Senna Van Walstijn became European KZ2 vice-champion after a race that saw Hubert Petit move up to 2nd position and Arthur Carbonnel fini ...
TRAVISANUTTO ON THE KZ2 PODIUM IN ADRIA The second round of the European KZ & KZ2 Championship saw the Parolin Motorsport drivers demonstrate the effectiveness of their TM Racing-powered Parolin chassis in both classes. Lorenzo Travisanutto showed steady progress and finished on the KZ2 podium after a strong F ...
Longhi the European KZ Championand double for the Birel ART chassisFor the second consecutive year, the Birel ART factory has been crowned FIA Karting European Champion in the premier KZ category. After his brilliant victory in Germany, Riccardo Longhi won the title after constant effort and perfect teamwork. In Italy, the Birel ART chassis also di ...
PENALTIES DENY JAMES WHARTON A HAPPIER ENDING The FIA Karting European Championship in the KZ2 category came to an end at the Adria International Circuit in north-eastern Italy on the weekend of 15th August. James Wharton wanted to use this event to increase his points tally in the overall standings and end this high-level co ...
TWO NEW EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS CROWNED IN ADRIA: LONGHI IN KZ AND IPPOLITO IN KZ2 The FIA Karting event in Adria (ITA) concluded in style with a breathtaking final day in the tradition of the first two. From the last Qualifying Heats in the morning to the Finals in the afternoon, this Sunday 15th August delivered races of rare in ...
Estou aqui para dar um recado importante a você, que sempre desejou participar de um Campeonato Mundial de Kart da FIA. Chegou a hora de realizar esse objetivo aqui mesmo no Brasil. Entre 2 e 5 de dezembro, no Speed Park, em Birigui (SP), acontecerá o 2021 FIA Karting World Championship OK/OK Junior.Há inúmeras promoções e facilidades para a ...
ADRIA COMPETITION KEEPSTHE SUSPENSE ALIVE After a hot day of intense Qualifying Heats, the outcome of the Adria event is still very much in doubt. However, it seems certain that some new names will appear on the podium in the Finals on Sunday afternoon. But before that, the final heats will complete the selection on Sunday mo ...
Jean Todt reiterates FIA's support for Karting World Championship in Brazil There are still four months for the FIA Karting World Championship in Brazil, but the logistical plan has already been fully defined to receive competitors from all over the world. The last details were defined at a meeting at Viracopos International Airport, in Campin ...
SURPRISES FROM THE QUALIFYING SESSION IN ADRIA As predicted, the start of the FIA Karting competition in Adria on Friday 13th August 2021 was accompanied by high temperatures. What was not expected, however, was the fact that several outsiders took control in Qualifying. Danilo Albanese (ITA) took pole position in the FIA Kar ...
INTENSE COMPETITION AHEAD AT ADRIA The Adria circuit in Italy will host from 13th to 15th August 2021 the second event of the FIA Karting European Championships - KZ & KZ2 after which the two European titles will be awarded, as well as the second of the three event of the FIA Karting Academy.The Venetian track is known fo ...
Anneville : Bernier aime la course au largeLa mi-parcours du Championnat de France Junior Karting vient d’être franchie en Normandie ce week-end du 30 juillet au 1er août à Annevile-Ambourville. Sur une piste entièrement sèche à défaut d’avoir été largement ensoleillée, Augustin Bernier a fait la démonstration de son aisance à ...
MAXIMUM INTENSITY FOR THE RMCIT FINALS The Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy ended with spectacular Finals on the Le Mans circuit. The twelve races on the programme of this last day were full of intensity for the greatest enjoyment of all the participants.The winners of this third edition were rewarded with Can-Am DS 9 ...
LEADERS CONFIRMED DURING THE RMCIT HEATS After the 30 Qualifying Heats of the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy, most of the polemen confirmed the competitiveness revealed during the Qualifying Practice in race conditions.Although this long Qualifying phase was intense, the races came one after another without a hitch ...
LEADERS CONFIRMED DURING THE RMCIT HEATS After the 30 Qualifying Heats of the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy, most of the polemen confirmed the competitiveness revealed during the Qualifying Practice in race conditions.Although this long Qualifying phase was intense, the races came one after another without a hitch ...
THE RMCIT IS BACK IN LE MANS The third edition of the Rotax MAX Challenge International Trophy was able to return to its original site, the international circuit of Le Mans in France, and its favourite period, the middle of summer. However, the Covid-19 pandemic is still present and the recent reinforcement of health controls ...
VALUABLE EXPERIENCE GAINED IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP The first half of Jesse Carrasquedo's 2021 racing season was marked by active participation in the major events of the OK category, which represents the highest international level in karting for motor sport hopefuls. In total, the 14-year-old Mexican raced in 12 events ...
PAROLIN MOTORSPORTONE STEP UP IN ZUERA Within a week of each other, the progress of the Parolin Motorsport team has been very clear between the Champions of the Future and the last round of the European Championship which has just ended in Zuera. The rising stars of the Italian factory benefited from even more com ...
A top five for Morgatto and Birel ARTto conclude the European ChampionshipIn both OK and OK-Junior, the great competitiveness of the Birel ART-TM Racing karts on the international circuit of Zuera in Spain enabled several drivers from the red army to be in a position to fight for the podium. The progress of the races was not always favourable to th ...
ANOTHER INCREDIBLE RUN IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP At the 2021 FIA Karting European Championship in OK, James Wharton is without doubt one of the drivers who has gained the most places during his fabulous progressions. While he would have liked to have achieved a more flattering result in the overall standings, the young Aus ...
TWO EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS CROWNED AFTER MAGNIFICENT VICTORIES The 2021 FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior ended in Spain with a highly spectacular competition. In a fine display, Italy's Andrea Kimi Antonelli in OK and Britain's Freddie Slater in Junior were crowned after winning their respective finals. The way ...
ANTONELLI AND SLATERON THE RIGHT TRACK On a circuit like Zuera that does not forgive the slightest mistake, the twenty qualifying heats of the last round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior held on Saturday 24th July made a severe selection among the contenders for victory. The two favourites Freddie Sl ...
SORENSEN IN JUNIOR AND ANTONELLI IN OK DOMINATE QUALIFYING IN ZUERA The fourth event of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior started in the centre of Spain at the Circuito Internacional de Zuera in very hot weather. On Friday 23th July, 139 participants took part in the qualifying practice for the latest Eu ...
SWS INTERNATIONAL FINALS:A MEMORABLE EVENT IN LONATO The 2021 edition of the SWS International Finals was a great success from 15th to 17th July in Italy at the famous South Garda Karting track in Lonato. 295 participants and 34 nations competed in the Sprint Cup, Junior and Junior Kid Cups as well as the Endurance Cup in a 1 ...
2ª Ronda do Campeonato Open Iberian Cup em Karting Castroponce (Espanha)Jesus Carretero , João Moreira, Francisco Carinhas, Bruno Gigante e Andres Perez Fidalgo vencem em Karting Castroponce (Espanha).Decorreu este fim de semana, no Kartodromo de Casproponce a 2ª Ronda do Campeonato Open Iberian Cup, que conta com o apoio da Marrão&Marrão. ...
AMBITIONS THWARTEDFOR JESSE CARRASQUEDO The second round of the Champions of the Future series took place at the Zuera International Circuit, just one week before the fourth and final round of the FIA Karting European Championship at the same Spanish circuit. Competing in the OK category, Jesse Carrasquedo followed his plan t ...
Courageous moments in SpainThis weekend the Birel ART Racing Team competed in the second round of the Champions of the Future by RGMMC series. A week before the conclusion of the European OK and OK-Junior Championship on the same track of Zuera, the Italian team has done an excellent job punctuated by exploits on the road to success. ...
ORLOV ON THE PODIUM IN ZUERA After the superb performance of Anatoly Khavalkin last week in Sarno, another Parolin Motorsport driver caused a sensation in OK-Junior this weekend in Zuera as Maksim Orlov brilliantly finished 3rd in the Champions of the Future series. Rashid Al Dhaheri also performed well, finishing ...
OBJECTIVE: TO FINISH THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPON A HIGH NOTE The 2021 FIA Karting European Championship in the OK category is about to come to an end from 23rd to 25th July in Zuera, Spain. The organisation of a major international event on this same circuit, just one week before, represented a full-scale rehearsal that shoul ...
FIRST EUROPEAN TITLES TO BE AWARDED IN ZUERA Last year, the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior started in Zuera with a programme reduced to three events due to the pandemic. In 2021, the Spanish circuit will host the fourth and final round from 22nd to 25th July, at the end of which the European OK and Junior ...
KHAVALKIN A REVELATION IN JUNIOR, SPINA CONFIRMS IN OK Following on from his excellent performances in the WSK Euro Series, Anatoly Khavalkin had a remarkable run at the front of the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship on the Sarno circuit. Overall, the entire Parolin Motorsport team performed ver ...
Birel ART's competitiveness deservedbetter in SarnoThe third round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and Junior took place on the new Sarno track with temperatures exceeding 30°. The Birel ART Racing team could have hoped to do well in OK with Timoteusz Kucharczyk and in Junior with William Macintyre. But although everything did not go ...
HARD-FOUGHT POINTS IN EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP James Wharton certainly put in one of his best performances in an FIA Karting event since he joined the OK category to pursue his career before moving to single-seaters in 2022. Fast, consistent and combative, the young Australian in the Ferrari Driver Academy colours climbed from 2 ...
KEEBLE AND ANTONELLI TAKE FINE VICTORIES IN THRILLING FINALS AT SARNO Following the many twists and turns that animated the qualifying phases of the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and Junior, surprises were expected in the two Finals. The result turned out to be more conservative than expected with ...
UPHEAVAL IN THE SARNO QUALIFYING HEATS The temperatures were less challenging than the day before in Sarno on Saturday, when the majority of the qualifying heats for the third round of the 2021 FIA Karting European Championship - OK and Junior were held. Although the thermometer hardly broke the 30° limit, it is easy to imag ...
TWO ITALIAN POLE POSITIONS IN SARNO On the new Sarno track, qualifying for the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior took a special turn in the heat, with large gaps between some of the competitors and some surprises in the results. James Egozi (ITA) was the fastest of the 87 OK-Junior drivers ...
SWS FINALS: 2021 EDITION AT LONATO, THE TEMPLE OF RACING The International SWS Finals will be held this year at the most famous competition track in the world, South Garda Karting in Lonato, from 15th to 17th July, to celebrate the world's most important leisure karting event.A true temple of racing for several decades, the L ...
Tyre quality in the spotlightat WSK Euro Series The WSK Euro Series, held over three events in 2021, came to a close at the Sarno International Circuit. As in Adria two weeks earlier, the drivers, teams and tyre manufacturers had to deal with the high temperatures at the foot of Vesuvius, which led to ...
ESSENTIAL EUROPEAN EVENT AT THE FOOT OF THE VOLCANO The third round of the 2021 FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior will take place from 8th to 11th July in Italy, not far from Naples. Three quarters of the way through the season, the Sarno event could be a decisive turning point in the title race, in which on ...
COSTOYA CROWNED CHAMPIONSHIP IN THEWSK EURO SERIES AT SARNO One week after Alfio Spina's Italian Championship in the OK class, another Parolin Motorsport driver was successful on the Sarno circuit. The young Spaniard Christian Costoya triumphed in the 2021 WSK Euro Series in the Mini class. The competition was not ...
AN EXCELLENT PREPARATION FOR THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP The young and very promising Mexican driver Jesse Carrasquedo has taken part in the third and final round of the WSK Euro Series. Held in Sarno, this meeting was an ideal preparation for the next round of the FIA Karting European Championship for OK, which will take place ...
Salbris souffle le chaud et le froid sur les JuniorsLa 5e saison du Championnat de France Junior Karting est désormais bien lancée. À cause de deux forfaits pour raison de santé, 14 pilotes se sont affrontés les 26 et 28 juin en Sologne sur le long tracé rapide du circuit international de Salbris. Les conditions variées, temps sec samedi et ...
Another triple winin the 2021 WSK Euro SeriesThe Birel ART Racing team already made history in the WSK Euro Series last year by placing three of its drivers in the top three places in the KZ2 Championship. The brand from Lissone has repeated this formidable feat in 2021 with Longhi, Kremers and Palomba. The undisputed star of the category, Birel AR ...
UNFINISHED BUSINESS FOR JAMES WHARTONIN SARNO Karting at the highest level can be unforgiving, and Australian James Wharton proved this at the Naples International Circuit in Sarno. He came to prepare for the next stage of the FIA Karting European Championship in OK during the last round of the WSK Euro Series, and was able t ...
PAROLIN WINS THE ITALIAN OK CHAMPIONSHIP WITH ALFIO SPINA The fifth round of the Italian ACI Karting Championship has crowned Parolin Motorsport driver Alfio Spina as OK Champion 2021. Around 300 participants from 36 different countries took part in the competition from 18th to 20th June at the Circuito Internazio ...
Le championnat NSK 2021 a démarré de fort belle manière sur le très apprécié circuit de Varennes-sur-Allier du 18 au 20 juin. Malgré une météo pas toujours favorable, l’évènement a connu une véritable réussite. Le plateau conséquent rassemblait 226 pilotes de 6 nationalités. L’ambiance était particulièrement bonne entre tous le ...
KART PRO RACING AU SOMMET DE LA NSK À VARENNES En tant que team de compétition et motoriste, Kart Pro Racing a réalisé des prouesses lors de la 1re épreuve de la NSK 2021. Sur le tracé exigeant de Varennes-sur-Allier, les pilotes et les équipes qui font confiance à Dominique Chech ont brillé sur le sec comme sous la ...
GOOD FINAL PUSH IN KZ2AT WACKERSDORF The two Parolin Motorsport KZ2 rookies, James Wharton and Lorenzo Travisanutto, finished the first meeting of the 2021 European Championship on a very positive note. After a worse than expected start to the competition, they recovered in the Final to both finish in the top 10. ...
Longhi and Birel Art masterful in the openingof the European KZ ChampionshipThe Birel ART team started its new FIA Karting European campaign in the gearbox categories flawlessly. Galvanised by their quadruple win the previous week in the WSK Euro Series, the red army did not take long to return to the top step of the podium. Riccardo Longhi, drivin ...
Undeniable dominationof Sodi chassis in WackersdorfThe European Championships for the KZ and KZ2 categories started in Germany in Wackersdorf with a magnificent overall result for Sodi chassis. Perfectly supported by the CPB Sport team, Senna Van Walstijn proved to be untouchable and unbeaten in KZ2. The Dutchman is already solidly in the lead of t ...
A FANTASTIC 16-PLACE IMPROVEMENT TO THE EUROPEAN TOP TEN! James Wharton's first ever participation in the FIA Karting European Championship in KZ2, where he was one of the youngest entrants, was a particularly positive experience. In Germany, his high level of performance enabled him to compete with much more experienced driv ...
EPIC FINAL BATTLESIN WACKERSDORF The FIA Karting event in Wackersdorf kept its promises right to the end. The final qualifying heats on Sunday morning had set the tone. The battles were lively in every race and the fight for victory was intense in all three categories. Senna van Walstijn (NLD) won the KZ2 final in style to ro ...
THE SHOW INTENSIFIES IN GERMANY In the morning the temperature was already over 30°C on the Wackersdorf track, and the 18 qualifying heats on the programme for Saturday 19th June proved to be highly spectacular. Frenchman Emilien Denner consolidated his domination of the FIA Karting European Championship - KZ by winning twic ...
INTERESTING QUALIFYING UNDER THE SUN IN WACKERSDORF The weather was fine and warm in Germany for the Qualifying sessions of the FIA Karting event in Wackersdorf. The sessions were intense in all three classes where the drivers were discovering the MG Tires in race condition. The gaps were particularly close in the FIA Karting ...
COSTOYA ON THE SECOND STEP OF THE PODIUM AT ADRIA The arrival of warm summer weather coincided with a number of new and rewarding performances for the Parolin Motorsport team at Adria Karting Raceway. The second round of the WSK Euro Series, which took place from 10th to 13th June 2021, saw Christian Costoya shine ...
Red triumph in WSK at AdriaThe second round of the WSK Euro Series was held this weekend at Adria Karting Raceway, the circuit that will host the final round of the European KZ and KZ2 Championship in mid-August. The Birel ART Racing team had the ambition to achieve good results and their hopes were fulfilled. Marijn Kremers led a formidable quarte ...
JAMES WHARTON REMAINS STRONG IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY The WSK Euro Series, which started in the rain at the beginning of April in Lonato, continued in the heat at the Adria Karting Raceway in the north-east of Italy. Serious and diligent, the Australian James Wharton delivered a magnificent attacking race to climb up the hier ...
HIGHLY IMPORTANT EVENT IN WACKERSDORF The first of two FIA Karting European Championship events - KZ & KZ2, as well as the first of three FIA Karting Academy Trophy events will take place from 17th-20th June 2021 in Germany at the ProKart Raceland circuit in Wackersdorf.Germany is a prime destination for this third FIA Ka ...
It is with great pride, satisfaction and pleasure that LeCont can today announce it has been selected by the prestigious Australian federation KA (Karting Australia) as the exclusive supplier - from January 1st, 2022, to December 31st, 2026 - of tyres for most of the official categories (*) in Australia.LeCont would like to thank all of KA and its ...
La Hague lance la saison FFSA Junior KartingLa Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l'Enfance soutient le Championnat de France Junior Karting depuis sa création en 2017. Il s’agit d’une compétition monotype clé en main destinée à détecter et former les jeunes espoirs de 12 à 15 ans, au volant de karts identiques Exprit/Vortex/Vega de type OK-Ju ...
La Hague lance la saison FFSA Junior KartingLa Fondation Julie Tonelli pour l'Enfance soutient le Championnat de France Junior Karting depuis sa création en 2017. Il s’agit d’une compétition monotype clé en main destinée à détecter et former les jeunes espoirs de 12 à 15 ans, au volant de karts identiques Exprit/Vortex/Vega de type OK-Ju ...
SUCCESSFUL INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW FIA KARTING BODY PROTECTION IN COMPETITION Mandatory in FIA Karting Championships, Cups and Trophies from the 2021 season, the new FIA Standard 8870-2018 “Karting Body Protection (KBP)” featured in the OK and OK-Junior categories at the opening round of the FIA European Karting ...
Brilliant performances and a top three at the European Championship From 60 Mini to KZ2, you can always count on the Energy Corse team in the major international events! The young Latvian Tomass Stolcermanis demonstrated this during the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship by finishing 3rd in the OK-Junior ca ...
Départ internationalà Aunay-les-Bois avec la Fondation Julie TonelliAlors que la situation sanitaire liée à la pandémie du Coronavirus a retardé le calendrier 2021 des compétitions karting en France, c’est un meeting important qui vient d’ouvrir la saison sportive française en Normandie. La Fondation Julie Tonelli n’a pas manqué l’ ...
CONTRASTING RESULTS FOR PAROLIN MOTORSPORT IN THE FRENCH EVENTThe intense work carried out by Parolin Motorsport undoubtedly showed its effectiveness in terms of performance during the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior. The Junior results were very consistent for Rashid Al Dhaheri and Anatoly Khavalkin but the ...
A DIFFICULT BUT INSTRUCTIVE FRENCH EVENT Competing in the OK category among the world's top karting hopefuls when you have just moved up from Junior remains a difficult exercise and Jesse Carrasquedo experienced this again during the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship. In France, on the Aunay les Bois circu ...
Great European battlesat Aunay-les-BoisMatheus Morgatto and William Macintyre achieved the best results for the Birel ART Racing team in France during the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior. Although the unique Aunay-les-Bois track was not always favourable to the drivers from the Lissone factory, the standard o ...
JAMES WHARTON CHASING TIME James Wharton, who performed well in Belgium for the opening round of the FIA Karting European Championship in the OK category, arrived in France with a lot of ambition and the desire to make his mark in this second round of the season. Unfortunately, the Qualifying sessions caused him to plunge dow ...
FERREIRA AND ANTONELLI WIN IN AUNAY-LES-BOIS At the end of an exciting weekend of racing in France, Matheus Ferreira (BRA) in OK-Junior and Andrea Kimi Antonelli (ITA) in OK were the winners of the Event, giving the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior a very interesting twist.As noted by CIK-FIA President Feli ...
SLATER AND ANTONELLILEAD ON SATURDAY NIGHTIN AUNAY-LES-BOIS Unlike the previous event in Belgium, the twenty Qualifying Heats of the second round of the 2021 FIA Karting European Championship - OK and Junior were not disrupted by rain, even though there was a threat not far from the international circuit of Aunay-les-Bois. Br ...
QUALIFYING GOES DOWNTO THE THOUSANDTH OF A SECOND AT AUNAY-LES-BOIS In France, the international circuit of Aunay-les-Bois offered good conditions this Friday afternoon for the Qualifying Practice of the second round of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior. Good weather and mild temperatures allowed all the ...
WITH JESSE CARRASQUEDO, MEXICO'S NEXT GENERATIONIS ON THE MOVE Jesse Carrasquedo is a very promising 14 year old Mexican kart driver with dreams of reaching the top of motorsport. Having achieved excellent results from his debut in his home country, then in the United States and now in Europe for the last four years, Jesse ha ...
Guki Toniolo conquista podium na Copa SPROs pontos do 4º lugar na 2ª etapa colocam o piloto na 3ª posição na tabela de classificação da Júnior Menor A 2ª etapa da Copa da Copa SPR Light de Kart, concluída no sábado (22), no kartódromo Beto Carrero, em Penha, litoral catarinense, foi de grande aprendizado para Guki Toniolo (DVA/ Ben ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina faz corrida de superação na Copa SPR LightDepois de abandonar a corrida 1 na liderança, piloto sai do último lugar do grid e chega em segundo Emoção, muita adrenalina e superação marcaram Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) na 2ª etapa da Copa SPR Light de Kart disputada no último sábado (22), no kartódromo Beto Carrer ...
THE FIGHTBACK IS IN PREPARATIONIN AUNAY-LES-BOIS After a first Event complicated by the weather in Belgium, the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior is coming to France from 27th to 30th May 2021. Many participants are approaching this second event with the determination to move up the rankings thanks to condit ...
EPIC BATTLES IN BELGIUM The first round of the FIA Karting European OK and Junior Championship, held at Genk from 13th to 16th May 2021, was the scene of intense sporting clashes. The changeable weather conditions during the Saturday heats were particularly difficult for the Parolin Motorsport drivers to cope with ...
Acidente incrível tira Alfredinho Ibiapina da disputa da 1ª prova da Júnior MenorAcidente incrível tira Alfredinho Ibiapina da disputa da 1ª prova da Júnior Menor A 2ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de kart ficou marcada para o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) pelo incrível acidente que sofreu logo após a largada da 1ª bateria da ...
Strong competitivenessthwarted by a series of setbacksThe first meeting of the FIA Karting European OK and Junior Championship was not easy for anyone. The continuous changes in the weather on the Genk circuit disrupted the Qualifying Heats. On top of that, the Birel ART Racing Team was not spared the vagaries of competition. However, the weekend's ...
A GREAT PROTAGONISTOF THE OPENING OF THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Highly anticipated by all the best hopefuls of international karting, the 2021 OK European Championship started in Genk, Belgium. James Wharton reached a high level of competitiveness, despite the difficult weather conditions that put the 72 drivers involved to th ...
FIRST WINS OF THE SEASON FOR SLATER AND CAMARA The first Event of the 2021 FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior offered a thrilling spectacle from start to finish at the Horensbergdam circuit in Belgium. The intermittent rain of the previous day was replaced by good weather for the Final stages, which rewarded ...
RAIN PLAYS WITH COMPETITORS' NERVES IN GENK Saturday 15th May was a day filled with the majority of the Qualifying Heats of the 2021 FIA Karting European Championship - OK and Junior, and was marked by very changeable weather conditions. The circuit of Genk (BEL) was indeed the plaything of an unusually capricious weather sit ...
WEATHER AFFECTS QUALIFYING IN GENK On Friday 14 May, 174 drivers from 42 countries took part in the Qualifying Practice for the first of the four 2021 FIA Karting European Championship - OK and Junior - events at the Genk circuit (BEL). The changing weather situation played a role in the overall standings, although the track ...
SUCCESSFUL START TO THE SECOND HALF OF THE SEASON The organisation of the Champions of the Future by RGMMC in Belgium has certainly marked an important turning point in the 2021 sporting season. The first international competition of the year to leave Italian territory was accompanied by the discovery of the MG Ty ...
YOUNGSTERS READY TO TAKE ON THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP IN BELGIUM The circuit of Genk (BEL), the "Home of Champions", will launch the FIA Karting European Championship - OK & Junior from 13th to 16th May 2021. 190 drivers have registered for this grand opening event and the trend towards a younger OK category continues.The ...
Top 4 para Alfredinho Ibiapina na estreia da categoria internacional OK JúniorA 1ª etapa do Circuito Paulista, disputado no dia 01 de maio, em Birigui-SP, foi o início da preparação para o Mundial de Kart 2021 Muito mais que um troféu e um lugar no pódio foi o aprendizado que o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) recebeu nas provas da c ...
Genk: convincing performances beforethe European ChampionshipChampions of the Future, held from 29th April to 2nd May 2021, brought some notable changes to the competition two weeks before the start of the FIA Karting European Championship - OK and Junior. The first international event of the season to be held outside Italy, the race also marked th ...
LAST REHEARSAL BEFORE THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP James Wharton's 2021 season is about to get underway with the first round of the FIA Karting European Championship, which will take place on 14th-16th May in Belgium at the Genk circuit. The circuit was already full of life during the week of 2nd May with the start of the Champi ...
Very high performance on the adhesive track in Lonato The Italian manufacturer LeCont drew an extremely positive conclusion from the WSK Super Master Series, which ended with a magnificent field of 316 participants in Lonato. Throughout the meeting, the drivers enjoyed almost summer-like weather condit ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina inicia a preparação para o Mundial de KartNesta semana, o piloto participa do Circuito Paulista de Kart, em Birigui-SP, palco do campeonato mundial de 2021 Os olhos do mundo inteiro estarão voltados para o Brasil de 27 a 31 de outubro, semana em que será disputado o Campeonato Mundial de Kart pela primeira vez no Brasil ...
WSK SUPER MASTER:AL DHAHERI CHAMPION INOK-JUNIOR, COSTOYA 3RD IN MINI The fourth and final round of the WSK Super Master Series was very satisfying for the Parolin Motorsport team. The success of Rashid Al Dhaheri in OK-Junior, dominating the Lonato meeting and winning the Championship, was not the only positive p ...
Birel ART wins theWSK Super Master Series with KremersThe WSK Super Master Series concluded in Lonato with another success for Birel ART Racing driver Marijn Kremers. After his victory in Sarno, the 2019 World Champion has established himself as the overall winner of the KZ2 category within the series organised by WSK Promotion at the start of the ...
A RACE FULL OF LESSONS LEARNED Two weeks after his performance in KZ2 at the WSK Euro Series, James Wharton returned to the Lonato circuit, as well as to his OK kart, in order to prepare for the upcoming European events. The last round of the WSK Super Master Series allowed the Australian to demonstrate his fighting spirit in ...
FIA Karting World Championship in Brazil: a highly anticipated event The enthusiasm shared by Brazilians for motor racing in all its forms for decades will be rewarded in 2021 by the organisation of an FIA Karting World Championship for the first time at the Speed Park International Karting Circuit in Birigüi, in the state o ...
LeCont more present than ever at major events In 2021, the partnership between WSK Promotion and the Italian manufacturer LeCont will run for the entire season for the supply of tyres for the OK category. After the Champions Cup and the Super Master Series, it was the turn of the prestigious Euro Serie ...
PAROLIN BACK TO WINNING WAYS IN LONATO For the launch of the WSK Euro Series at Lonato, the tough competition, especially in the rainy Final stages, made the meeting particularly challenging for the drivers. The return of Al Dhaheri meant victory in OK-Junior for Parolin Motorsport, while the performances of Celen ...
Another KZ2 victory and an excellentlevel of performance in LonatoThe WSK Euro Series started this weekend on the Lonato circuit in a contrasting weather situation. After the sunshine of the first days, rain and coolness accompanied the Final stages. Birel ART Racing showed very good competitiveness in all categories. Kremers dominated KZ2 in all w ...
JAMES WHARTON DEFIES THE CONDITIONS IN LONATO The return of a major international race to the South Garda Karting circuit in Lonato did not come easily to the 253 drivers who took part in the first of three WSK Euro Series events (8th-11th April). They had good weather during all the Qualifying sessions, before having to race ...
Muito obrigado Deus pelo talento do @emmofittipaldi7 que largou na pre final em P11 e terminou em P3, aprendendo, aprendendo muito com os melhores pilotos do mundo.Obrigado Felipe @velozracing obrigado @raizen @fittipaldiwheels Minha equipe @dpkracing @fa_alonsokart @miguel_valldecabres @victrixagency @ompracing @bellracinghq@formula_med ...
DOUBLE WIN AT LA CONCA The second round of the WSK Super Master Series took place in the south of Italy at La Conca, a circuit renowned for its high grip. Costoya and Orjuela had a great duel in the Final stages which ended in a double win for Parolin Motorsport. In contrast to OK, there was no shortage of perform ...
OK podium at La Conca with KucharczykThe very sticky track of La Conca was the setting for the second round of the WSK Super Master Series in a demanding meeting for both drivers and machines. Kucharczyk and Bertuca confirmed the competitiveness of Birel ART in OK on this new track, while the young Van Langendonck was at the forefront of the Mini c ...
JAMES WHARTON - A FIGHTER IN HOSTILE TERRITORY Despite his mental strength, determination that is as great as ever and a talent that continues to assert itself, James Wharton experienced a difficult episode in the south of Italy. His participation in the second of the four events of the WSK Super Master Series (12th-14th Marc ...
A 13 ans, Maxime Furon-Castelain 3e du Trophée Académie FIA Karting, offre au Luxembourg un résultat historique en sport automobile.A 13 ans, Maxime Furon-Castelain 3e du Trophée Académie FIA Karting, offre au Luxembourg un résultat historique en sport automobile.Jeune espoir du karting international, le Luxembourgeois Maxime Furon-Castelain ...
Antonella Bassani domina etapa da Copa SP com pole position, vitórias e liderança na Rotax JuniorFinalista do FIA Girls on Track - Rising Stars tem tido sequência de fortes resultados no Brasil desde que participou de Seletiva na EuropaO Dia Internacional da Mulher é comemorado nesta segunda-feira, dia 8 de março, porém, na última sexta-feir ...
LeCont partners withWSK Promotion in OK in 2021 For the first time in its history, LeCont has been chosen as the official tyre distributor for all the WSK events of the season in the OK category. For the Italian manufacturer, this is further proof of the high level of performance and consistency of its ...
Adria 2021, episode 2Birel ART prepares for the futureThe Birel ART Racing team entered the second international event of the season, the first of the four competitions of the WSK Super Master Series with an almost complete line-up of 17 drivers. Longhi in KZ2, Kucharczyk in OK and Van Langendonck in Mini were able to put in top performances, in th ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina é campeão da 1ª etapa da Copa SPR Light de Kart com 100% de aproveitamentoO piloto curitibano conquistou a pole, duas vitórias e a marcou a melhor volta nas duas baterias da rodada A etapa de abertura da Copa SPR Light de Kart, realizada na última sexta-feira (26), no kartódromo Beto Carrero, em Penha-SC, teve o pilot ...
JAMES WHARTON'S PREPARATION FOR THE 2021 SEASON ACCELERATES Racing this season in OK with the official Parolin Motorsport team, James Wharton continues his intensive preparation for the great international FIA Karting championships of 2021. The young Australian karting hopeful has just taken part in the first of the four even ...
Chères et chers licenciés,Une réunion a eu lieu mardi 23 février 2021 avec plusieurs présidents de ligue et des membres de la FFSA pour faire un point sur la situation actuelle des compétitions karting.Il s’avère que le gouvernement a été informé d’un abus d’autorisation de manifestation sportive, dans une autre discipline que le sp ...
Good start with 2nd place for Renaudin in the WSK Champions CupPostponed by a few weeks for safety reasons, the WSK Champions Cup has just launched the international season on the Italian circuit of Adria with more than 335 participants from 51 countries. Adrien Renaudin of the Sodi Racing Team never left the top three in the KZ2 category before fi ...
The 2021 season starts in AdriaThe first competition of the 2021 season, the WSK Champions Cup allowed Birel ART Racing to debut it's team on the Adria Karting Raceway in the presence of a record number of participants. In Mini, the largest category, Van Langendonk did very well to reach 6th position in the Final. Spirgel showed excellent competiti ...
AN ENCOURAGING RETURN FOR JAMES WHARTON James Wharton returned to competition with great excitement and determination at the WSK Champions Cup at the beginning of 2021. On the international circuit of Adria in Italy, the Australian immediately took the lead in the OK category. The driver from the Ferrari Driver Academy and th ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina sobe no pódio na etapa de abertura da Copa São Paulo Light O primeiro compromisso de Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) na temporada 2021 está cumprido. Com 19 participantes na categoria Júnior Menor o piloto subiu no 4º lugar do pódio da Copa São Paulo Light. A competição foi disputada nesta sexta-feira (19) ...
Précisions sur le calendrier 2021 en Ligue Rhône-Alpes La répartition entre les catégories fédérales Sénior Cup, Master Cup, Gentleman Cup et la coupe de marque IAME X30 Junior et X30 Senior au sein de la Ligue Rhône-Alpes mérite apparemment quelques explications supplémentaires.L’élaboration du calendrier 2021 d ...
STRENGTHENED FORMATION AND PROGRAMME FOR THE PAROLIN MOTORSPORT TEAM In the first change of 2021, the official racing team of the Parolin Racing Kart factory has changed its name to become Parolin Motorsport Srl, a racing team in its own right. After its numerous successes in Mini, OK-Junior and OK, Parolin will m ...
DADD – PROGRAMME 2021Un programme sportif 2021 multi-niveaux Après une saison 2020 riche de plusieurs succès nationaux et internationaux, le Team DADD repart avec un programme 2021 ambitieux, dans l’esprit unique de faire progresser les jeunes pilotes dans un environnement professionnel, adapté à leurs besoins spécif ...
Copa São Paulo Light de Kart abre a temporada 2021 de Alfredinho IbiapinaCompetição será disputada de 17 a 19 de fevereiro em Interlagos Devido ao aumento dos casos de Covid-19 em São Paulo, a primeira etapa da Copa São Paulo Light, que seria disputada em janeiro, foi transferida para esta semana, de 17 a 19 de fevereiro. A competição ...
A high quality lineup for Energy Corse in 2021 A benchmark competition team on the international scene for more than two decades, Energy Corse is getting ready to start this new season in the best possible circumstances. No less than 14 drivers have already been announced and will race under the famous colours of the team led ...
Ekaterina Luescher follows in the footsteps of Maya Weug Following Maya Weug's recent move to Formula 4, Richard Mille is pleased to announce the selection of Ukrainian-born Swiss young talent Ekaterina Luescher to the "Richard Mille Young Talent Academy" for the 2021 season.During the last two seasons under the colours of th ...
Antonella Bassani abre temporada na Copa SP com pódios e destaque em nova categoriaApós decisão da Seletiva da FIA, catarinense competiu em duas categorias com forte performance e pódios em ambas, estreando na Rotax Max Masters e com pole position na JúniorA primeira etapa da Copa São Paulo KGV foi realizada na última sexta-feira (5), no Kar ...
Didier André – nouveau Présidentde la Ligue de Karting Rhône-Alpes Un plébiscite sans équivoque – Un programme dans l’intérêt du sport Samedi dernier, les membres du bureau de la Ligue de Karting Rhône-Alpes devaient choisir leur nouveau président. Pendant 24 ans, Michel Cagnon en avait assuré la pr ...
Frenchman Arthur Dorison and the two British drivers, Cathal Clark and Nathan Tye Jnr, will make their international debut in OK-Junior this year in the colours of Sodikart. In close collaboration with Sodi Racing Team manager Julien Dexmier, Jean-Philippe Guignet's objective is above all to continue to develop the Sodi / TM Racing teams in Junior ...
Maya Weug: two seasons with Birel ART before joining the Ferrari Driver AcademyThe young and talented Maya Weug is experiencing a beautiful story. The first female driver in history to join the Ferrari Driver Academy, she has seen several strokes of luck influencing her destiny in recent years. Birel ART is proud to have contributed in her rise to ...
Mais nova entre as finalistas, Antonella Bassani ressalta participação na Seletiva da FIA e FerrariPilota catarinense de 14 anos foi uma das quatro finalistas - dentre um grupo inicial de mais de 70 inscritas - no programa da Federação Internacional de Automobilismo, que selecionou a primeira integrante feminina da Academia Ferrari de PilotosEm ...
Antonella Bassani encerra 2020 com maratona no BR de Kart e foca na final da Seletiva da FIACatarinense de 14 anos participou de seis campeonatos nos últimos meses, com fortes performances, e agora se prepara para a fase final da Seletiva na Europa, que deve ser retomada em janeiroOs últimos dois meses foram de uma verdadeira maratona para Antone ...
Barra e coluna de direção tortas impedem Alfredinho Ibiapina de brigar por pódio na Codasur JúniorA disputa foi na 2ª fase do 55º Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart, encerrado no último sábado, no Speed Park, em Birigui-SP A segunda fase do 55º Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart serviu de grande experiência para o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (O ...
Com novos patrocinadores, Antonella Bassani disputa Brasileiro de Kart em 3 categoriasNo Kartódromo de Birigui, pilota catarinense participa de maratona, após disputar o Brasileiro na Júnior, e agora compete na Codasur Jr e OK JúniorApós conquistar o terceiro lugar na Copa São Paulo de Kart, Antonella Bassani virou as atenções para a disput ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina conquista pódio na maior e mais importante competição de kart nacionalCom 28 concorrentes, o piloto curitibano é Top 3 na Júnior Menor A última semana foi de disputas intensas no 55º Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart, que encerrou a 1ª fase no sábado (12), no kartódromo Speed Park, em Birigui-SP. Com 28 concorrentes d ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina tem desafio duplo no 55º Brasileiro de KartPiloto da Orcali tem disputas nas duas etapas: Júnior Menor, na primeira, e Codasur Júnior, na segunda fase O piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) e o time A8 Racing estão prontos para o maior desafio da equipe: disputar duas categorias na maior competição nacional de kart do ...
Antonella Bassani vence última etapa e fica com 3º lugar na Copa SP de KartCom chances de ser campeã, mesmo sem disputar uma etapa, Antonella venceu 2 corridas e teve 6 pódios no campeonato, ficando a apenas três pontos do títuloDuas semanas após sagrar-se Vice-Campeã do Brasileiro de Rotax, a pilota Antonella Bassani encerrou em grande est ...
Antonella Bassani chega para disputa da final da Copa SP de Kart com chances de títuloMesmo sem disputar uma das etapas, catarinense é 3ª no campeonato da Rotax Junior Max, apenas seis pontos atrás do líderEnquanto aguarda a definição da nova data para a grande final da Seletiva da FIA e Academia de Pilotos da Ferrari, Antonella Bassani volt ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina encerra a preparação para o Brasileiro no Top 5 A última etapa da Copa Speed Park, válida como Open do Brasileiro encerrada no sábado (21), teve o curitibano Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) no pódio. Com 28 concorrentes no grid da Júnior Menor, o piloto teve um desafio a mais, vencer os sintomas de uma rinite alérgica ...
Após voltar da Europa, Antonella Bassani é vice-campeã do Brasileiro de RotaxÚnica mulher da competição, Antonella desembarcou da Itália, vindo da seletiva da FIA e Academia de Pilotos da Ferrari, e, cerca de 24 horas depois, foi destaque com ótimo desempenho na categoria Rotax JúniorFinalista do ?FIA Girls on Track - Rising Stars?, a Sele ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina e equipe A8 Racing motivados para o Open do BrasileiroOs treinos iniciam no Speed Park nesta terça feira e é a última competição antes do certame nacional mais importante do país A quarta e última etapa da Copa Speed Park, válida também pelo Open do Brasileiro de Kart, será disputada nesta semana, sexta e sábado, ...
Antonella Bassani está entre as 4 finalistas na Seletiva da FIA e Academia FerrariApós atividades com o F4 em Paul Ricard, catarinense de 14 anos está entre as quatro meninas que disputam vaga na Formula 4 Italiana pelo time oficial de jovens pilotos da montadoraApós três etapas completadas na seletiva FIA Girls On Track - Rising Stars, a bras ...
Que orgulho ser brasileiro Aqui no mundial de kart FIA/CIK em Portimão Portugal a @mgtires depois de muitos testes concorrendo com fabricantes internacionais venceu e vai ser o pneu oficial do mundial , parabéns aos irmãos Marcello e Gianfranco Ventre no foto 1 com EMMO JR @emmofittipaldi7 Inauguraram a fábrica no Rio Grande do Sul a 29 anos de ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina encerra a Copa SPR Light de Kart no Top 3E nesta semana, o compromisso será em Interlagos, na final da Copa São Paulo Light Encerrada no último sábado (31/10), no kartódromo Beto Carrero World, em Penha-SC, a 5ª edição Copa SPR Light teve Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) no pódio da rodada dupla. Com três corridas vá ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina disputa a final da Copa SPR Light no Beto CarreroEtapa terá rodada dupla com pontuação dobrada na última corrida da temporada Com 48 pontos conquistados nas duas etapas concluídas da Copa SPR Light de Kart em 2020, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) ocupa o terceiro lugar na classificação da Júnior Menor. A rodada dupla, ...
Lesão e superação marcaram o final de semana de Alfredinho IbiapinaMesmo com dores o piloto decidiu participar da 3ª etapa da Copa Speed Park, em Birigui-SP Uma lesão nas costelas dificultou a participação de Alfredinho Ibipina (Orcali) na 3ª etapa da Copa Speed Park, realizada no último sábado, em Birigui, no interior paulista, mas ...
Na França, Antonella Bassani está entre as 8 semifinalistas da Seletiva da FIA e Academia FerrariApós uma semana intensa no circuito de Paul Ricard, a pilota catarinense de 14 anos passou pelas duas primeiras fases e está entre as oito classificadas para a terceira e penúltima fase do programaA pilota Antonella Bassani encerrou nesta sexta-fei ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina intensifica treinos para o Brasileiro de KartPiloto da Orcali está no Speed Park, em Birigui, palco do campeonato nacional em 2020 Devido a pandemia do COVID-19, a 55ª edição do Campeonato Brasileiro de Kart foi adiada de julho para dezembro. Com o objetivo de intensificar a preparação no traçado em que será realiza ...
Na Europa, Antonella Bassani inicia disputa da Seletiva FIA Girls on TrackCatarinense de 14 anos está entre as 20 finalistas do mundo para o programa da Federação Internacional de Automobilismo e Academia de Pilotos da Ferrari, que começa neste domingo (11) no circuito de Paul Ricard, na FrançaA pilota Antonella Bassani está pronta para o in ...
Top 5 para Alfredinho Ibipiana na Copa Speed Park Com 22 pilotos inscritos na categoria Júnior Menor, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) alcançou o 5º lugar na classificação da 2ª etapa da Copa Speed Park, realizada no último sábado, em Birigui, no interior paulista. A rodada marca o início da preparação do piloto curitibano para o ...
Antonella Bassani mantém a liderança na Rotax Jr Max, após pódio na Copa SP de KartPróximos desafios da catarinense já serão em torno do FIA Girls on Track - Rising Stars, Seletiva Mundial que ela participa a partir de outubro, na FrançaApós uma semana intensa de treinos, o último sábado (19) foi de disputas válidas pela 4ª etapa da Co ...
Vice-campeão Paranaense de Kart, Alfredinho Ibiapina foca agora no BrasileiroNesta semana, o piloto de Curitiba inicia os treinos no Kartódromo Speed Park, sede do campeonato nacional em 2020 No último sábado (19/09), o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali), foi um dos destaques da categoria Júnior Menor, no campeonato Paranaense de Kart, r ...
Kart – Diogo Moscato vence sua primeira etapa na Sprinter da Copa São Paulo Light Em dia de muito sol e forte calor, certame regional paulista realizou evento duplo, com três baterias para cada categoria Kartista da Bahia teve grande atuação O sábado 12 de setembro marcou a realização de evento duplo da FASP – Federa ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina disputa o Paranaense “em casa”Campeonato será realizado em etapa única nesta sexta e sábado, no Raceland Internacional, em PinhaisVindo de quatro finais de semana consecutivas de provas em São Paulo e Santa Catarina, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) participa do Campeonato Paranaense de Kart “em casa”. O piloto curitiban ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina é vice-campeão Sul-brasileiro de KartEm final eletrizante, o título máximo da Júnior Menor escapa por 0.140 milésimos de segundo A corrida final da categoria Júnior Menor no campeonato Sul-Brasileiro de Kart foi um teste para cardíacos. Realizada de 05 a 07 de setembro, no kartódromo Beto Carrero, em Penha-SC, a co ...
Antonella Bassani destaca competitividade no Sul-Brasileiro, antes de desafio internacionalNo Kartódromo do Beto Carrero, catarinense largou em 4º lugar na final, mas quebra mecânica a tirou da briga pelo pódio. Agora, ela disputa a Copa SP de Kart e se prepara para Seletiva da FIA e Ferrari Driver Academy na FrançaAntonella Bassani começou a ...
Embalada por vitória, Antonella Bassani disputa Campeonato Sul-Brasileiro de Kart no Beto CarreroCorrendo "em casa", catarinense vai em busca de título na categoria Júnior, no Kartódromo de Penha, onde teve um de seus pontos altos da carreiraO feriado do Dia da Independência do Brasil, comemorado em 7 de setembro, será diferente para Antonell ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina conquista pódio na Copa SPR, no Beto Carrero WorldTop 4 na Júnior Menor, piloto da Orcali disputa o Sul-brasileiro no próximo final de semana As expectativas de uma equipe para uma competição são sempre as melhores possíveis. Afinal, é para isso que os pilotos treinam, condicionam o corpo, se preparam física e psic ...
Biel Daum estreia no kart e na Copa SPR LightO piloto curitibano de 8 anos encara a primeira competição neste final de semana, no kartódromo Beto Carrero, em Penha-SC O fascínio de Biel Daum por carros e velocidade intrigou Joice Brito e Andrey Daum, pais do curitibano de 8 anos, que desde muito pequeno dá indícios de tendência au ...
Pane elétrica faz Alfredinho Ibiapina abandonar bateria válida para duas etapas da Copa São Paulo LightE nesta semana, a disputa será pela Copa SPR Light e Open do Sul-Brasileiro no kartódromo Beto Carrero na Santa e bela Catarina Com o retorno das competições, o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) terá uma agenda intensa nos pr ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina disputa rodada tripla da Copa São Paulo Light de KartPiloto curitibano busca recuperação no campeonato, que com esta rodada fecha a primeira metade da temporada Se a previsão de chuva para o dia 22 de agosto se confirmar no kartódromo de Interlagos, na capital paulista, a rodada tripla da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart ...
Na volta da Copa SP de Kart, Antonella Bassani marca a pole e vence na Rotax Jr MaxCatarinense provou grande desempenho, venceu uma das corridas e a etapa no geral, e assumiu a liderança do campeonatoA 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo de Kart, realizada no último sábado (8), no Kartódromo da Granja Viana, marcou o retorno do principal campeonato re ...
Na retomada do kart, Antonella Bassani disputa Copa SP, na Granja VianaCerca de um mês após ser anunciada como uma das finalistas da Seletiva da FIA e Academia Ferrari de Pilotos para jovens pilotas, catarinense volta às atividades no mais importante campeonato regional do paísApós quase cinco meses de pausa no calendário, por conta da pandem ...
Retomada complicada para Alfredinho IbiapinaRecuperação na primeira prova e abandono na segunda marcaram a 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart para o piloto da Orcali Depois de quatro meses sem competições, e cumprindo todos os protocolos de segurança contra o Covid-19, a 3ª rodada da Copa São Paulo Light de kart foi realizada no ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina participa da 3ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de KartObedecendo a rígidos protocolos de segurança em relação ao Covid-19, o piloto curitibano retoma o campeonato nesta semana, em Barueri Com mais de quatro meses sem competições de kart devido a pandemia do Covid-19, o piloto da Orcali, Alfredinho Ibiapina, retoma as ...
Antonella Bassani integra Seletiva Mundial da FIA e Ferrari para jovens pilotas na EuropaBrasileira de 14 anos está entre as 20 selecionadas para o programa "FIA Girls on Track - Rising Stars", que vai definir uma vaga na Academia de Pilotos da Ferrari e na Fórmula 4. Atividades presenciais acontecem a partir de outubro, na FrançaA maior presen ...
Mãe inicia treinos de kart para acompanhar o filho durante a pandemia do Covid 19Iana Ibiapina sai dos boxes e vai para a pista com o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina A máxima “não basta ser mãe, tem que participar” é levada muito a sério por Iana Ibiapina. Fã incondicional do fi ...
As finais mundiais Rotax irão ter lugar em Portimão em 2021. ...
Cumprindo o isolamento social, a equipe A8 Racing se prepara para a volta as pistas Enquanto os mecânicos trabalham no equipamento, Alfredinho Ibiapina se dedica ao condicionamento físico em casa As competições estavam a todo o vapor quando o Covid-19 desacelerou bruscamente o mundo. São quase 40 dias desde o último evento de ...
Portimão recebe Campeonato do Mundo FIA de Karting em Novembro de 2020 A pandemia do novo Coronavirus que assola o mundo, tem obrigado a FIA a uma complexa gestão na planificação das provas que foram adiadas ou canceladas. O Campeonato do Mundo FIA de Karting para as categorias OK e OK Júnior estava previsto acontecer no Brasil, no entan ...
Chassi quebrado prejudica rendimento de Alfredinho Ibiapina na etapa de abertura da Copa SPR Light A equipe A8 Racing conseguiu concertar o equipamento para a segunda bateria e o piloto encerrou a etapa em 3º lugar Realizada nos dias 13 e 14 de março, no kartódromo Beto Carrero, em Penha-SC, a 1ª etapa da Copa SPR Light de Kart ...
TOP 3 no Paulista Light, Alfredinho Ibiapina se prepara para a abertura do SPR de Kart A 5ª edição do maior campeonato de kart do Sul do país inicia neste sábado, no kartódromo Beto Carrero, litoral de Santa Catarina A temporada 2020 no kartismo brasileiro começou em grande estilo para o piloto curitibano Alfredinho Ibiapina. ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina volta a Interlagos para a 2ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de kart No próximo sábado acontece a 2ª rodada da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart, que marca o 3º compromisso do piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) na categoria Júnior Menor. Depois de ouvir a opinião de pilotos e equipes a organização do evento ...
Primeira etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de kart tem grid cheio na categoria Júnior Menor Com 23 concorrentes na pista, o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina suou o macacão para se adaptar ao traçado técnico de Interlagos No último sábado, o kartódromo Ayrton Senna, em Interlagos, na capital paulista, recebeu a 1ª etapa da Copa São P ...
Motivado pela boa estreia na Júnior Menor no Speed Park, Alfredinho Ibiapina vai a Interlagos, para a 1ª etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart A temporada 2020 começou em grande estilo. Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) estreou na Júnior Menor e já conquistou o primeiro pódio na categoria, no Troféu Ayrton Senna, há 10 dias, no ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina é destaque no Troféu Ayrton Senna Como prêmio, o piloto recebeu uma réplica do troféu que Ayrton Senna conquistou no GP Brasil de 1991, em uma corrida de extrema superação O domingo, do dia 24 de março de 1991, ficou marcado para sempre na memória de todos os brasileiros, e de grande parte do mundo. Com ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina inicia a nova temporada em nova categoria O Troféu Ayrton Senna, em Birigui-SP, é a competição de estreia do piloto na categoria Júnior Menor Grandes desafios no kartismo brasileiro foram enfrentados na temporada 2019 pelo curitibano, que mora em Florian ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina não resistiu e foi à Interlagos para a última etapa da Copa São Paulo Light de Kart A equipe A8 Racing já havia anunciado o encerramento das atividades no kart em 2019, mas Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) quis aproveitar mais um pouco o kart da Cadete, já que em janeiro será graduado para a categoria Júnior ...
Guki Toniolo teve etapa do Light prejudicada por incidentes Passado o susto da última batida que obrigou o piloto a abandonar a prova, a equipe Speedkart se prepara para o último desafio do ano: A 50 Milhas de Kart da Granja Viana Com foco na preparação para a temporada 2020, Guki Toniolo, representante da cidade gaúcha de Bent ...
O Catarinense de Kart foi a última competição do ano para o piloto Romullo Ribas O Kartódromo dos Ingleses, em Florianópolis, recebeu de 06 a 08 de dezembro o Campeonato Catarinense de Kart, que marcou o fechamento do ano de competições para o piloto Romullo Ribas. Competindo pela categoria Cadete, o piloto teve um ano complicado no karti ...
Romullo Ribas teve mais uma etapa difícil na Copa SPR Light de Kart O Kartódromo dos Ingleses, em Florianópolis, recebeu de 06 a 08 de dezembro o Campeonato Catarinense de Kart, que marcou o fechamento do ano de competições para o piloto Romullo Ribas. Competindo pela categoria Cadete, o piloto teve um ano complicado no kartism ...
Guki Toniolo sai do Catarinense direto para a Copa São Paulo Com foco na temporada 2020, o piloto participa da última etapa da Copa São Paulo Light, em Interlagos Vida de piloto não é fácil! Encerrado o Campeonato Catarinense de Kart, no último domingo, em Florianópolis, o piloto Guki Toniolo seguiu viagem para a capital Pau ...
Catarinense de Kart marca a despedida de Alfredinho Ibiapina na CadeteNa próxima temporada o piloto será graduado para a categoria Júnior Menor Disputado de 06 a 08 de dezembro, no Kartódromo dos Ingleses, em Florianópolis, o Campeonato Catarinense de Kart encerrou um ciclo na carreira do piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali). Esta foi a ú ...
Catarinense de Kart será a última competição oficial de Romullo Ribas na temporada 2019 O estadual será disputado no kartódromo dos Ingleses, em Florianópolis O ano está no fim e o calendário de competições também. O Catarinense de Kart será o último campeonato que o piloto Romullo Ribas disputará na temporada 2019. A ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina se despede da Cadete O piloto disputa o Catarinense de Kart neste final de semana em Florianópolis De 06 a 08 de dezembro, o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) estará no kartódromo dos Ingleses, em Florianópolis-SC, para a disputa do Campeonato Catarinense de Kart. Esta será a última competição do piloto na ...
Guki Toniolo é TOP 4 no Gaúcho de kart O piloto de Bento Gonçalves conquista um lugar no podium em sua primeira participação no estadual O Kartódromo de Venâncio Aires, no Rio Grande do Sul, recebeu nos dias 30 de novembro e 1º de dezembro a edição 2019 do Campeonato Gaúcho de Kart. Integrante da categoria Cadete há sete ...
Guki Toniolo disputa o Campeonato Gaúcho de KartA competição será neste final de semana no kartódromo de Venâncio Aires Embalado pelo título de campeão Cadete da Copa Centro Serra Gaúcha em outubro, o piloto Guki Toniolo está na cidade de Venâncio Aires para a disputa do Campeonato Gaúcho de Kart. Distante pouco mais de 100 km de B ...
Guki Toniolo disputa o Campeonato Gaúcho de Kart A competição será neste final de semana no kartódromo de Venâncio Aires Embalado pelo título de campeão Cadete da Copa Centro Serra Gaúcha em outubro, o piloto Guki Toniolo está na cidade de Venâncio Aires para a disputa do Campeonato Gaúcho de Kart. Distante pouco mais de ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina conquista pódio no Paranaense de Kart em Campo MourãoO piloto foi o mais rápido em todas as baterias, largou na pole, mas faltou sorte na prova final De 14 a 16 de novembro o piloto Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) esteve no kartódromo de Campo Mourão na disputa pelo Campeonato Paranaense de Kart. Estreante no traçado, Ib ...
Romullo Ribas está no Top 5 do Paranaense de Kart 2019 O piloto enfrentou dificuldades com o acerto do kart, mas fez boa largada na prova final e garantiu um lugar no podium da Cadete O Campeonato Paranaense de Kart, disputado de 14 a 16 de novembro, em Campo Mourão foi de estreia para o piloto Romullo Ribas. Com novos integrantes ...
Romullo Ribas inicia hoje os treinos para o Paranaense de Kart em Campo Mourão O piloto Romullo Ribas, conhecido nas pistas como Menino de Ferro, inicia nesta quinta-feira os treinos oficiais para o Paranaense de Kart. Integrante da categoria Cadete, o comandante do kart numeral 21 estréia no traçado do kartódromo de Campo Mour ...
Alfredinho Ibiapina disputa o Paranaense de Kart em Campo Mourão De 14 a 16 de novembro, Alfredinho Ibiapina (Orcali) estará no kartódromo de Campo Mourão, região Centro Ocidental do Paraná, para a disputa do Campeonato Paranaense de Kart. Estreante no traçado, o piloto curitibano segue em busca do título de campeão estadua ...
Toyota entra para a Stock Car em 2020 e lança academia de talentos ainda em 2019 no Brasil O chapecoense João Pedro Bortoluzzi é um dos seis pilotos a participar da primeira seletiva da montadora no país Uma nova história começa a ser escrita no automobilismo brasileiro. A Toyota anunciou na última segunda-feira (11/11), em B ...
Guki Toniolo é campeão Cadete da Copa Centro Serra Gaúcha Pole position e duas vitórias levam o piloto de Bento Gonçalves à conquista do título máximo da temporada 2019 O domingo foi de festa para a equipe SpeedKart em Farroupilha, no Rio Grande do Sul. Integrante da categoria Cadete, o piloto Augusto Toniolo alcançou a pol ...
Líder na Cadete, Augusto Toniolo disputa o título da Copa Centro Serra Gaúcha A etapa final da competição será neste final de semana no kartódromo de Farroupilha Com quatro vitórias e duas pole positions na 3ª e 4ª etapas, Augusto Toniolo, o Guki, assumiu a liderança da Copa Centro Serra Gaúcha pela categoria Cade ...